‹ Prequel: To the End

I've Lost My Fear of Falling... I Will Be With You...

Words Ringing in My Head


I ran as fast as I could to look for my brother. I always knew where he hung out, where he went when sad. Of course, the others knew as well. Frank was already there. He drove the car as I looked out of the window, trying to find Gerard in the rough streets of New Jersey.

Bob and Ray followed quickly, and soon, we were all standing in front of a tall, ten storey commercial building. And on top of the building was my brother. Standing so tall and proud, and yet he will fall to his demise.

And, knowing my brother, he does what he means, which struck fear in me quickly. The hard time pressure was pressing on me, and I didn't know what to do. He was evidently crying. I saw tears streaming down his face.

Frank saw him too, and then Bob, and then Ray.
Frank cursed when he saw my brother on top of the building. The wind was heavy, too, which could possibly blow him off the structure any minute.

A crowd of people gathered around us. Parents covered their children's eyes, while some police are arriving at the scene. Bob called them. But I knew none of it would convince him to go down. I must think of a way...


Minutes were ticking away. I was afraid, but I had to do this. Before I change my mind and return to drugs, resulting to the same thing. Well, why not do it sooner than later?

The police tried to convince me to come down, but it didn't work. They don't know me. And even if they did, drugs and alcohol will always be there, so I just wanted to jump and end my life midair.

I was almost going to jump off, when Mikey and the others burst out of the roof door.
I honestly heard him screaming.

"Gerard, no!"

I saw my life flashing in my eyes.

"You shouldn't do this!"

I almost inched away.

"We all have problems, but what makes yours harder than ours?" Bob shouted.

I stopped. I turned to them, and walked a little toward the others.
Midway through my steps, I stopped.
I replied to his question with a hard shout.

"Everyone's dying on me. EVERYONE! Grandma once... And then Helena." I replied, anger surging through my heart, but I can't be mad at Bob. He was too kind.

"So? It makes everything harder?" Frank asked.

"Everyone will die and you know that, Gerard." Ray reasoned.

Everyones' words stopped me. They did make a hard point. Everyone will die, I knew that all along. Some people have worse problems, I knew that. And I'm not the only one who suffered from Grandma's loss.

"But she was the only girl who loved me for who I am." I reasoned.

"Gerard, you've got to move on. Helena's not the only one. There will be someone in your life. Just wait." Mikey said.

I was awestruck. These guys risked their precious time and personal settlements just to go here and convince me. And they had a point. A good point, that is.
I joined them. Yep, they were really good friends.

And I really thank Mikey for that.