Sequel: Time Will Tell.
Status: Finished and posting sequel, 'Time Will Tell.' :)

You Found Me

Silly Boy.

"Sam...Is-Is that alright? Can I call you that?" He asked breathlessly, finally letting me rest on a grassy hill. An odd thing to find in the City. My blue eyes flickered up at the blue sky, and diverted as quickly as they were raised; They flashed in an almost stabbing way into his brown eyes with a harsh glare, and an ear piercing growl parted through my lips. He winced. I win. "Non. Jamais." I hissed through my teeth, before flicking my long hair back over my shoulder. He glanced up at me in a fakely mocking manner of confusion. What poor acting skills-He understood alright, he was just being difficult.
"Sam it is."
A low snarl escaped my lips, and I glared even further, my hand raising and whacking him over the back of his head. "I was born Samantha, not Sam, Silly boy, and I'd prefer to keep it that way." I thought about pouncing and beating him to a pulp, but thought better of it. Besides, I thought. I don't really want him to have the victory of my overreaction. Though In all truth, I'd love to see him cry when a girl beat him up. It was hilarious just thinking about it. Unfortunately I laughed abit too loud.
"What's so funny, princess?"
I looked up. I would've hit him, but I was too wrapped up in my own little joke.
"La boucherie." I grinned, poking my tongue out at him and laughing at his startled expression.

"La boucherie, as in, butchers?"
I looked at his expression and burst into a fit of laughter. Of course I mean't the butchers, I wanted to cut him into little chunks. He. Was. Plainly. Annoying. Beyond. All. Belief.
"Non! Non!" I insisted, still laughing,at his hurt expression, "La bibliothe`que."
He shook his head, uncertainly. He obviously didn't listen properly. I pondered why. Oh, well. I suddenly remembered, I didn't care. The stranger gave up on trying to speak French completely-Not that I blamed him. It was a hard language to learn. Any language for that matter. "Sam-" He cut off mid word and rubbed his neck sheepishly, "Um, er, Samantha, I mean. I've basically tugged you along with me against my better decision, so I guess this was coming..."
I stared at him blankly. He gave me a look to suggest, 'Are-You-Stupid', and shrugged, looking around nervously. "Etes-Vous Occupe`?"
I sighed. This boy obviously thought he was funny. But I'd be the one laughing in the end. A plan unfolded before my eyes. This was the perfect opportunity. I gave in once and for all. My lips pouted in disgust, as I turned and meet his stare. "Je suis libre."
His brown eyes glimmered, "Good." He glanced past the black iron gates we were leaning against, past some green hedge and into the water below, with that same distant look. Joy, Oh Joy, he's up to something again.
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:) She's still not fully comfortable, so next few chapters, a few sentences will be in french. BUT not all of it. :)