Sequel: Time Will Tell.
Status: Finished and posting sequel, 'Time Will Tell.' :)

You Found Me

Lies, Lies And More Pretty Lies.

"Come on beautiful, you'll be fine." Aledreo crooned, trying to lure me out of the car. I still hadn't told him and it was driving me crazy. Plus the cooking hadn't excactly gone to plan, the steak was fine but I had burn't the chips. I had to run to KFC (The fattest takeaway ever) and get some new ones and then run to the supermarket for some ketchup. I never been a big fan of ketchup. It has a more refined and stronger taste compared to tomato sauce- And I loved my tomato sauce. Wattie's is the best. My aunt living in New Zealand sent a bottle every year around Christmas time-It was always gone before January.

"B-BBut Aledreo..." I whined, when he suddenly just picked me up bridal style off the seat and set me down on the driveway. I huffed. "Fine, you win."
He grinned, and took the bowls out of my hands and kissed my cheek. "Why so nervous all of a sudden? I thought they were your friends-The ones you've been spending most of your time on."

I smiled lightly at Aledreo and bit my lips to try keep back a laugh. "Alittle jealous, huh?"
I poked his side. He stuck his tongue out at me. "Maybe. I dunno..." He stopped mid sentence and grinned wider. " it." He said before laughing and kissing my flushed cheeks.

"Pssht, whatever." I laughed, before pushing the doorbell nervously. The day really had just flown by. "I love you." I suddenly blurt, feeling the urge to say so.
Aledreo laughed. "I love you too, baby."

The door opened along with the over whelming scent of cinnamon. Liberty had opened the door. "Samantha!" She giggled, before flinging her arms around my neck. I smiled and gave her an awkward hug back. She smiled and pulled away, straightening out her emerald cocktail dress. "Who's this?" She asked tilting her head to the side and frowning, acting like she hadn't expected me to be in a relationship. Gah this was so confusing. I get such werid vibes from this family.

"This is my boyfriend," I say proudly, as Aledreo kisses my cheek. "This is my Aledreo."
"I see," She says nodding her head towards my promise ring. "Hello, nice to..ah.. meet you. I'm Liberty-Jodie's sister. I'm sure Sam has mentioned her,"

Al turned to me with a raised eyebrow mouthing, 'Sam?!' Yeah, he never called me that. Like I said, I hate poeple calling me that. I just smiled and shook my head, and he decided not to say anything else.

"Pleasure, I assure you." Aledreo said, smiling and shaking her hand. His eyes gazed around the room behind her in awe, then returned his fixed gaze back to Liberty. "Where's your brother? I think it's.. Strength, right?" He didn't let her have the chance to answer. " I'd love to meet him." He says, smirking evilly abit.

I had to laugh fakely and slap his chest for him to get this wasn't the time.

Yeah so I kinda told Aledreo about him. I tell him everything. He senses when I hold back. Like he knows I'm keeping something from him now. Aledreo cracked his knuckles. I shivered, and slapped him again as Liberty let us in. Then Violet waltzed in wearing simple jeans and T-shirt. Not that I had any probem with this. It took even more swooning to convince Aledreo to dress appropriately- Meaning not in a tux or anything else that he usually did. And that had to apply to me as well. So because he had to dress the way I wanted, I'd have to dress the way he wanted. And we both have very different ideas.

He chooses flashy but classy. I choose simple, but sophistacated. And before you get wrong ideas about the term, 'flashy', I mean the price. He bought me a dress and demanded I wear it for this occasion. And because I suck at getting my own way when he kisses me, I had to agree.

"You look nice," Violet smiles, and then gives me a hug, before turning to Al. "You must be Samantha's beau. It's nice to finally meet you."

She gave him a quick hug as Liberty quickly picked up her coat. "Well, Samantha you know where the kitchen is. Me, Liberty and Strength have a flight to catch back to Dallas. We'll see you another time, lovely."

I nodded and gave them both a hug and a kiss on each cheek. "Bye Violet. Bye Libs, It was nice meeting you."

"And you too. Good luck to you and Aledreo." Liberty says, before giving him a hug and exiting out the door. Aledreo whistles and shakes his head. "Well that was..."
"Awkward." I finish before flashing him a grin, our noses touching again. He smiled and leant in till' our lips meet. "I love you," He murmurs, a second later before kissing me again.

"Hey I heard Sam was here..." I heard someone yell as they ran down the stairs. "And oh.."
I push Aledreo away from me looking up and blushing. Nick was standing Mid-way on the stairs with his mouth hanging open alittle. I smiled sheepishly, as Aledreo's laughs in were muffled into my skin. I waved awkwardly. "Ah...Hey, Nick..."

He regained his posture. "Oh...hey..Sam?" He cleared his throat, before reaching the bottom of the stairs. "And, um, who's this?"

"That must be Aledreo!" Joe yelled, as he ran into the staircase and slid down it. He ran to me gave me a quick hug before looking at Aledreo. "Hey I'm Joe! You must be Sam's boyfriend." He says confidently, saying the 'boyfriend' bit kind of rhymy, which made me blush. Aledreo smiled, and his grip was tighter on my hand. "Yep, that's me. I'm a lucky man."

Then more people came down the stairs. Frankie and finally Jodie.

Frankie was holding Jodie's pale hand and chatting to her, as she decended down the long staircase. It was much too long for her to walk down. Soon she wouldn't be able to. Nick watched her warily, especially her knuckles turning white at the strain of it all. I watched her too. The white gown she was wearing was almost as white as her skin. And that's saying something. I watched her hand too, wondering what was missing. I stared at it as long as I could trying to figure it out but I couldn't. Then it suddenly just snapped as I gazed down at my own hand. On it was the promise ring. The promise of devotion and marriage. Now I knew what it was. Jodie was no longer wearing her wedding ring.
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:( Kind of sad. Subbsccccrrriiibbbbbe. :P