‹ Prequel: To the End

I've Lost My Fear of Falling... I Will Be With You...

Slip Into This Tragedy...

"Goodbye and goodluck on your trip, Helena." Gerard told his fiancee.

"Thanks, Gee."

The hugged and kissed each other goodbye.
Helena drove the car away. And each foot the car goes, Gerard's heart misses her more. They've been engaged. They loved each other so much, that a small business trip like this makes Gerard miss her terribly.

He went back inside the house. Mikey was preparing oatmeal for Gerard, while Frank bought Skittles to give to Gerard. Over the many years as a band, each of the members knew very well what cheered him up.

He sat on the couch and watched TV.

"Gerard, here, drink some coffee." offered Bob.

He gladly accepted the drink and sipped the coffee.
Ray sat beside him.

"Ray, I terribly miss her, even if she was gone just an hour ago."

"That's alright, man. I felt that way when Christa was in the hospital."

Gerard nodded and sipped coffee again.
He knew his fiancee was going to Hawaii, and she'll board a train and an airplane to go there.
Worried as he was, he trusted Helena well.

Little did he know, Helena rode the wrong train. A train that had a problem in its mechanics.
A train possible to get out of control.
A train that might crash and kill passengers.
And that's what exactly happened.