The Past is Only the Future with the Lights On

She, most certainly, is not his type.

"Hey Taylor. I've been here," Frank answered somewhat uneasily as they approached us and one of the girls pecked Frank's lips with her own.

A wave of jealousy suddenly washed over me. But why would I be jealous over them? Frank is pretty much still a stranger to me. And what I do know about him is that he's extremely nosey. . .yet extremely hot.

I quickly looked down at my shoes, hoping to god neither of these preppy looking chicks, in their disgustingly short skirts and tiny, pink tank tops, would notice me.

Not my day.

"Frank, what the hell are you doing hanging out with this bitch? And why is this bitch even here?" the girl, most commonly known as Kendra, asked, as if I wasn't standing there.

I looked at Frank, his eyes immediately connecting with mine as he opened his mouth to answer.

"Because this bitch is now attending this high school," I snapped at her, grabbing my schedule from Mikey's grasp and walking down the hall in the opposite direction the two preps came from.

What is Frank doing with a slut like her anyways? I barely know Frank, but I know him enough to see that she, most certainly, is not his type.

And what the hell do I care? I've already told myself I'm not getting involved with anyone this year, just a couple loose friends.

"Kelly, wait up!"

I turned around, seeing Dahlia running to catch up with me, her red backpack moving from side to side as she did so.

"Oh. . .hey," I sighed, looking down at the gum and dirty covered hallway floor.

The bell suddenly rang, causing me to jump slightly.

"C'mon, Mikey just told me you have homeroom with us. I'll show you where it is," she offered with a warm smile, linking her arm with mine as she dragged us down the hall, pushing her way through students.

"What about the other two? They don't have homeroom with us, do they?" I asked nervously as we rounded a corner, referring to the two sluts.

She laughed at my tenseness and shook her head. "No, of course not. If they were, I don’t care how much I love the guys, I would transfer out," she said, opening the door to a classroom for me as her and I walked in.

"If you don’t like them, then why are you okay with one of them dating Frank?" I asked out of curiosity, following her to the last row of seats. She took a seat at the desk in the corner as I sat directly in front of her, sitting sideways in my chair so I could see her when I talked to her.

"None of us are okay with Taylor and Frank. But he's our friend and, apparently, she makes
him happy. . ." She trailed off, haplessly shrugging her shoulders.

None? Didn't she mean neither?

"Sorry about that Kell," the familiar voice filled the atmosphere pf the classroom now full of many other students. I looked forward, only to see Frank sitting down in the seat next to me, Mikey, in the one behind him.

"What are you sorry about?" I asked, my nose scrunching slightly in confusion.

"Taylor and Kendra. They have a tendency to. . ." Frank struggled with the words to say.

"Be bitchy," I finished for him, only half joking. Frank gave me a stern look, making Mikey, Dahlia, and I laugh.

"I see we have a new student."

my attention drew upwards and to the front of the room, seeing a tall, thin woman in khaki's and a light blue button up shirt standing there, a huge smile spread across her lips.

"I'm Mrs. Foley and this is my homeroom," she said, pushing her extremely-thick glasses up the bridge of her nose, magnifying her dull, brown eyes even more. "And you are?" she asked, motioning for me to stand with her big, thin hands.

"Kel-Kelly Hastings," I stuttered once I'd stood up beside my desk.

"Welcome Kelly. Would you like to tell us a bit about yourself?" is that smile permanent or something?

"Isn't that the girl who broke Kendra's nose?" I heard a student whisper to another.

"Not really," I answered the teacher.

Finally! A frown!

I didn't find my response too funny, but, apparently, Frank, Mikey, and Dahlia did, small, quiet laughs coming from each of them.

I sat myself back down in my plastic chair as Mrs. Foley continued talking about God knows what. A piece of folded binder paper was tossed onto my desk. I looked down at it, then to my left, seeing Frank looking up and pretending to whistle as he tried to contain the smile threatening to break through and form on his face.

My hand grabbed the sheet of paper and picked it up, unfolding it cautiously.

Inside, words had been scribbled down in messy handwriting and my eyes quickly scanned them.

I'll make it up to you.

I smiled to myself before writing down my response.

You have nothing to make up for. . .

Seconds after discreetly passing it back to Frank, the piece of paper landed on my desk once more.


A sigh escaped my pursed lips as I glanced over at the boy to my left. He was batting his eyelashes in a girlie manner and smiling sweetly, and I, oddly, found this attractive.

How about we talk at lunch?

He nodded enthusiastically and I couldn't help but smile at his childishness.

Maybe Frank and I had more in common than the fact that we both fancied rainbow guitar picks and coffee. But there's only one way to find out. . .