Sequel: Time Will Tell.
Status: Finished and posting sequel, 'Time Will Tell.' :)

You Found Me

It's You

Water, bricks and more cement later, I was standing in front of a bus. My eyebrows furrowed. How odd, all this walking for a...bus? Gah, I hate myself for even leaving the house. Curses, my stupid bad luck. Jodie, refused to be pulled along any further, when we reached the bus. Her emerald eyes just followed Nick and Violet's retreating figures into the bus. It was oddly quiet. It was just me and Jodie standing there, in front of the bus. Jodie's sharp, heavy breathing was the only thing that made this dream realistic.
"Samantha..." She called, in her wispy, bell-like voice. "Samantha...."
I didn't turn around to look at her. It's not like I didn't want to; I couldn't. I couldn't bear turning around and facing her shallow face, her bleakly pale face; To see the tears run down her cheeks. I, myself was crying for her. I felt so bad, so dirty for not saying I'd do this for her.
I didn’t even say no, I just ran out. And now I was here, silent tears running down my face, infront of a bus. A stupid bus.

I let out a little scream, at the grey sky, before kicking the bus. The wheel to be more excact. I don't know what came over me, but anger revenged my body, and burned it to the very core. I hated myself. I hated Paris. I hated everything.
The grey sky grew darker, and let out an almighty roar as I continued to let out my anger on the bus. Claps of thunder were then followed by eye shakingly bright sparks of lightning. I screamed, and Jodie did; too. We kicked and screamed at the dirt. We threw rocks as hard as we could at the side of the grey building. We scratched, and clawed and did everything in our power to hurt everything around us. Finally, when the anger surge ended, I stood with my arms open wide, palms facing up at the sky. I laughed abit, at the sudden release; Of the pull finally loose and untied. I danced around in circles with my palms out stretched.
Jodie laughed as we screamed again, and danced in circles with me. We heard the door immediately open on the side of the bus. "Jodie, Sweetie-"
Nick's words were cut short, when he saw us dancing in the rain. He was left with a speechless smile. Without saying another word he went back inside.

I ran into Jodie and hugged her. "You know, Jodie, I can see you and me being good friends,"
She smiled through her tears, "Yeah," She croaked, "Won't be along one, though."
Her words effectively ended that conversation. Jodie just wanted to live longer. To live more. I wish I could give that to her. I scratched my head, as the rain poured on more around us. Daytime was slowly turning to night. "Umm, err, Jod, you want to go inside now?"
Jodie looked up and smiled. "Sure, Sam. Guess I am pretty cold."
She shivered for emphasis. And for once, I didn't mind in being called Sam.


I stepped onto the bus after Jodie, and was in gulfed by a hug. Once they pulled away, I saw who it was. Nick. "Thanks," He muttered, "I haven't seen her smiling in a long time."
I just nodded my head, and plunked myself next to Violet. She was busy playing a hand game with alittle boy. He looked about ten. Cute kid, too. This bus, was odd. Big, too.
I sighed, and watched two more boys emerge out of nowhere.
"Whoa," One muttered, scratching his head, "Jodie, you've not been gone long, and already you've inherited another replica of you?"
She coughed in response. "S'kay, Joe, Just Sam."
I nodded and waved. They looked at me suspiciously. I gazed the same way back at them.
"Who are they?" I stretched the word 'they', and the little boy's head snapped up immediately, "That's Kevin and Joe," He replied happily, before turning back to the game with Violet, and whining about something totally, 'not fair'.
"And, who may this be?" The one I knew as 'Joe' asked. He stood in front of me and offered his hand. I glanced at it, but refused to shake. It dropped-But his smile didn't.
"Umm, it's Samantha, and only Samantha." I replied, biting my lips softly. He smiled and gave me a hug. But being the freak ass paranoid person I am, you'll never guess what came next. "Get off me! You don't know me like that!" I yelled, before quickly clamping my hand over my mouth and silently praying to take back the words. Guess you did see it coming, Huh. Everyone around me laughed, but Joe only pouted. "You're obviously not a fan."

Fan? Of what? His imaginary continent, he magically dreamed up?
"Fan? Fan of what?" I asked, squirming in my seat. Everyone seemed to suddenly stop what they were doing and turn and galre at him.
"Seriously? You don't know who I am? I'm Joe Jonas."
"And I'm Samantha Gilding." I replied back. Jeez, does this boy have huge ego problems, or what?
He laughed, and I swore he could've been lying on the floor flat on his face crying from tears.
"I'm in a band. Don't you know, it? I'm in the Jo-"
A hand quickly cut him off, along with him being tackled to the floor. I gasped out, watching Nick and Joe both tumble to the floor and then lying there groaning from pain. I was quite enjoying that conversation. I knew I was about to find out some important information. Curses Nick. I glared at him, before helping them both up. Kevin and Violet silently laughed from a corner. The little boy ran off somewhere else. Guess their hand game got boring. Wouldn't blame him. Especially when he's got a Game Boy. OH! I've got mine too ! Maybe we could battle each other! YES! A new opponent! ME LIKEY!
"What was that about?" I asked, as calmly as possible.
They swapped glances, and I growled inwardly. "Nothing." Nick replied smoothly, "Just getting back Joe from earlier."
Somehow this was not very convincible. Infact far from convincible. I wonder how Jodie, managed to pick up when he was lying, when he did it so well. Guess she did. After all, she was his Wife I nodded, then decided to prod my new bait for more information. "So what were you saying?"
Joe glanced at Nick, and then at Jodie, both of them giving him the same look. 'You-better-not-tell-her.' Curses, whoever came up with that look. "Err, nothing. Might tell you, um, another time."

I sighed. I guess I wasn't going to get to know.....Yet.
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