Sequel: Time Will Tell.
Status: Finished and posting sequel, 'Time Will Tell.' :)

You Found Me

My Wish

“Thanks.” I whispered to Nick as he handed me the guitar.
I licked my dry lips again- they only dried up when I was nervous.

As I settled on the chair by Jodie’s bed. I put the guitar on my lap.

“This May be quite bad because I only wrote it last night. The words just seemed to flow.” I smiled gently

“Its called 'My Wish',” I said as I strummed the guitar to bulid the melody..

I hope that the days come easy and the moments pass slow,
And each road leads you where you want to go,
And if you're faced with a choice, and you have to choose,
I hope you choose the one that means the most to you.
And if one door opens to another door closed,
I hope you keep on walkin' till you find the window,
If it's cold outside, show the world the warmth of your smile,

But more than anything, more than anything,
My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
Your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can hold,
And while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,
Yeah, this, is my wish.

I hope you never look back, but ya never forget,
All the ones who love you, in the place you left,
I hope you always forgive, and you never regret,
And you help somebody every chance you get,
Oh, you find God's grace, in every mistake,
And you always give more than you take.

But more than anything, yeah, and more than anything,
My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
Your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can hold,
And while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,
Yeah, this, is my wish.

My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
Your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can hold,
And while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,
Yeah, this, is my wish.

This is my wish
I hope you know somebody loves you
May all your dreams stay big

The tears were gently flooding down my cheeks and filled the silence in a nice, 'pitter patter', melody. Jodie's eyes were glazed over as she looked down. That same spark of energy was suddenly restored to her emerald eyes as she glanced up at me, smoothered in emotions.
“Sam I don’t understand…” but I cut her off.
“Jodie I know that you have a great life, you have found love, but I want to help you fulfill your last wish, I want to have your and Nick’s baby.”

“Thank you, Sam this means the world to me.” she mumbled as the tears, carefully framed her hollow pale cheeks, absorbing the wetness that flowed from her eyes. I grabbed her hand again, "I know." I whispered.
The silence consumed us once again. I didn't like silence anymore. It was like a death notice. It scared me. It scared me because something was falling apart and the suspense was waiting for it to snap. I couldn't snap. Not anymore- Not ever.
“I’ll go get some tissues.” I smiled wiping the tears from my eyes.

“So you must be Sam?” A voice spoke from behind me as I shut the door of Jodie and Nick’s room.

As I spun on my heels to face, a middle aged woman with Nick’s chocolate orbs. It was Nick’s Mom.

“Erm...Yeah hi," I waved awkwardly and swayed on my heels. "Um..Yes..I-I am Samantha....Mrs Jonas..” I said, biting my lip and rubbing my hands together. God what was it with the Jonas family that made me nervous?

“I just wanted to thank you.” she said with her eyes glistening, and a beautiful angel smile graced her faceand fashioned into her creamy skin; making her glow. She was stunning.

“Its fine..." I whispered looking down at my feet as I rocked gently."I think I owe Jodie this in many respects- I have oodles of respect for Jodie. She is a beautiful woman." I smiled.
She smiled and rubbed my shoulder in a caring gesture before walking off muttering something about 'attending to matters.' But really she was just leaving me alone with Nick. He leant against the door frame intimadatingly, and gazed at me with wide eyes. I felt uncomfortable and out of place. "What?" I demanded, before trying to push past him to go into the bathroom. It was horribly useless. He was mush to strong for me. Damn. Stupid self defense wasn't going to help if I was up against him. "Nothing," He said before shifting off the frame and stalking away like a sly fox. What on earth was his problem? I watched him leave down the narrow hallway, shaking my head before attending my thoughts onto one thing: Tissues.

As got the tissues from the bathroom, I knew that I did the right thing.
That this baby I am going to have will be the best thing to happen to Jodie and Nick.

And It will save them.
♠ ♠ ♠
Comment please

love this song <3