Sequel: Time Will Tell.
Status: Finished and posting sequel, 'Time Will Tell.' :)

You Found Me

The Black Abyss

As I slipped farther into the black abyss, I could hear raised voices shouting. It was distracting, as I zoomed in and out of a world of emptiness. Annoying too.
"Get an Ambulance! Quick Nick! she's gonna die..." I heard Jodie’s' echoing voice..

All I could see was the faces of Nick and Jodie. Their faces merged into a little girl with Nick's curly hair and Jodie’s emerald orbs.
The Girl was crying by a lake.

I knew i was going to die. But my life didn’t flash before my eyes. I just saw the people I thought I loved.
I saw my Aunt and uncle with baby Jacob.
I saw my Parents standing cold and aloof showing no emotion at all.
I guess I couldn’t expect more from them, that’s why I enjoyed spending my summers in France.
My parents were always busy and had little time for me.

(Nick's POV) 

As Samantha fell limper, and limper into the soft duvet, I knew I had to do something.
I had to protect Jodie and Sam.
I reached into my pocket, and fumbled for my phone.
I thrust the phone into Jodie's waiting and impatient hands, who quickly dialed the emergency number. Jodie, who’s French was perfect, started hyperventilating. I thought it was Samantha suffocating-Not her.
"Au secours, mon ami est suffocante. Elle va mourir. s'il vous plaît aider !" Jodie Yelled down the phone.

(Help, My friend is suffocating.
She is going to die. please help)

Jodie hastily, gulped in breaths.“Merci. seulement s'il vous plaît venez vite”
(thank you . just please come quickly)

Jodie threw the phone back to me, and then she rushed to Samantha’s side.
The ambulance sirens rang in the air as it came closer.
The paramedics were worried about Sam it was spread across their faces. They couldn't understand what was wrong with her. It was bad, oh boy, Samantha would be lucky if she survived this. She was hooked up to all the machines, and the paramedics ran around, and prodded needles into her arms, still trying to figure out what had caused her violent attack. The machines bleeped and bleeped. Then, the ambulance drove away, with Jodie in it, still clutching her hand.

We got to the hospital in seconds that passed like hours. We rushed into the ER Room. Demi exited the car and we all followed her in hot pursuit. Samantha was lying in a hard looking bed, covered in scratchy white sheets. Her face was blank, then suddenly it screwed up in pure agony, and her body jolted in spasms again. A horrible cry, came from Jodie's lips, as she watched Samantha's body fall and rise. It hit the bed, and shook it. The doctor's, were starting to get really worried now.

I took Jodie's hand and held it within mine I looked at her. Worry swept her face. I couldn't help it; I stared at her hollow cheeks, the pale skin, stretched over to tightly over her frame, and last of all her chalky lips. Jodie's condition was deteriating.

My wife is going to die soon. I don’t want her to-I need her, she's my everything; She's the reason I write.

All my songs are about her.

I don’t want to have a baby with anyone but her. It’s her last wish that I do with Sam. She thinks she's helping me and helping herself. She wants to move on, knowing I'm happy with someone else. But I don't want anyone but her.

 [Samantha's POV]

As The light returned to my life. My eyes flickered as I saw the hospital machines bleep.
I saw Nick, Jodie and everyone else including my aunt and uncle.
What had happened to me?
What was going on here?
I tried to speak but my mouth was as dry as the Sahara.
I saw the joy light up their faces.