Status: I would love more subs :)

Stuck In The Ages

5: The Tattoo

It was funny how two people could share such a wonderful memory together, but go around school acting as if they didn’t know each other.

It was one thing Sean didn’t really mind – his reputation would probably not exceed itself if people found out that he had taken Virginia Rose out on a date – even if it was for a challenge.

Of course, he would never let Virginia know that – that would be bad news for his hair and the latte that would be dumped onto it.

The occasional smiles while passing by did happen, but no more conversation than a simple “Hello” really happened. He didn’t forget Virginia – far from it. In most of his classes, she was all he thought of – her and her tattoo.

Exactly a week after their highly successful date Sean pulled Virginia aside.

“How about a second date? I know you liked the first one, so don’t even try to say no without a totally valid reason,” Sean grinned.

When he looked into her eyes, millions of thoughts passed through his head at once. They were seemingly shallow, but if you got just close enough, her dark brown eyes were deeper than the ocean – as cheesy as it sounded. Her messy, undone hair still somehow looked beautiful. He wasn’t really that “into her,” but damn was he getting there.

“It depends.”

“On what?” Sean asked, truly curious of her terms. A strange girl would surely come with strange conditions.

“I pick the place.”

Sean contemplated the idea. He could get a better deal, he supposed.

“We go on a date and you pick the place, if, and only if, you tell me what the tattoo really means.”

For a minute, he was sure that she would refuse and he would lose the date, as well as the knowledge of the tattoo. But once again, Sean was wrong about Virginia Rose Weills – she was unpredictable.

“It’s my name. Basically. It’s a Virginia Rose,” she succinctly and slowly spoke.

“I’m sure that’s true. But what are you really hiding?” Sean asked, as his curiosity got the best of him.

It was weird how red her face got – he could have successfully compared Virginia to a tomato at that point.

“That’s kind of personal,” she said, as the heat rose through her body. She wasn’t used to the feeling of anger, but he was good at pushing her buttons, she had learned.

“Fine. I’ll save that conversation for our third date,” Sean half-smiled, walking away. “You’ll pick me up tonight, right?” he assured.

“Yeah… tonight,” Virginia whispered, so quietly that only she heard the words.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope I worked the mysterious part of Virginia out well... I don't want her to be considered as having no character, just one that's harder to figure out than Sean.

Also, I've just realized that there aren't any minor characters in this story, but there will be some soon, promise!

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