Road Trip


Me, my boyfriend, my mate Nikki and a couple of her friends and their friends were going on a piss up. We were just going to drive for a couple of hours and see if we could find a good club.

*Time skip.*

I woke up in the mini van, my head on Will's lap, his arms wrapped around me. I lifted my head up and yawned loudly making everyone look at me.

Nikki handed me a cup of tea from the flask she had brought with her. I said thanks and took a sip of the sweet heavenly drink. Will rubbed my back and smiled at me. My eye's scanned over everyone in the bus, trying to remember everyone's names. Sally, short blonde hair, very friendly, Bethany, Very long ginger hair, talks for England, hot, Lauren, long blonde hair, really sweet, Elly, short ginger hair, quiff, very quiet, hot, Nikki, best friend since forever, short black hair, William, my boyfriend, brown emo hair, piercing green eyes.

'Hey guys! There's a decent looking club here!' Nikki shouted pointing at the club then pointing at the hotel across the road.

'Lets stop there!' Will said.

We parked and all climbed out of the van, Will gripped onto my hand as we walked into the hotel, our bags in hand.

After we all got a room each, we took the elevator to our rooms. I didn't have a room with Will because I wasn't ready to have sex with him and I didn't want him pressuring me all night.

I got changed into a tight red top with lots of cleavage, black skinny jeans and my new rocks.
I messed up my short ginger hair and sprayed it in place. My make up consisted of smokey eyes and clear lip gloss.

I locked my door and made my way down to the lobby to meet the others. Everyone was there apart from Elly.

I looked at Beth for a couple of minutes out of the corner of my eye. She looked amazing, I menially drooled.

But I actually gasped when I saw Elly walking towards us. Her hair was slicked back, She wore a low cut black top, red shiny leggins and winkle pickers. You could see the black and brown eye make up she wore through her glasses. An unlit cigarette was hanging lazily from her lips. I bit my bottom lip unknowingly. Will waved his hand infront of my face making me snap out of my trace.

'Sorry I was gorming out.' I said trying to hide the blush on my cheeks.

We all walked to the club, everyone linking arms.

*Time skip.*

I slammed the shot glass back on the bar and enjoyed the burning feeling in my throat. I giggled and fell into the person next to me, which was Beth.

'Hello sweetie pie!' She shouted, hugging me tight.

'Hello babes! You okay?!' I shouted, hugging her back.

I started to walk towards the dance floor but someone grabbed me and I felt there lips graze against my neck. I turned around sharply and saw Will smiling at me.

'I'm going back to the hotel.' He said into my ear.

I nodded and gave him a quick peck on the lips.

Someone grabbed my hand and pulled me onto the dance floor I saw it was Sally and Nikki. They both started to bump and grind. I felt someone push them self up behind me and noticed it was Beth. I looked around and could see some scummy guy trying to slip something into Elly's drink. I marched over from the dance floor and pushed him away from her. He was about 6ft and I was 5'5, he towered over me but I did the first thing that came to mind. I lifted up my foot and kicked him in the bollocks, with my steel toed new rocks with spikes on. He instantly fell to the floor sobbing.

I linked my arm with Elly's and we walked out of the club.

'Common, lets get a drink from the hotel bar and then go to bed?' I said while looking at the time on my phone. It was 3:30 am and I was getting sleepy.

Me and Elly sat at the bar and both ordered a glass of water each, to sober up. Elly sat there quietly while I talked...and talked ..and talked.

We were pretty much sober when we walked up to our rooms. We said goodnight and went into our rooms, locking our doors behind us.

I changed into my short silk nighty, brushed my teeth and climbed into the bed sheets. After about half an hour of trying to sleep. I got up and slipped my shoes on, grabbing my key and walked into the hallway, locking my door behind me.

I walked down the stairs and walked to the pool area, seeing Elly sitting there on one of the sun loungers, her hair sticking up every were and a cigarette between her lips. I leaned against the wall and smiled at her. Elly got up and walked towards me. She was only a couple of inches away from me when she opened her mouth.

'Thank you for tonight...if it wasn't for you..I don't know what'd happen to me.' Elly said, leaning closer with each word.

'No problem..' I breathed out finding myself also leaning closer.

She looked at me for a second before softly pushing her lips to mine. My first thought was to pull away, but I didn't, I moved closer, wrapping my arms around her neck. Her tongue slowly slid into my mouth, tasting me, teasing me. Every time I moved my tongue to flick against hers it darted back into her mouth. I decided to take matters into my own hands by pushing my tongue into her mouth, rubbing it against hers softly. We continued to make out heatedly, my hands grabbing at her hair, her hands rubbing up my sides.

After about 10 minutes of this she grabbed my hand and lead me towards her room. It all looked innocent until she pushed me against her door as soon as she closed it. She grabbed my breast, instantly feeling my hardened nipple through the thin silk. I let out a loud gasp but she silenced me with her mouth upon mine.

She moved her hand from my breast and paced it on my thigh, she bunched up the silk of my nighty in her hand as she moved it upwards. She grabbed the other side of my nighty with her other hand and lifted it up fully, pulling it over my head. I was completely exposed to her. I couldn't be bothered to find some pants so I went to bed commando.

I could feel Elly's eye's allover me. A small smirk was plastered on her face and her eyebrow raised.

'I didn't know you like going commando..and by the way I'm surprised, I thought you'd be a landing strip sorta girl but shaven is all good.' Elly said as she delicately ran one of her fingers up and down my slit. I lightly moaned as she did so.

Without warning she picked me up, wrapping my legs around her waist. She kissed me as softly as she first did and dropped me down on her bed. I blushed crimson as I saw the wet patch on Elly's pj's, right were she picked me up.

She told me to lay there as she slowly pulled off her pj top. I bit my lip at the first glance of her petite breasts, her nipples standing to attention. The next thing I knew she was pulling down her pj bottoms and pants at the same time. My eyes grew wide at the sight of her cunt, you could see the moisture listening on her soft folds.

'Rebecca my love. Have you ever been with a woman before?' Elly asked, slowly walking over to the bed.

I shook my head no.

'A man?' She said while sitting next to me.

I blushed and shook my head no again.

'Do you masturbate?' She asked making my eyes grow even wider.

'' I said blushing so red I must've looked like a tomato.

'Well..what I'm going to do to you will feel so much better than that.' She said as she crawled on top of me.

She pressed her lips against mine and started to rub 2 of her fingers up and down my slit again. It was getting unbearable.

'Please.' I begged pitifully.

She started kissing me again and pushed her fingers in between my lips, slowly rubbing her fingers in a circling motion on my clit. I moaned loudly as I could feel my orgasm building up already. My breathing became rapid, my hips bucked and I was moaning loudly. My hips bucked violently as I came.

'Now.' She said running her hands down my sweat listened body. 'I've never tried this position before with anyone else but, I think we'll both like it. Allot.' Elly said while pushing me back so I was propped against the headboard.

She spread my legs wide and propped them up, putting one leg over one of mine and one leg under one of mine. She grabbed my torso and pushed herself closer to me so are chests were touching. Elly started kissing me and started rocking her hips against mine, our clits rubbing together softly. I joined in meeting her thrusts. Our arms wrapped around eachother, lips pressed together and tongues dancing.

Soon enough it became rough, hips smacking together, moans echoing off of the walls. We were both screaming now, my nails were digging into Elly's back as hers racked down my back hard.
We both shook at about the same time when we came hard.

I collapsed into her chest gasping. She grabbed the sides of my face kissing me passionately. At that moment I felt the fireworks that everyone tells you about and I knew that she was the woman I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.
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DONE IT :D In one day :D xx