Sequel: Time Will Tell.
Status: Finished and posting sequel, 'Time Will Tell.' :)

You Found Me

I Feel Nothing.


I looked at the porridge on my spoon. It was gluppy and clumpy. And the whole thing about that date made me feel sick. I can't believe I let myself go like that. I can't believe I...I-I- I can't even say it.

"Samantha...Are you okay?"

I huffed, and gulped down the sticky orange stuff Aunt Eliza poured into my glass. It prevented me choking and screaming at Uncle Frudrick. "Peachy," I muttered back, before wiping my mouth and standing up.

I shivered...and, and...

"You know what? SCREW YALE!"

My Uncle folded his paper calmly and dropped it on the table. "Sam?"
I closed my eyes, and took a deep breath in. "Yeah?"
"Go talk to him."

I sighed and opened my eyes again. "Yeah, I'll, ah..." I tried to push my chair over, but unfortuantely, I fell over the chair.

Uncle stared at me before laughing. "Samantha." He shook his head and then unfolded the paper again.

I huffed, and stood up. "Yeah, yeah, I'm okay Uncle Frudrick. Thanks for asking." I muttered sarcastically before rolling my eyes. I looked at the chair before lunging an extra kick at it.

It deserved it, for being stupid.

"I've got to hurry, There must be no more time to waste!" I ran up the stairs yelling the super man theme song and adding the superhero gestures just for the hell of it.

The last thing I heard was Jacob and Uncle Frudrick's laughter.
♠ ♠ ♠
This ends on chp 41! so sad :( Please thank Jodie for being my lovely co-author, as she is not for the sequel 'Time Will Tell.' THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU JOD. This chapter is dedicated to you. :) :D
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