Sequel: Time Will Tell.
Status: Finished and posting sequel, 'Time Will Tell.' :)

You Found Me

City Loving

One date

Not at lot can happen on one date.

“Just one chance, Nick. Just one date” I sighed
“Just one date” he smiled at me.
“Fine then. When?” I asked him.
“I will pick you up tomorrow night at 8, and dress smartly” he smiled at me.

“why where are we going?” I sighed at him
“Now that would be telling” He smirked at me.
“You know Nicholas Jerry Jonas, you don’t play fair” I chuckled.
“You know Samantha Gilding, I never intended to and I will see you tomorrow night” he said as his smirk grew bigger.

Jacob stirred in his sleep. I wonder if he is dreaming. Life was so much simpler when you’re a kid. The only thing you have to worry about is what toy your going to play with next.
As I walked through the Paris streets, carrying my heavy little devil. The smells of the coffee and sweet chocolate filled the air.

It was no wonder why they called this place the city of love. Everything oozed romance from the roses growing up the side of the buildings to the way the Eiffel tower framed the skyline.
Once we had returned to the house, I put Jacob into bed and I made my way to my bedroom.
I opened my bag to see half the beach in my bag. Jacob was the devil, he must have filled it up with sand.

I emptied the sand from my bag and opened my closet.
I took my pjs out and got ready for bed.
Today had been a long day, my eyes closed before I hit the pillow.
I fell into a dreamless sleep.


It was now six o’clock and I was getting ready. I spent all day finding an outfit.
When I left America, I only packed casual clothes as I didn’t plan on going on dates any time soon. So I had to shopping.
I decided to wear a simple yellow sun dress with thin lacy white straps and white flats. I curled my hair and placed a white scarf
I thought it looked smart enough without being overly fancy.
It wasn’t like I was trying hard anyway.
By the time I was ready it was quarter to 8. Fifteen minutes until Nick gets here.
I sat in my window seat that overlooked the big back garden. The trees danced in the wind.
When I was little I would spent my summers running round the garden, fighting the pretend dragons and marrying the prince of my dreams, but as time went on I realised that my prince charming would be a geek in tin-foil.

“Samantha. Nick is here” I heard my auntie yell.
“Coming down now” I yelled back.
I smoothed my dress down and took one last look in the mirror.
I don’t know why I was worried it was only one date and my life could go back to normal.


Nick looked amazing, his curls looked so soft.
He smiled at me.
“I want her home by 11” My uncle said trying to sound fatherly.
He was more of a dad to me than my own dad. I think that is very sad.
“Yes Sir” Nick said politiy. My uncle faced softened, he was a siclker for good manners.
“Bye” I smiled as we exited through the door.
“Samantha. Wow you look amazing” Nick seemed breathless. I blushed ten different shades of red.
He took my hand and guided me to his car.
He seemed like the perfect gentleman.
“Nicholas where are we going” I asked as we sped away from the house.
He just ignored me
“Nick” I tried to sound serious, but I noticed the big grin on his face.
“fine then” I pouted
As we entered the familiar surroundings of Paris. We drove straight towards the Eiffel Tower.


As we entered the lift to take us to the top of the tower.
So nick had hired to top level of the Eiffel Tower for our date.
As the doors opened.
The top level was completety filled with roses and candles.
My favourite song was playing on the sound system.
He remembered that it was my song.
He is so cute.
“thanks nick, but I want you to know that this is our first and last date”
His grin grew bigger as he said “we will see”
As the night continued we sat down to a meal after the starter.
The waiter brought out steak and chunky chips. I smiled remembering the day I had attempted to cook this for the whole Jonas clan.
“At least its not burnt this time” he chuckled
“Oh you think you are so funny Mr. Jonas” I started to laugh along with him.
“Well Miss. Gilding in fact I Do” he laughed harder.


After the meal, me and nick just chatted about different things. The chat just flowed, it seemed almost natural.
I forgot about the past few months and the heartbreak.


The next morning my aunt and uncle and Jacob had left for the city.
When I entered the kicthen something on the table caught my eye.
It was a magazine.
As I looked down at the magazine with mine and nick’s picture on the front
The article read:

Just Friends
So just a month after the tragic death of his wife, Jodie. It seems like Nick Jonas is moving on.
The Beautiful blue eyed girl was said to be Samantha Gilding. Samantha also caused a stir a few weeks before Jodie‘s death after looking cosy with Nick while enjoying a coffee.
Is this Nick‘s way of grieving for Jodie or has nick fallen for the blue eyed girl

The article went on to say that we looked extremely close and that we shared a passionate embrace.

Help Me Please ?

Can My Life Get Any Worse?

Nope this is as bad as it gets.
♠ ♠ ♠
Comment :D

Hope you like it.

this Chapter is dedicated to everyone who has read, Commented and Subscribed :D

Remember get us to ten stars and there will be a sequal

Love Jodie xx