‹ Prequel: To the End

I've Lost My Fear of Falling... I Will Be With You...

Dangerous Thoughts


I can't take it anymore. I was forced to do this. I gave up drugs so long ago. But her death...
Oh man! This nonsense is consuming me. She's been with me always. Why now? Why, of all times, why will she leave me now? I've always had trouble being alone. But she was always here, so supportive, so caring.

I really regret doing this. I don't want to do this thing. But I can't help it. Helpless, troubled and fragile old me... What will the others think if they found out about this? Drugs and alcoholism... I always did it once, but I gave up on it. I succeeded, but...

Mikey barged in my room unexpectedly. Damn! He'll see what I'm doing...
I tried to hide the stuff, but my brother saw me. I still remember the shocked look at his face.
Oh man, this is gonna be bad. My brother... Of all people, Mikey James Way sees this...

I tried to explain to him what was happening.

"Mikey, it's not what you think it is..."

He seized the packs of drugs on my bedside table and shook his head.
I knew this was trouble. But I was depressed. Couldn't there be a more valid reason? Knowing my brother, though, he'd beg to differ.
He shut the door noisily. I heard him run downstairs.

I felt extremely miserable. I should end this now. I should.

I wanted to end this... But if I were to end this, then my life.........


Now way. Gerard isn't doing this. He gave up this trash years ago! Why now? Doing drugs wasn't going to solve his sadness. Gerard himself knows it!

Mikey, Gerard's miserable!

That thought wasn't valid enough to do drugs. Sometime in our life, we'll all die. Why couldn't he cope with it? He was always this way, but he had better solutions. Our dog's death when we were young? Well then, dad bought a new dog. Grandma dying? He wrote some song. He always felt better that way.

But drugs? No way.

I've got to tell the others.
Who knows what Gee will do next?
He might jump off a building next time...

My phone rang. Ray was calling.

"Mikey, how's your brother now?"

"...Drugs. And lots of it."

"What?!" Ray sounded shocked. I felt that he was.

"I know. We've got to help." I said to him.

He approved. I felt really bad. Gerard was there, doing drugs and alcohol, drinking his depression away, ultimately draining his life.

What could we do to help him?