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Stuck In The Ages

6: The Awkward Introduction

Sean had expected something completely and totally outrageous for Virginia’s pick, but instead he was actually surprised – she had picked a bowling alley.

It was funny the hidden beauty he could pick out of her. She hid her long dark brown hair with a hippie bandana and her beautiful figure with an oversized floral dress. She never tried to look like the media-pretty – she was always herself.

Sean couldn’t lie to himself – he was attracted to her in a strange sort of way. Or maybe he was attracted to what was behind her mask. What was she hiding? The mysterious girl held his interest – for now, at least.

“I thought you were going to take us to some mystery machine fest, or something,” Sean joked.

“Real funny,” was Virginia’s “epic” retort.

It took them exactly thirty minutes to actually start having fun. Otherwise, her silence made it awkward when Sean couldn’t think of anything to say.

“You’re a really, really good bowler,” Sean, completely astonished, admitted.

Virginia let go a little bit and grinned.

“Did I forget to mention I come here once a week?”

“You might have forgotten that, yeah,” Sean winked, hugging her from behind as she tried to squirm out of his grip.

“You’re not going to get me that easily,” she murmured, finally squeezing out of his firm grip.

But it wasn’t her strength that had gotten her out – it was his “friendly” surprise. Coming through the door were Sean’s friends – the ones who had no idea that Sean was with “that hippie girl.”

He caught the eye of his ex-girlfriend, Jane, first.

“Oh my gosh, hi Sean!” Jane had excitedly squealed, squeezing him in an uncomfortably long hug.

“Dude, what are you doing here alone?” another one of his friends asked.

“I’m not here alone… I’m here with Virginia. You guys know her, right?” Sean uncomfortably explained.

Until then, Virginia had been standing a little ways off to the side, with one hand gripping the other arm tightly.

“Hi guys,” Virginia softly greeted.

The interaction lasted only a minute, but it seemed like ages before his friends left to their own lane.

“I’m sorry, Virginia… that wasn’t supposed to happen,” Sean quietly apologized.

Virginia shook her head, nearly on the verge of tears – although she would never show it.

“Let’s just go, yeah?” she almost whispered.

Sean nodded, with the slightest hint of apology in his eyes. He hadn’t ever thought it out to the point of his friends meeting this new girl that had caught his eye – in fact, the plan had basically seemed like the relationship would be all in his head, never even being introduced to the outside world. It looked like he was wrong and that just maybe he would have to call the operation a failure.
♠ ♠ ♠
The first introduction of more minor characters :)

They will be occurring more often throughout the story, do not fear.

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