Status: I cried. Hope you do too.

Even In Death

I ran through the darkening night, knowing that I was drawing closer to my destination when the air around me grew cold and thick with rain. It smelled of salt, soon, and I knew the sea was within running distance. Lightning flashed across the sky, striking the ground close enough to make a tree fall in my way. Luck was on my side though, and I ducked through the branches before it hit the ground.

“Will!” I screamed, breaking the sparse forest and coming to a skidding stop in the lookout’s carpark. 50 metres to the fence, another 20 after that to the edge... 5 after that to our edge, the one we’d sat on so many years ago. I ran faster, vaguely amazed that I felt no fatigue, no sense of fear that I usually did when coming here. I could see in the next flash of light two figures, standing on the edge as still as a statues. One I knew was a statue, a girl that knelt a meter back from the edge, watching the waves.
  1. Even In Death
    We'll always be together.