Crazy Beginnings and Happy Endings


"Letang?" I asked as I walked into my apartment. The door had been unlocked, although I knew I had locked it before I went to work. "Are you in here?" I was getting scared since no-one was answering. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and was about to call the police when Kris and Max came out of the kitchen with food.

"Hey," Kris smiled," how was work?"

"Great," I said while glaring at him. "That is until I came home to my door being unlocked and no-one answering me when I call out."

"Yea, sorry about that," Kris said rubbing the back of his neck. "Max and I had food in our mouths and didn't think it would be respectable if we talked."

"Uhhuh," I rolled my eyes. "Whatever you say. Just next time say something or I'm taking that key away from you."

"Please no!" Kris fake cried.

I laughed and made my way to my room to change into something more comfortable. When I came back out, Max and Kris were sitting on Jordan's couch playing one of Jordan's games.

Max glanced at me when I sat in a chair beside the couch. "This couch is really nice," he commented. "Where did you get it?" His face was completely serious.

"Jordan's," I replied with a smirk.

"Where's Jordan's?" Max frowned. "I've never heard of Jordan's."

"That's because there is no Jordan's in Pittsburgh," Kris said. His eyes were still glued to the game he was playing.

"You didn't get your furniture in Pittsburgh?" Max asked, confused.

"Oh, I got the furniture in Pittsburgh," I continued to smirk.

"I'm lost," Max said.

"I got the furniture from across the hall," I stated.

Kris paused his game and looked at me with a slight frown. "Doesn't Jordan live across the hall from you?" he asked.

I nodded. "Yes, he does."

Kris burst out laughing.

"You stole Jordan's furniture?" Max practically yelled.

"I didn't do anything of the sort," I defended. "It was here when I got back from visiting you and Marc-Andre the day I moved in."

"How did it get here then?" Max asked, as Kris continued to laugh.

"Marc had a key," I shrugged. "I told him he wasn't allowed to buy me furniture, so he took Jordan's and put it in my apartment. I can't move it back because I am too weak and I want to see Jordan's face when he comes home and his TV and Xbox are gone."

"You're in luck," Kris said after he finally stopped laughing. "Jordan decided to come back a few days early. He should be here within the hour."

"This is going to be fun," I said. "Tell him to let you know when he's back because you have something important to talk to him about."

"Will do," Kris said as he typed a quick message into his phone.

Half an hour later, Kris's phone started to ring. "Hello?" he said into the phone. "Ok, I'll be right over." He hung up his phone. "Jordan's in the elevator, I'm going to wait for him outside his door."

The plan was once Jordan started freaking out, Kris was going to tell him that a new person had moved in across the hall and suggest that maybe they had seen anything.

A few minutes after Kris left, there was a knock at my door. Since Max and I were standing right there, I waited a few seconds before opening the door. On the other side of the door was a very angry looking Jordan Staal.

"Hey, Jord," I smiled up at him. "What's up?"

Jordan looked at me. His expression went from angry to confused to happy. "Brylyn!" he exclaimed. "What are you doing here?"

"I live here," I replied. "I moved in a couple weeks ago. Come in."

"That's so cool," Jordan smiled as he walked into my apartment. "Anyways, my TV and Xbox are gone, have you seen anyone suspicious around?"

"Uh, nope," I said, pretending to think about it. I lead the way to the living room and sat down in the chair I had occupied before.

Jordan looked around the living room. His eyes got huge. "You stole my stuff," he said.

"I didn't," I, once again, defended while shaking my head.

"Then how did my stuff get in your apartment?" Jordan asked.

I shrugged. "I went to visit Max and Marc-Andre and when I came back I found Marc and Brandon sitting here playing video games. So I can't even begin to guess how it got here."

"Marc, like my brother?" Jordan raised one of his eyebrows.

"That's the one," I nodded.

Jordan pulled out his phone and punched in Marc's number before putting the phone to his ear. "Marc," he said into the phone. "I'm going to kill you." That was all he said before hanging up the phone. "So can I have my stuff back?"

"Of course," I said. "But I can't move it."

"No problem," Jordan said with an evil look. "Max and Tanger will do it."

"No way," Max and Kris said in unison.

"Yes way," Jordan replied. "I need to catch up with my favorite cheif." He smiled innocently before leading me to my kitchen, leaving the other two to start moving his stuff back across the hall.