‹ Prequel: To the End

I've Lost My Fear of Falling... I Will Be With You...

Grave News

The next day, after the incident, Gerard turned on the TV.
The morning news was on, and it reported the tragedy that happened in a train station.
The news reporter was already in his late forties, and he was a trusted reporter working in a trusted news station. The day's news can never go wrong.

"Yesterday, a train going to an airport suddenly malfunctioned and got destroyed in a crash. Investigators say that the event was untimely and cost the lives of all the passengers. The train was reportedly unchecked of malfunctions, which was thought of as the cause of the incident." The reporter announced.

Gerard watched closely as the program played videos of the incident.
He didn't realize it was the train Helena got onto.
Turning of the television, Gerard decided to make some coffee, when his phone rang.
Frank's familiar voice spoke.

"Gerard, please don't get too shocked." Frank said immediately.

"What? What happened?"

"You watched the news already, right?"

"Yeah." Gerard replied.

"Helena was on the train." Frank said, getting unsure.

"What? No! It can't be!" He was sweating. He feared that day, when she would leave him for good.

"Gerard, I'm so sorry, but I needed to tell it to you..."

"It's alright, Frank."

He hung up.

The news was more than what Gerard could handle, and he cried uncontrollably. It was a really grave news. And at that instant, all he could think of was suicide.

I'll give my life, if that's what it takes to see you and get you back...