Sequel: Let It All Out

Shhh Dont Tell

Chapter 13

Deep dreaming. Blue skies and green grasses. Nobody in sight. I realize I'm in a meadow. Probably a mile in diameter, trees everywhere, a boulder and a stream running through. It was so peaceful it could only be heaven. As I wasted away the time by staring at the stream, my chest and knee began to feel sticky and started to hurt. I looked down and saw the crimson red stain on my shirt and my left knee was covered in blood. I felt my heartbeat speed up. My eyes opened to bright lights and annoying beeping.
I had the urge to rip the unfamiliar tubes out of my nose but i couldn't quite get my arm to move. I heard noises outside the room and my body tensed and the beeping accelerated. When the door opened the beeping stopped altogether. Justin, whose arm was in a sling, saw my expression and rushed in, not bothering to shut the door behind him.
"Its okay Spencer. You're okay now. Its over. just breath." I breathed out sharply causing pain to course through my entire torso. the annoying beeping continued at a slightly raced pace.
"What-" I couldn't talk without feeling pain. It took my breath away it was so excruciating.
"Don't worry about that right now. You'll get your heart racing and then the nurse will have to come in and sedate you. We'll talk about that later in time." He looked at me sternly. Then something came to mind.
"Mayella." I whispered quietly.
"She's in the nursery. A couple bruises but shes alright. Damn lucky too. Doctors said she could have gotten serious head trauma from being dropped like that." Just then Andrew burst into the room. He rushed to my side and urgently but very cautiously grabbed my face and crushed his lips to mine. When he pulled away he looked at me fiercely.
"I'm... sorry..." His fierceness turned to sincerity.
"She cant talk very well Andrew, he got her right in her left lung. So your going to have to be patient with her for a little while."
"I... ha... d to... get.... her... bahk." I was panting in pain. Beads of sweat formed on my forehead.
"You had to get her back, yes i know that!" He snapped. I flinched at his harshness. The hurt on my face must have been more evident that I wanted it to be because he looked at me and immediately apologized. "I'm sorry. It wasn't your fault this happened. I was just so worried I'd never see your pretty face again." Tears welled up and spilled down my face, my mind was racing, but i had to get better. For my baby girl. I closed my eyes, slipping into a deep slumber. When I wake ill be happy with my family, friends, and Mayella. the meaning of my existence. David will be spending life in jail for the crimes he committed. My life is changing and I'm hoping its for the good.