Status: I would love more subs :)

Stuck In The Ages

4: The Date

Somehow, they had worked it out. Sean had picked her up in his Accord from a McDonald’s near her house. She had refused to be picked up from her own home, for some reason.

For a while, they drove in silence. Finally, she broke it.

“Where are you taking me, anyway?” she shyly asked, still not sure if she could trust this guy.

“It’s a surprise. I think you’ll like it, though,” he smirked. He was pompous and cocky, something Virginia normally hated in a guy. She couldn’t wait to never have to speak to him again.

Thirty minutes later they stopped at the closest drive-in theater around. The special playing that day was Breakfast At Tiffany’s. It was Virginia’s favorite movie, and she could not believe that Sean had known that.

“How did you…” Virginia had begun to ask, trailing off. It didn’t really matter how he knew. He did, and that was what struck her most – he was trying.

When the movie was finally over, he drove back, a little bit slower than usual. He was passing his time, and he stuck in a Beatles CD.

“I special-ordered it for this date. I didn’t want you to think I wasn’t trying,” he chuckled.

Virginia smiled and contained her ecstasy. There was no way she could say she didn’t have fun – it was one of the best nights of her life. She pushed her hand-made flower headband up, grinning from ear-to-ear.

It was cheesy, but it was perfect. Sean was proud of himself. He had won her over, or at least it seemed like it.

“So, what’s that tattoo all about?” Sean asked, nonchalantly. He tried to hide his alarming interest in it.

“It’s just a tattoo,” she responded, a little bothered by the interruption of her music.

He didn’t reply, but he knew she was lying. Every tattoo had a story. He was going to find hers out, even if it meant another hippie date.
♠ ♠ ♠
I guess the chapters for this story are going to be pretty short, just because it's easier for me that way to not run on for no reason. I may not update too soon, since I need to read and fill my head with more ideas and inspiration, but please do subscribe :)