
Chapter 2

*Beep Beep Beep*
"I know, I'm getting up...."
Yes, I talk to my alarm clock.
Gosh, you guys are pushy.
I hit the snooze button, got up, and took the blanket off me.
It was PINK.
I really needed a new one.
I am SO over pink.
Sorry, I got sidetracked, again.
Except I honestly thought that that was indeed a certain fact th-
Too far?
Sleepiness took over me, and I went back to sleep.
Good thing I had my trusty cellphone!
It has an alarm clock, and I set it to go off 5 minutes after my real alarm clock.
Cool, huh?
Well then...
*Wake up, wake up, on a Saturday night. Could be New York, maybe Hollywood and Vine.*
Yes, my alarm is Hilary Duff.
My choice! Don't bug me about it!
I jumped up, hit the snooze button, and ran into bathroom.
Every room was upstairs, you see, we don't have a very big house. I guess it can be good in a way.
Let's see the damage today...
I say a 5, nothing to terrible, nothing great.
Oh sorry, every morning I look in the mirror and rate how scary I look. Scariness rates from 1 to 10, and believe me, I've reached a 10 before...
Cool right?
I looked at my reflection and didn't really like what I saw. Not so much disliked, but I just wasn't satisfied with myself.
I hopped in the shower, brushed my teeth, and combed my hair.
"Oops, I forgot to bring my clothes in again. Crap."
I tiptoed to my room so I wouldn't wake my mom, sister, little sister, older brother, my cat, and my dog.
Can never say I'm lonely can I?
I grabbed my ripped skinny jeans, my converse with writing all over them, and a t-shirt with a sweatshirt.
Boo and yah.
What's that spell?
I got dressed in the bathroom, my hair almost soaking through my shirt to the core, and groaned.
"I have a puddle of water on the back of my shirt, my favorite shirt..."
It was my Black Veil Brides shirt, and I can get pretty darn vicious over that shirt.
"Dear H2O,
If you drip yourself anywhere near Andy Sixx's pretty face, I will beat you.
You could say I'm a bit obsessed with him...
My shirt was just about dry, and looking in the mirror, I ruffled my hair in dismay. It was a lightish brown and very curly in a shoulder length way.
"Someday your going dark brown. I mean that too."
If I dyed it blond, it would have a major clash with my pale skin. If I dyed it darker, it would look really pretty with my green eyes. The good thing is I have blond natural highlights in the summer so, I can say it is partially blond and pretty. All the guys like the blondes not the brunettes, and I don't understand why.
Looking at my clock I saw it was 6:30, and I grabbed my Victoria's Secret shoulder bag, and locked the door behind me.
I started walking down the hill to the bus stop.
Yes, she makes us walk down the hill. I don't understand why she just can't make the stupid trip up the hill either.
Ugh, people annoy the hell out of me sometimes...
"Sky!" I whipped my head around to see who was calling me.
Ooohh nooo...
"Hey wait up!"
I slowed my walking down to a stop, ready for the girl running after me.
♠ ♠ ♠
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