Sequel: Time Will Tell.
Status: Finished and posting sequel, 'Time Will Tell.' :)

You Found Me

Every Piece Of Nothing.

Difference. The one word that seperated Nick and I.
Of course there was the obvious:

He a boy. I a girl
He tall. I short.
Brown eyes. Blue eyes.

And then the one's that ran deep. I had feelings and he seemed to like toying with them. He obviously didn't have a conscience either. He had ruined me, and I still forgave him. Boys. I rolled my eyes at the thought.

Like now. I should've left early; When it was easier to get everything out of my head.
Every thought and every movement clung to me now and it replused me to think; I knew he was my friend.

I never even counted him as one untill now, and thinking so was just natural. I didn't ask for any of this to happen, and I still didn't want it to.

It was getting dark now. The amber emblazed sky was slowly sinking.

The little devil had fallen asleep on my lap. I stroked his head and sighed.

Nick's head snapped up. "What's it like?"

I frowned. What's it like? What's what like? The first thought popped into my head of being infamous. Then of holding little jacob in my arms and knowing he was my cousin. Then I thought of the hurt; Of my broken heart. And when I thought of all those things; I found it hard.

"It hurts, you know. Won't go away," I whispered, before stratching my head and biting down on my lower lip as I traced patterns into the sand.

"I guess I could've predicted that," He muttered, looking away. He bit down on his lip and turned back and looked at me. "I'm sorry you know. I'm sorry for everything- And I wish I could take it back..." He stopped and looked down at the patterns I traced in the sand in an almost sheepish way. "Well almost everything anyway."

I tilted my head to the side in confusion. "Almost?"

"Yeah." He mumbled, as I locked his gaze. "Almost. And I hope you won't regret this..."
My eyes widened yet again, as his lips brushed mine. I pushed him away and quickly got up, with little Jacob. The little devil looked undisturbed.

Nick looked far from. He was looking down in confusion and then back up in anger. "Sam what's wrong?"

"II-I-" I shook my head, and waddled off down the beach. A hand reached out and stopped me.

I felt his hot breath on my skin. "Sam...I-I-I," He stopped and his hands slipped from my shoulders.

A tear fell down my cheek. "Cc-an't do that to me Nick. Your wife died only a month ago. A month Nick. Can't you see this can't work out? Can't you see I can't love you how you want me to?"

"But why can't you? Give me a reason why. This isn't wrong; It was supposed to be like this."

"I-II...." My lower lip quivered. "I just can't!"

He stared at me with a hard expression. "You can't or wont?"

I looked down and hitched Jacob up more. "I don't know anymore."

He sighed and grabbed my hand. "I'm not into cliche` and I'm not asking you to love me either. I'm asking you to give me a chance."

How much harm could come?

Heaps A voice stretched.

I ignored it. If this was the only thing to get him off my back...
"One date?" I asked.

"One date." He confirmed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this took so long to post. YAY! 6 STARS! *Does happy dance*. Give us ten and there shall be a sequel. :) Oh and this story is ending soon...Sad. It shall end on chp 41, so comment us up while you can!