Sequel: Time Will Tell.
Status: Finished and posting sequel, 'Time Will Tell.' :)

You Found Me

Its called fate

I looked up and gasped. "Nick?"

“Hi, Samantha” Nick said as he rubbed the back of his neck. From the time I spent with him and Jodie I learnt that he only did this when he was nervous.

“Nick, what are you doing here?, I thought you needed space” I asked without giving him time to answer.

“Samantha, I missed you” he said as he sat down beside me.
I stayed quiet. I was literally speechless.
“In these past few weeks that you have been gone, something inside me has clicked”
He continued
“Nick, Please don’t do this to me again. You are the reason why Al left me” I turned to look at him.

“yeah but do you not think everything happens for a reason ?” he asked

“yeah I do its called it fate” I replied


He looked down at the script.

“Broken Mirrors and Broken Lies?”

“yeah I was going to audition for the lead on the day that I met you and Jodie” I looked down at the sand.

“Oh” his mouth formed a perfect O shape.

“Yeah oh” I looked toward the setting sun

“this is what I missed most about paris” I said

“What the sunset?” Nick looked confused

“Yeah, no matter how bad life gets, how lonely I feel, its still there. I love how the dusty pink and red blends with the Yellow, it makes me feel like I am not alone” I whispered.


“I was wondering why are you calling me Samantha, you always call me Sam” I asked him.
“Well, I don’t know its just seems to suit you here, when we are at home you are Sam but here your different, you are Samantha.” he said.

I smiled at him.

He smiled back.

There was that feeling again. Butterflies.
Everytime he smiled at me, I got them.
His smile makes me melt and all them angry feelings disappear.

I didn’t love him but I was starting to fall for him.

Maybe It was to soon after Jodie’s Death, to be feeling like this.
I should try and fight this feeling because by telling him, how I feel could risk a broken heart, the last person I let someone get close he broke my heart.

“Samantha, please tell me what you are thinking of?” Nick asked looking in my eyes.


“Nick, I have a difficultly letting people in, I can’t trust people. I trusted Al but he broke up with me and smashed my heart, Nick” I looked at him dead in the eyes, showing no emotion.

“Nick, I have to get back to my Tante’s house but please can I see you tomorrow” I smiled at him.

“okay Samantha, same time, same place?” he smiled

I nodded before turning on my heels.

When I returned to the house. I wanted to talk to Eliza

"Bonjour, Eliza que je voulais dire que Je suis désolé"

("Hello, Eliza i wanted to say that i am sorry")

"Samantha, qu'est-ce qui se passe?"

("Samantha, what is going on?")

"Rien, je me sens tellement mieux aujourd'hui"

("Nothing,i just feel so much better today")


Yeah that’s it I feel happier today than I have done in a long while.

Eliza POV

I haven’t seen her smile since she got here.
I don't know what happen to her when she went back home but i can tell she was heart broken.
I just hope that she is better now
♠ ♠ ♠
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