Sequel: Time Will Tell.
Status: Finished and posting sequel, 'Time Will Tell.' :)

You Found Me

Blah, Blah, Blah.

I left. Simple as that. If he needed space...Well fine by me.

I didn't need him. I needed everything; I craved for my everything that I couldn't and wouldn't get back. It was time to build up the foundations again. It was time I looked after me first.

I stared at the phone for three days straight. If I was going to do anything with my life, I was going to have to be the first one to make the next move. And as much as I disliked running away from problems, maybe this was suitable. Maybe it was okay this time.

With a shaky hand, I pressed speed dial 1. And for the first time in weeks an almost smile pressed against my face . I looked in the smashed fragments of my mirror that lay on the ground. I frowned at my reflection. The girl before me had soft brown hair that cascaded to her waist. Her ice blue eyes vanished and replaced with a greeny blue. Her lips pink and full, a sluggish fat tear trailing down her cheek. My mind flashed to the images of the girl crying by a lake. I was the girl.

"Bonjour, Je'mapelle Eliza."

A echoing sob escaped the girls lips. "Bonjour, le aunt Eliza..." I stopped and prevented my lower lip from quivering by biting down on it. "I'm coming home. I'm coming back to France."


"Le Aunt Eliza!" I squealed, before running into her open arms. She sobbed and carresed my hair and stroked my back, and continued to weep. I smiled through my own tears. She was my real mother. She had to be. No person could be such an angel, except this beautiful woman.

"You're home," Uncle Frudrick told me. "You're finally home."
I smiled. It suddenly felt right to say so. "I'm home."
♠ ♠ ♠
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