Sequel: Time Will Tell.
Status: Finished and posting sequel, 'Time Will Tell.' :)

You Found Me

Lost and Insecure.

As quickly as we stopped running, was as quickly as we started again. I huffed in annoyance, and people seemed to clear way as we bull dosed through them. They looked at him like he was a god- Like he shone rays of hope and happiness on the clouds of their rainy day- Or good sweetening to bad news. What no earth was their problem ?He was another freaking' person. A pretty good looking one, you had to admit. Stupid American boy was causing all these problems for me. I ignored the pulling sensation that held me in place close to the streets I was used to and comfortable in. Nothing looked familiar now. Maybe I was delusional, or too caught up in the rush- Because everything flew past in a blur of grey and green. The boy kept tugging forwards at his fast, speedy pace like a steam train.
He could've been blowing steam out for all I knew. And another thing. Why on planet earth, would you want to be stuck with me. I was annoying, irritating, and got on your nerves ALOT- Plus, there was the undeniable trait of being very independent. I'm completely opposite of what's described to be perfect, so why did this boy insist on pulling me all through the streets of Paris? He obviously hated me, or his eyes had something horribly wron-Hey! He could be blind! Logical? I say YES!
I waved my hand in front of his face, which made him come to a complete standstill, and because, he still was pulling me by the hand, I collided straight into his back.
"Oof," I complained, rubbing my forehead with my free hand. Wow, look at those nails. I really needed to get out of the habit of biting them. Or get fake ones. Whichever one comes first.

He chuckled, and muttered a sorry. "Hey, err, Samantha, why were you waving your hand in front of my face?"
"Checking if you were blind," I waved off, scratching my head and licking my dry lips.
He laughed. "If I was...Blind? Samantha, let me check your temperature, there's got to be something wrong with you."
I slapped his warm hand away with a laugh, glancing down at our hands. Eww, it seemed we were linked together- Laced; Couple style. He looked down, his cheeks flushing, and then looked away. He kept a tighter grip- Much to my shock. We past a market, selling breads, and fish and fresh fruit. The smells wafered in the air, and I, being the food lover I am, greedily engulfed the scents in huge gulps. It smelt good. Really, good. It's times like these, when you really wish you ate your aunt's world-famous, Rasberry jam-and lemon tart.
My tummy rumbled-I ignored it. We came to a greyly solemn street, laden with street lamps, and bearing people by the truck loads. It was oddly unique, with smooth, pale grey bricks.
The street came to life like a fairytale; The light poured on it, covering the street in an eerie yellowy gold- An almost perfect replica of 'The Wizard Of Oz'. It didn't feel right. Almost un-comfortable, Out-of-place; Just like lame ad jingles coming on when your favorite TV show's about to start. Irritating. Stupid. Impatient. Brown eyes glanced down at me and locked my blue gaze; The corners of his mouth folded up alittle. With a click flick, and a whip of wind in my face, we were on the other side of the street. Another unexplained issue I'd have to pressure him about later. He was suddenly tense again, and I knew just glancing at him, that playing journalist wasn't the time. I sighed and bowed my head.
He dropped my hand as we gained speed towards an victorian looking building; A clean cut white, trimmings cut into it in fine detail, and two masks. Obviously a theatre, by the way it looked. I looked over at the boy.

"Drama, huh? Never see you as an actor. More as in one of those boy bands, you know, like My Chemical Romance?"
He didn't reply, his smiled just grew a teensy weensy bit bigger. God, what have I gotten myself into. His figure, lurched forwards, and I watched in disbelief, as a whish of his plaid red shirt disappeared through the door with his body. His entrance was quite remarkable- Almost like he owned the place. He glided up the aisle, gracefully, like he had a thousand times. He then stood on the grand stage, which was coated by a marvelous red curtain. It was jaw dropping - Beautiful golden maple, crisom curtains, plus him in the centre seemed to complete it. Curses him. He cleared his throat, and scratched the back of his neck nervously. I tilted my head to the side, and looked away from my staring. I tried to glide down the aisle like he did. It didn't work. I looked like an awkward hen learning to walk on one leg. Oh, well. I sat down on a seat in the middle row, and waited for him to say something. He let a deep breath out.

"My name is Gerald." I waited more. It was so simple, but had more impact then you could imagine. But there was a blunt look in his eye. Liar.
"No, um, it's not," I muttered, just loud enough for him to hear. Damn it. I cursed myself and slapped my head mentally. He jumped in surprise.
"Yes..." It came out nervously. This time he let his guard down; and I could slip through the defense easily by the vulnerability in his eyes. He lied horribly. knew it, too. "Ugh, fine. Violet, Jodie, can you please explain to her?"
I heard two more voices echoing in whispers like wind travelling.
No..... No.............. And then louder, No..... No......You must tell her......
I shuffled in all awkwardness. He sighed. "My name is Nick, and this is Violet and Jodie,"
I watched as two girls stepped onto the stage next to the curly, brown eyed boy, who was apparently named Nick. One had pretty dark chocolate hair that glimmered and reflected the perfect beams off the stage lights in dazzling gold; Wide, innocent emerald eyes and perfect pouted pink lips. But there was something wrong with her. Her skin was stretched over her face too thinly; Too pale; Too white. The other had waist length orange hair; Twinkling blue eyes which seemed to light up even more when she glimpsed at me. Her full red lips turned into a wide grin; Just like the Cheshire cat.

He didn't bother to wait for me to digest the information. Tat's Jodie-" He pointed at the Brown haired girl, "And this is Violet." He gestured at the red head.
I glanced at both of them. They both were very pretty and stared back with small pondering eyes. I shifted my gaze and glanced back at Nick. He was biting his lip, nervously.
"Oui, But what does this have to do with me?"
I looked at Jodie; her eyes closed by the light stroke of his hand- it was obvious she was in great Her eyes opened almost like giant weights were clamping them together- A great struggle. Her chalky lips pressed together in a fine line. "Nick..." She gasped out, swallowing in huge wad fulls of air, tilting slightly. Violet quickly reached out, and grasped her waist to support her. "Maybe it's too much to ask...I mean look at the girl...So pretty," She breathed, smiling at me, and coughing again. I tried to swallow the lump in my throat. It was nearly impossible. "Jodie," I finally said, as they slowly lowered her down on the stool; centre stage- What a view.. "Why do you need my help?" This seemed to get odder and odder, the more I thought about and the more it frustrated me. Jodie glanced at them, and got an encouraging smile from Violet. Without warning, she rose stiffly from the stool. Violet came too, but was quickly swatted away by Jodie's hand and fierce glare. Jodie walked down the stairs, and painfully plodded herself into the chair, with a loud gasp. She looked as if she'd been instantly aged so young. "I'm dying," She said quietly. "I'm going to die, and I'm only 23."
"-That's not true Jod, the doctor's said if-" Nick quickly cut in, in an almost pleading manner, which made me wonder how much time she had left.
"Hush," Jodie silenced, wavering her hand. They stopped talking at once. "If this is too much to ask of you, please just say so. I mean you're such a pretty girl, and so young too, and I could never pressure you or guilt you into this-"
I gave her a blank look, which cut her words short.
"I--I-" She looked down and clasped her hands together. "I'm going to die. A-And I can't have children," She whispered. I obviously still wasn't catching on. "I only have ten months left in me, only ten." She breathed. "And the only thing in the world, that I want and can't have is a child," She smiled, and her voice went all lovey dovey when she said the word child. "And-And, so I'm asking you...If-If you could have a baby for me." She finally choked out.
I stared into her emerald orbs, in complete shock. I zoned out completely in horror, and seemed to zone in and out of darkness, which made me wonder if I had fainted yet, or not.
Not, by the way, her creamy skin suddenly was out of the blur. She what? Wanted me to get pregnant? To have a random baby for her? my child that she could call her own? Why me out of everyone else? Was this part of the joke? I looked at Jodie's face and my head was flooded with her words. They seemed to link, and make my every thought a blur. I'm dying, I'm going to die and I'm just 23.....

"You want me to just have a random baby for you?" I asked, scratching my head. Jodie glanced back at Violet and Nick nervously.
"Not just anyone's baby," She sighed, grasping my hand between her clammy fingers, "I want you to have my husband's child; To have a child of his."
I was blank then. I didn't understand. Her husband's child? What does that mean?
"I want you to have Nick's baby."

Note To Self: Reason's to resent hot boy.

1. He pulled you away against your will.
2. Obviously full of himself.
3. His wife is beautiful, faithful, young, and going to die graciously.
4.Too good for you.
♠ ♠ ♠
Please forgive the mistakes, I'm tired and all I want is to go to sleep. This chapter is for jojoxx, thank you very much, lovely. Comments please :)