Sequel: Time Will Tell.
Status: Finished and posting sequel, 'Time Will Tell.' :)

You Found Me

So Small

It’s okay to open up, Go ahead and let the light shine through

After dinner that night, I went to my room and continued reading Cinderella.
When at six I realised that my parents didn’t love me, this fairytale through it.
I used to hope and dream that one day my prince would and rescue me.
But as I time went on I realised that wasn’t going to happen till I meet Al.
I know this sounds super clichéd but he showed me how to love. We didn’t meet under the nicest of circumstances but still it was love at first sight.

I know it's hard on a rainy day

These feelings I have Nick, maybe it just a crush and I would get over it ?
I hope so.
I soon fell into a deep and dreamless sleep

You wanna shut the world out

My alarm rang the next morning at 6:30am. Why on earth do I set it so early.
I was meeting Nick later by the store.

As I stumbled into the shower and as I let the hot water massage my weary muscles, I heard my aunt shout my name.
“Samantha, Darling where are you?” she yelled into my room.
“I am in the shower, I will be out soon” I yelled back.
I wonder what she wanted she never yelled so it must be serious.

And just be left alone

I stepped out of the shower and got dressed.
As I opened the door. Eliza was stood there. Her eyes were red, she looked stressed.
“Samantha Honey, it’s a disaster” she yelled again.

“Woah, clam down. Now tell me whats the matter without yelling” I smiled at her.

“Jacob’s Nanny is sick and I need to go into Paris.” she looked at me hopefully. I knew what was coming next.
“so I was wondering if you could take care of him, for a few hours” she smiled
“ I would love to” I smiled back at her.
I could take him to the beach with Nick. Jacob was still a little devil. I missed him, when I was in America.
Eliza filled me in on his latest adventures, when Eliza and Frudrick had taken in him into the city for lunch one day, he escaped from the high chair. He decided it would be fun to hide in the kitchen of café. They spent an hour looking for him.
When they found him he was eating ice cream with the waiters and making them laugh.

You better make it count, cause you can't get it back

"I hope you don't mind" I asked Nick as i sat down beside him.
"Its, fine. He looks like you" He smiled at me.

I watched Jacob as he ran down the Beach chasing the Seagulls.
Something inside was telling me that today was going to be a long day
♠ ♠ ♠
I was listening to Carrie Underwood (So Small) when I wrote this chapter :D I know its short but College work calls. I am writing this between Law and History Homework.
I love her so much.
I thought i would add Jacob into the mixture.
The Story about him escaping was true apart from the fact it was my nephew callum :D
Comments :D
Hope you like it xxx
Jodie xx