Rose Garden

Chapter Two

“Kids, You should be heading to bed.” Mrs. Jonas poked her head in the back where we had been watching Bring it on. I stood up waving good night to them all before hoping into my bunk.
“Did anyone else notice how Elizabeth, Ashley and Clarissa were acting tonight?” Kevin’s voice came from his bunk.
“Yeah, It’s like they hate Charlotte or something, I mean Clarissa did pinch her.” Nick added.
“I know, but it might just be a sisterly thing.” Joe tried.
“Yeah I don’t think so.” Danielle laughed.
“Me either.” Joe added after a few seconds. “I wonder if she can sing? I mean she can’t be worse than her sisters.” Joe snickered; I had to hold in a laugh at that one.
“Joe, Don’t be mean, She could be awake.” Kevin hissed, I tried to block them out as I slowly started to fall asleep.

“Charlotte, Sweetie it’s time to get up.” I rolled over to face the smiling face of Mrs. Jonas. I sat up bumping my head on Joe’s bunk, “Oh dear are you okay.” I nodded rubbing my head as it started to sting.
“Fine thank you.” She patted my knee before walking away, Joe’s head popped down from his bunk, His hair fanning out around his face.
“Thanks for waking me up.” He pouted, “What did you hit my bunk with?” I pouted this time.
“My head.” He laughed before retreating to his bunk. I jumped down, quickly grabbing some jeans and a top before running to the bathroom, I knocked on the door, Smiling when I got no reply I opened the door only to find a shirtless Nick Jonas, I slammed the door shut after covering my eyes. A few seconds later I heard the door open and a husky chuckle come from Nick.
“You can open you’re eyes now.” I un-covered my eyes and blushed as I saw a fully dressed Nick.
“I did knock.” I mumbled before running into the bathroom and having a quick shower before doing my hair and make-up. When I walked out I grabbed some black flats and slipped them on.
“So, We can walk around for a bit before sound check, or you can hang in the dressing room.” Mr. Jonas addressed us, we all walked of the bus and into the arena to have a look at the stage before continuing to the boys dressing room. We had been sitting in the dressing room for about an hour when I went for a walk, I walked past a room that held a piano, I looked around to make sure no-one was around before stepping into the room, I walked over to the piano, pressing down on a few keys before sitting down.
I played the all to familiar melody that I composed before begging to sing the lyrics.
A penny for you’re thoughts my father said to me.
We were sitting silently by the deep blue sea.
I told him how I felt, Asked if my mothers soul was really free.
He kissed my head and replied almost silently.
Yes my little girl, Can’t you see the brightest star, point it out for me.
I pointed out the star as I cried silently.
When you see that star at night remember me, remember me.

This is where the tears always start to fall.

A penny for you’re thoughts my father said to me.
But this time he wasn’t sitting right next to me.
I had no-one to vent my thoughts too.
I looked up to the sky, and found the brightest stars.
I blew a kiss good night as I started to cry.
When I looked up to the stars I remember you
I remember you.

I had to stop playing as the tears became to much, I expected the silence of the room, what I didn’t expect was the loud claps of on lookers, I looked up to see Mr. Jonas, Kevin, Elizabeth, Clarissa, Ashley, Nick, Joe, Greg and John.
“I thought you said you couldn’t sing.” Joe questioned.
“She can’t. She only plays the piano.” Elizabeth’s tone was deadly.
“Elizabeth you have to be kidding me, I mean from what we just witnessed she can sing.” Mr. Jonas defended.
“She can’t, She was obviously lip singing to an I-pod or something.” Clarissa fumed.
“How about we talk bout this later.” Greg suggested leading everyone out, I stood up, Preparing to face Elizabeth,
“How could you be so careless.” She slapped my cheek. “You know what this could do to you’re sisters.” She slapped me again.
“I’m sorry.” She walked out seemingly satisfied with her work on my face. My cheek was burning as I walked out into the hall. I was beyond shocked to see Mrs. Jonas standing there hand covering her mouth her other over her heart.
“Charlotte.” She had tears forming in her eyes.
“Mrs. Jonas.” She touched my cheek, Her hand felt so cold against it.
“She did this too you?” I nodded, a small red blush rising on my already red cheeks. “Have you ever told anyone.” I shook my head no. “You have to.” Once more I shook my head no.
“It isn’t to bad, Just please promise me you won’t tell anyone.” She was about to say no, I just knew it “Please.” She looked into my eyes, before giving out a hard nod.
“But we will be talking about this.” I nodded my head. “How long has this been happening?” I counted the years in my head.
“Since I was eleven.” She let out a small gasp.
“You’re father he.”
“Never knew.” She nodded this time.
“How bad has it gotten.” I shrugged.
“Sometimes to the point of bleeding, they mostly just slap me.” She whipped around to face me stopping us from walking.
“They?” Her eyes were wide.
“Elizabeth, Clarissa and Ashley.” Her eyes narrowed.
“But you’re her daughter, their sister.” I shook my head no.
“No, My real mother Claire passed away when I was seven, My father Ian meet Elizabeth when I was nine, Married her when I was Eleven, Passed away when I was Eleven.” She blinked taking it all in. “Elizabeth never liked me, She just held a vendetta against me, because I’m not a bleach blond, brown eyed daughter of hers.” Mrs. Jonas shook her head.
“No, But I bet you look like you’re mother and father, you would have you’re mothers hair color and you’re fathers eyes.” She smiled,
“Thank you Mrs. Jonas.” She nodded her head.
“Would you like to go watch sound check?” I nodded and followed her down the hallway once more.
“Oh my, Denise has she been bothering you?” Elizabeth came up with the girls following her.
“Not at all, She was just telling me about her mother and father.” Elizabeth’s eyes flicked to me. Her eyes shooting daggers.
“I think Nick wants us on stage.” Mrs. Jonas led me up to the stage where everyone was talking, I knew my cheek wasn’t red anymore, just a light pink.
“You didn’t tell us you could play piano.” Nick accused when he saw us.
“You didn’t really ask.” I replied back.
“Touché.” He smiled, I looked around the whole stage,
“Wow, This is big.” I mused; Mr. Jonas came up slinging his arm over my shoulders.
“Yeah it is.” Mr. Jonas laughed.
“I don’t know how you’re son’s can do this, I would be so freaked out.” I laughed along with Mr. Jonas.
“Yeah, It takes a while to get used to.” Joe noted coming up beside us.
“So are you going to watch the show tonight?” Mr. Jonas asked me, I nodded before wondering where to stand.
“Well, Danielle also wants to stand in the audience, so she is putting a wig on and well you two will be the first to be in here.” Mr. Jonas pointed to the front row, where a barricade had been set up. “Were going to put some other fans in there so it doesn’t look to suspicious.” He added.
“Alright, I feel like I should have a Jonas fan shirt on, I think I may go buy one.” I smiled,
“I’ll come.” Nick followed me of the stage and out into the main lobby.
“So, Should I get an I love Kevin shirt, I love Joe shirt or and I love Nick shirt.” I pondered, Nick picked the I love Nick shirt.
“Come on you’re my ‘girlfriend.’ I need to know you love me.” He pouted, before pulling me closer to him, “Please.” I rolled my eyes before buying the Nick shirt.
“Wow, Now I feel like a real Nick Jonas stalker.” I laughed.
“No, Not until you meet Sarah then you will meet a real Nick Jonas stalker.” He laughed; I walked back with him to the dressing room, pulling the shirt on over my head.
“Nick chooses the shirt didn’t he?” Danielle asked as I walked out of the bathroom to see everyone now in the room except the parents and my ‘sisters’
“Yeah, So Mr. Jonas said that we would be standing in like a roped of or secluded area.” I asked Danielle.
“Yeah.” Danielle looked at Nick “Are those girls coming tonight?” Nick nodded just as we heard a loud scream.
“OH MY JONAS.” We turned to see four girls, Two of them looking at the two who screamed like they were mad.
“Uh, Hi you must be Ally and Stacie?” Joe asked looking quiet scared. I let out a small laugh attracting the attention of the girls.
“OH MY JONAS.” A black haired girl stepped forward. “You stole Nick of me.” She yelled, I quickly walked behind big Rob hiding from the girl.
“Uhm, Well why she keeps glaring, I’m Ally and this is my friend Gemma.” I peeked out from behind big Rob to give them a small wave; I smiled when I saw their shirts. I looked over to the girl I’m assuming to be Stacie to see her flirting with Nick causing me to let out a small giggle when he asked her to stop stroking her arm.
“And this must be Stacie and…” Kevin prompted.
“Casey.” She smiled, looking over Joe, who was on his phone texting.
“Nice to meet you.” Big Rob smiled; well I assumed he smiled as I had been hiding behind him. “But can you promise not to hurt Charlotte?” He asked Stacie and Casey, They rolled their eyes but nodded non-the less.
“You can come out now Charlie.” Frankie yelled, my breath hitched as he used my old nick-name. I walked out from my hiding spot, smiling weakly as I did so. Danielle called me over patting the seat next to her, I walked over sitting nervously next to her, Felling different pairs of eyes on me.
“So tonight you four plus Danielle, Frankie and Charlotte are going to be standing in a secluded area in the mosh pit area that will only hold you guys, You will be right next to the stage. If that’s okay?” All the girls nodded, I smiled at Ally and Gemma as they sat down on the floor next to the couch. I then looked to Nick as he walked over to me.
“You stole my seat.” He smirked, I blushed a tiny but before standing and letting him sit. I was about to walk away to sit on the ground like Ally and Gemma when Nick pulled me down onto his lap. Ally smiled brightly at us when she saw the small blush on my cheeks start to become red.
“So are you two together?” Stacie’s voice sneered from the spot she was standing.
“Uh, I wouldn’t say that exactly.” Nick covered. Stacie smiled.
“So you’re single.” She asked again.
“No, I like a girl and well No.” He paused; I just knew his face was covered in frustration. “Truth is, we are together.” WHAT “But we don’t want to tell people yet. So if you could.” He asked the girls.
“I guess so.” Stacy and Casey muttered whilst Ally and Gemma looked beyond excited.
“So, Shall we go get some lunch?” Danielle suggested just as Clarissa and Ashley walked in.
“We were just about to ask if Kevin and Nick wanted to get some lunch.” Ashley pouted.
“We can all go together.” Kevin smiled politely grabbing Danielle’s hand and walking past my ‘sisters’ I stood up of Nicks lap. I extended my hand out to help Ally and Gemma up. They smiled as they stood up.
“Thanks.” Ally smiled, I nodded my head before walking over to the door. Ally fell into step next to me.
“So, Whats it like being sister to the girls of gossip 411?” She turned her head to me before she continued waking with me following the others. I felt a hand slip into my hand a big over-sized warm one. I turned to see Nick.
“Can I borrow Charlotte for a minute?” Ally smiled nodding her head, catching up to Gemma. We stopped walking turning to face one and other. He smiled at me causing me to blush.
“Thanks for going along with my scheme.” He laughed.
“It’s okay, S’not like anyone wants to kill me.” He started to laugh once more.
“I’ll protect you.” I blushed even deeper as he said this before, continuing to walk out to the nearby restaurant, I turned to Nick.
“You do know if we walk out there like this.” I brought our hand up to his face, I noticed our fingers were intertwined “That people will assume even more that were together.” He smirked before pulling me out the door. We made our way to the restaurant taking a seat in between Mrs. Jonas and Elizabeth, I took the seat next to Mrs. Jonas, She raised an eyebrow at the two of us. I leaned up to her ear.
“Nick’s scared of Stacie so he asked me to be his fake girlfriend, And Stacie wants to kill me.” I said with a small smile, She giggled quietly to herself as I told her the plan.
“So, About Charlotte’s song.” Mr. Jonas started, Elizabeth flicked her gaze to me.
“She didn’t compose it.” Clarissa threw in. Mr. Jonas looked to me, Asking if this was true, I shook my head no, There was no way they were taking credit for that song.
“I beg to differ. I saw Charlotte making changes to it this morning.” He sighed before turning to Elizabeth. “Did she compose it.” Elizabeth nodded stiffly.
“Well I think it was wonderful.” Kevin mused.
“You sing?” Danielle asked intrigued.
“Not really.” I muttered. Joe chocked on the water he was drinking.
“Are you kidding me, You’re like a female Nick on the piano and in the vocal area.” Clarissa, Ashley and Elizabeth were shooting daggers at me. I stood up excusing myself from the table before walking to the bathroom, I waited for one of them to walk in, I had learnt a long time ago to go to the closest bathroom, or unoccupied room. I flinched as I heard the door open, and then felt a body push me forward into the sink, My stomach was then kicked, I looked up to see Ashley the most violent one. She smirked before stomping her foot down onto my stomach again before leaving. I reached up grabbing onto the sink to help sit myself up, I flinched once more as the door opened, I hadn’t expected to see Mrs. Jonas standing above me.
“Charlotte.” She helped me up. I winced and wheezed as she help me stand. “Let me look.” I lifted up my shirt to show her the damage. I had red foot prints and bruises starting to form on my stomach. “Can you sit through lunch?” I nodded my head. “This isn’t right. You shouldn’t have to go through this.” I tried to smile.
“Only for a few more months. Then I turn eighteen.” She smiled, a kissed my forehead.
“Can I please tell Mr. Jonas?” I looked up from the ground “He won’t tell a soul.” I nodded my head before looking in the mirror, I pushed my hair into a ponytail, and fixed my clothes.
“We should get back.” Mrs. Jonas nodded her head before helping me out the door.
“Hey, what took so long?” Nick asked standing up to pull my chair out for me.
“I just felt sick.” I heard Ashley chuckle from her seat, Mrs. Jonas was no doubt glaring at her.
“Are you okay?” Kevin asked from across the table.
“Yeah.” But I wasn’t.

I was sitting in the stadium seats watching Mrs. Jonas talk to Mr. Jonas, she had told me she was going to do it soon, And I knew she had done it when he looked over his face had turned as pale as a ghost. My stomach was still in severe amounts of pain when they came over.
“Charlotte.” Mr. Jonas started to say, but my vision started to become impaired. “Charlotte whats wrong.”
“I need to get to the hospital.” I whimpered as another surge of pain shot into my stomach.
“Oh god.” Mr. Jonas muttered before calling a guard over to carry me. He told Mrs. Jonas to come with me to the hospital much to my protest. But I have to admit it was nice to have someone’s hand to hold this time.

“You have internal bleeding Charlotte.” The doctor got right to the point, I had internal bleeding.
“We’ve put a stop to it, But you will have to be extremely careful.” I nodded my head, looking down to the bed spread. “I need to know how this happened Charlotte.” I nodded my head.
“I was clumsy, I feel over, but I thought nothing of it.” I whispered.
“Are you sure Charlotte?”
“Yes.” He nodded before leaving.
“Charlotte, this can’t go on much longer.” Mrs. Jonas said as she sat.
“I know, I know.” I had tears in my eyes, “I turn eighteen in September, September 26th.” She smiled,
“Nicholas’ birthday is September 16th.” I nodded not seeing what this had to do with anything.
“Mr. Jonas and myself talked about it and we thought that you and one of the boys could share a room so you don’t have to share with them.” She muttered the them in disgust.
“Thank you. For everything, For keeping my secret and for caring.” She hugged me to her body.
“I’ve never had a daughter.”
“I’ve haven’t had a mother in years.”
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