Status: Finished

I'll Never Feel Alone Again With You by My Side

I'll Never Feel Along Again With You By My Side

Valentine’s Day was only a few days away. Matt, Jimmy, Johnny and Zacky were acting like it was a normal day, they already got their wives/girlfriend something nice and had plans. Syn on the other hand was acting weird, and everyone could see it. “Gates, are you going to be okay?” Matt asked Syn; he had pulled him aside to talk to him
“Yea, why do you ask?” Syn asked
“Because you’re acting weird. And I know that Jak doesn’t like it when you act like that. It makes her think bad things” matt said
“Okay, if I tell you what’s up, will you promise me you won’t tell anyone?” Syn asked
“Yes I promise” Matt said
“Ok, I know that it’s really cliché and shit, but I just figured that it would be the best time to ask. I’m going to, on Valentine’s Day, propose to Jak and I’m just getting very nervous” Syn said
“Dude, she’ll totally say yes. So stop worrying and freaking her out” Matt said

Syn just nodded his head and the two of them joined everyone else. It turned out that once Jak and Sam got the strings of a guitar down, everything else was easy. They could now cover 3 songs, The Rose being one of them. Avenged Sevenfold had two shows left before they got Valentine’s Day off. Jak sat there and spaced out. Everyone was doing something. Matt and Val were going out, as was Jimmy and Leana, Johnny and Lacey, and Zacky and Gena. Even Tom was flying out to spend the weekend with Sam; he’s suppose to arrive tomorrow. They finally arrived at the hotel they would be staying at for the weekend. Of course the couples each got their own rooms and Sam’s room connects to Jak’s. “Jak, can I ask you something?” Syn asked as he and Jak were watching TV, before sound check.
“Sure” Jak said
“I would, I mean the guys and I would, like to know if you want to perform The Rose tomorrow night. You know for in the spirit of Valentine’s Day. Sam can too” Syn said

“Ummm sure” Jak said
“Nervous?” Syn asked
“Yea, I’ve never performed on stage before, or for that many people. But sure I’ll do it” Jak said
“I know you’ll rock” Syn said
“Thanks. Can I ask you something?” Jak asked
“Of course you can” Syn said
“It seems like everyone has something planned. But for me I don’t know what’s going on. Are we even doing something? Because honestly I hate Valentine’s Day; it’s never brought me anything but heartache” Jak said
“No, I have something planned, but it’s a surprise. So just make sure that you dress nicely” Syn said with a smile
“Okay if you say so” Jak said. The two of them soon left their room for sound check. And Syn told everyone that Jak agreed to play The Rose for their “Valentine’s Day” show.

And sure enough before Jak could believe it, it was February 13th and it was Avenged Sevenfold’s “Valentine’s Day” show. “Okay, so we have two songs left to play. However, we have a treat for you. In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, Syn’s girlfriend Jak and our very own dancer Sam will play a song for you guys” Matt said into the mic and the crowd screamed. Syn was soon walking Jak and Sam to the front of the stage next to Matt. Matt gave Jak his mic and Zacky placed a mic in front of Sam. “Ummm hey everyone. I’m Jak and this is Sam. We’re going to play a rocked out version of The Rose. I hope you enjoy it” Jak said into the mic. Jak started to play and once she was about to sing, Sam’s guitar came into play. Jak’s voice rang out through the venue. The venue seemed quite except for what Jak and Sam were playing. Even when Avenged plays the crowd is screaming. Jak and Sam soon finished playing as the song’s really not that long. The crowd erupted in screams. “Thanks and happy Valentine’s Day” Sam said into the mic and then she and Jak left the stage; and Syn stole a kiss from Jak as she walked by him.

The rest of the show went great. “You girls! That totally rocked! The crowd loved it!” Matt said pulling Jak and Sam into a hug.
“It really was, I never knew you could play or sing” Tom said with his thick German accent. He had made it in time to see it. Everyone was now making their way to their hotel. Jak slept well in Syn’s arms even though her brain was thinking of every possible outcome for Valentine’s Day. Jak had dressed nicely and Syn took her out to a nice restaurant. He then took her to a nearby park for a moonlit walk. They sat down on a bench by a pond and just looked at the beautiful scenery in front of them. “Jak?” Syn asked as he held Jak close to him
“Bri?” Jak replied
“Marry me” Syn stated. Jak got out of his grub to see if he was serious, and he was as he was now on one knee in front of her. “And yes I’m serious. I want to settle down and have a family with you and only you. You make me so happy that I want to be the only guy you ever need.

“And I know that we haven’t been dating for a year yet, but we don’t have to get married tomorrow. I would just be happy knowing that one day you do want to marry me and have a family with me. You know it as much as I do that we are meant for each other, meant to be together. So, Jaclyn Appiani, will you please make my dreams come true and marry me?” Syn asked as he opened the small black velvet box to show a beautiful ring that is so Jak that it’s like it was made for her. The diamond was actually black and the diamonds along the white gold band were purple and lime green. Tears slid down Jak’s cheek as she lunged at Syn, kissing him passionately before whispering “I’ll make both our dreams come true and I’ll be more than happy to marry you! Yes, three times over yes!” Jak then went back to kissing him passionately. Syn soon slipped the ring on to her finger and then they made their way back to the hotel. The both of them almost had a heart attack when they entered their hotel room because everyone was there, in their room. “Well?” Matt asked

“Well what?” Syn asked
“Did you ask her?” Val asked
“Ask me what?” Jak asked
“You didn’t ask her?” Jimmy asked sadly
“Oh you mean this…” Jak said and showed her left hand to everyone. “…yea he asked” Jak added with a smile. The girls screamed and tackled Jak into a hug and the guys all hugged Syn. Then the guys pulled Jak into a hug. They soon left Jak and Syn alone so that the two of them could have fun; and everyone left to have their own fun. Jak woke up naked wrapped in Syn’s arms. A smile spread across her lips as she looked down at her hand to see the beautiful engagement ring looking perfect on her finger. “I was afraid that you would say no, that’s why I was acting so weird. But Matt said you would say yes so I felt a little bit better. I don’t think I was ever that nervous in my life” Syn said as he woke up and saw Jak looking at her ring with the smile painted on her face.
“I’m just so happy that you did, because I really don’t want to be with anyone else but you” Jak said and then kissed Syn, whom turn it into a making session and then turned it into a replay of last night.


It’s been a few years and Syn and Jak are already married with an almost two year old daughter named Skyy and a son on the way. Tom and Sam are engaged. Johnny married Lacey; Jimmy and Leana had a son; and Matt and Val had twins. Sam actually got her own place, right next door to Syn and Jak. Sam and Jak actually got Morbid Oktobr up and going. They got signed, but because of Jak’s second pregnancy they couldn’t go on tour but its okay. Morbid Oktobr is Sam (Lead vocal, rhythm guitarist), Jak (lead guitarist, back up vocals), Jak’s old friend Mark (keyboardist), Lynn (a girl that moved into their neighbor and plays drums), and Kent (Johnny’s cousins who plays bass). And everyone is living the rockstar lifestyle and enjoying life!
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sorry if this is a lame ending. I ran out of paper in the notebook i was writting in and i like to keep all chapters of a story in one notebook so i ended it,. HOWEVER if you really like this story i am working on another one called You Were All Dead To Me, so keep an eye open for it. It's not a sequal its a new Avenged Sevenfold fanfic mixed with Tokio Hotel!