Sequel: Time Will Tell.
Status: Finished and posting sequel, 'Time Will Tell.' :)

You Found Me

Time To Say Goodbye

As the days flew past in a blur of tears and pain.
Everything had been planned. Denise had phoned to tell me that she wanted my help to plan the funeral.
I was honoured I only knew Jodie for a short period of time, but she had sort of become my best friend.
I was still confused why she had asked Me to loved Nick, but I guess that she wanted to die knowing nick wasn’t on his own.
Jodie was being buried in the grounds of the church where she and Nick got married.
It was like a full cycle, they married here now they are saying goodbye here.
For the funeral, Nick Said he wanted it to be a closed casket.

So on the day of the funeral.
No body wore black.
Jodie wanted a party, not a funeral.

As Joe, Nick, Kevin, Strength and Gerald carried the coffin to the alter to the sound of Hello Beautiful.

As I looked around, I saw Violet and Liberty, they looked broken everybody did.
I Guess they knew this was coming but you still can’t Prepare for it.

The church was filled with fresh flowers for every colour.

Has they Reached the alter.
Nick turned to read something.

You said that you had Tumour, You told me you would die.
I couldn't quite believe it but you looked me in the eye.
I thought you'd stay forever, I thought I would have kids with you.

You told me you were leaving, there was nothing you could do.
I watched you quickly crumble, you turned into a wreck.
My strong mentor gave up,

I can't lose my Wife, God knows she drives me round the bend.
They said you had a full year yet and you'd see it to its end.
We both knew you wouldn't though, we knew you'd given in,

Who could blame you for it, no reason to bear and grin.
Walking home a few weeks later and I began to cry.
I had to tell you I loved you and say my last goodbye

I knew that you were leaving that you where leaving soon, something told me so.
I fell to my knees and pleaded with god, please don't let her go.
I knew that it was a selfish want, and I knew you were in pain.
But each extra day I spent with you was such a massive gain,

God came to meet you that night, I felt his touch in there
He had came to guide my one true love to heaven through the air,
He lifted you gently in his arms and carried you away”

As he finished the pain in his eyes was clear to see.
I hadn’t spoken to him since Jodie Died, He hadn’t spoken to anyone.
The rest of the service passed in more tears and a speech from strength on how he would his little sister.
It was heartbreaking.

After the Funeral I wanted to go home and curl up in bed and cry.
But someone grabbed my Arm.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know its quite short but it deserves to be a chapter on its own.
I have realised that the word fun is in funeral. Weird right ?
I love this chapter its so sad.
So comment !! :’(.
♥ ♥ ♥