Status: Finished

Ran Away and Fell in Love

Ran Away And Fell In Love, A Vampire Love Story

Nica just looked down, she wanted to be left alone but couldn't tell them to leave because he basically owns her. Well she was his servant, and if she wanted to then she could run away. The things that stopped her were the facts that she really liked Brent, the anklet had a GPS in it and now he knows almost everything about her. "I had my mother look for girls that I would like, since she wants me to marry full blooded vampire" Brent finally said. "I told her what I like in a girl and I guess you are the only one that's almost everything I like in a girl. My mother told me today that she found the perfect girl for me, but she ran away. That's when I thought of you. When I looked at the folder and saw the picture, I knew it was you. I wanted to talk to you about it and now I just don't know" Brent said

"So where does that leave us, now?" Nica asked as Fangz was now looking at the folder
"I'm stealing this picture" Fangz said and when no one noticed or commented, he smiled
"I don't know where it leaves us" Brent said looking down
"Oh. I didn't lie to you. I just didn't tell you everything" Nica said
"That was pretty sneaky of you. Dominica to Nica" Fangz said
"Thanks. It was kind of on the spot" Nica said with a little smile. "Brent, I kind of need to know, at least, where we stand" Nica added
"Well from the folder it says we are basically the same. Are we even friends?" Brent asked as he finally looked at Nica

"Well I thought we were, but that's just what I thought" Nica said
"Im glad we are friends" Brent said with a little smile
"Yea me too. You two are like my best friends" Fangz said as Nica just smiled and giggled
"I decided to no longer own you. You are no longer my personal servant. Actually I don't need a personal servant" Brent said once again looking away from Nica
"Ok. Does that mean you are going to bring me home?" Nica asked looking down at her lap
"I guess. I can bring you home today if you start packing now" Brent said
"Ok" Nica said and hid her disappointment. She slowly got her stuff together and half an hour later she was all packed. "I'm packed" Nica said blankly

"Let's go" Brent said monotone. Fangz followed behind Brent and Nica as they headed to the garage. They climbed into Brent's sports car and drove to Nica's house. It was the only other mansion set in the woods and it was at the opposite side of town. Beside the music playing, they rode in silence. It was a good 30 or so minutes before Brent drove down Nica's long hidden driveway. "What about the anklet?" Nica asked when Brent stopped the car
"Oh, right" Brent said and unlocked the anklet
"Thanks" Nica said. "What about the phone? Do you want it back?"
"No, you can keep it. Just keep it secret" Brent said
"Oh, I will. Thanks again" Nica said
"I'm going to miss you" Fangz said as he hugged Nica and she turned around and hugged him back.

"I hope you figure out where me and you stand before it's too late" Nica said as she kissed Brent on the cheek and then got out of the car, shut the car door ad walked inside without looking back. When Nica finally walked ingot the house and shut the door behind her, she soon felt herself being pulled into a death squeeze.
"Dominica, why did you runaway?" her mother, Elle, asked
"Because no matter how many times I told you I hate the way you tell me how to live my life, you wouldn't listen. No, I wasn't hurt. I'm going to my room now" Nica said and walked up the stairs to her room. She locked the door behind her and blasted her music. How did your parents treat you when you came home Fangz text Nica
Death squeeze and asked why I ran away Nica texted back
You know, Brent really likes you Fangz texted, even though he liked Nica, it was more like a sister-ish type of like

And I really like him, like a lot Nica texted and Fangz read it out loud so that Brent could hear how she felt. Brent felt an indescribable feeling hit his heart; he had no idea what it was or where it came from. "You are going to regret losing her" Fangz said. Brent didn't say a word, he just looked at the road as they pulled down his driveway and had a sad expression on his face. Nica spend the next few days alone in her room. She would have the servant bring her food and blood. She would text Fangz, but not once did Brent text her. He couldn't, he didn't know what to say. But a few days without seeing Nica, he knew he wanted to be with her.

He missed seeing her everyday and in a uniform she tweaked with her touch. He missed spending time with her. "Dude, like seriously go talk to her. You've been moping around here since she left. I've been texting her and she said that she hasn't left her room" Fangz said
"Yea, I should go talk to her" Brent said
"Yea, but I would freshen up for her. You remember that text I read out loud when we dropped her off a week ago? I read it word for word" Fangz said
"Ok, let me shower. And I'm sorry Fangz, but you can't come with me I need to do this alone" Brent said and got his stuff ready for a shower and then took it. He got dressed in baggy Tripp pants with a black muscle shirt. Once he thought he was ready, her grabbed his car keys, jumped into his car and sped down the driveway. He didn't know what he was going to say or do. He just knew hat he had to see her, just look at her once more. Half an hour later he arrived at the mansion, he really needed to find a some sort of back roads he could take to get to the mansion because going through town was time consuming and hell.

He soon knocked on the grand doors. And waited for someone to answer the door. It finally opened and a small old man answer it. "Hello Sir, how may I help you?" he asked
"Yes, I'm here to see Dominica" Brent said
"Does she know you are coming, sir?" the old man asked
"No. I want to surprise her" Brent said with a polite smile
"Ok then, follow me" the old man said as he stepped aside for Brent to enter and then brought him upstairs. Brent followed the old man all the way down the long hallway. They soon came to the room at the end of the hallway and could hear music being played loudly.

The old man knocked as loud as he could and he barely heard a "come in." "You are free to go in" the old man said as he opened the door for Brent. Brent walked in with caution. The room looked a lot like his own, put it looked more like a punk princess room than his punk prince room. He saw her sitting in a mushroom chair reading a book on her balcony that faced the backyard. Brent walked slowly to the balcony, he didn't want to catch her attention just yet. He went through another door to the balcony, leaned against the door frame and said sweetly "Nica."

Nica heard the sweet voice of Brent and sat still. She was no longer reading and her eyes were wide. She slowly put the bookmarker in the book she was reading and set it down on the table next to her. She now slowly let her eyes ran over to where she heard the voice coming from. Slowly a smile had spread across her face that she wasn't aware of. "Brent?" she asked softly
"Yea, Nica?" Brent asked
"What are you doing here?" she asked a little confused
"I came to see you" Brent said with a smile
"Why?" Nica asked as she slowly made her way to Brent
"Because, not having you around for a week, I realized I wanted to be with you. You make me smile, you make me happy. I need to be with you. I hope it's not too late" Brent said as Nica had finally reached him. She wasn't looking into his sincere eyes, nope she was looking at his lips.

As pulled by a magnet, their lips crashed with each other. Brent had his arms wrapped around her waist and her arms were wrapped around his neck. They kissed for what felt like forever before Nica broke the kiss. "You never text me. How come?" Nica asked
"I didn't know what to say. Coming here, I didn't know what I was going to say or do. I just knew that I had to see you" Brent said
"So, where do we stand?" Nica asked
"Dominica, will you be my girlfriend?" Brent asked nervously. Nica didn't say anything, just smile. She smiled up at Brent, who smiled down at her. She kissed him before said the 3-letter word Brent was waiting to hear. "You look beautiful today" Brent said as he looked down at Nica. She was wearing a pair of shorts she altered with her touch and a blank cami. She just smiled. "And you look handsome" Nica said
"Awe thanks" Brent said
"Who would've thought, I ran away and fell in love"