Majesty Castle

Chapter 1

The funeral lasted for most of the morning into the early afternoon. It was just as grand an affair as royal wedding. Now that everyone had returned to Majesty Castle, the men gathered in the study to smoke cigars and drink while the women sat in the library having tea.

This was the first time in years that all five sons and grandsons were in the same place at the same time. Some happy to be there, some couldn’t wait until it was over. One in particular had left the study and now stood at the kitchen sink gripping the edge of the counter with his hands.

“Hello, Matthew,” Allegra’s voice was small and meek as she spoke. She hadn’t seen her husband in two years. He glanced at her over his shoulder, intimidating her with his every move before turning his head back to look out the window above the sink once again.

She had been forced upon him at the age of 16. Neither one wanted to marry and they hardly knew each other, but it was his grandfather who forced the union. Her family and his in a joint merger would bring greater riches for the Majesty family, but Matt didn’t want to be a husband, nor did he want to be a King.

The morning after they married, Matthew left town. Unwilling to accept what his family had forced upon him and un-wanting of his new bride. They hadn’t even consummated their marriage. While he was gone he had authored many books, all poetry. It was his dream to be a published author one day, but his dream would never be his reality.

“It’s nice to see you,” Allegra spoke again from behind Matthew and he turned around and leaned back against the sink to take in her appearance. Her hair had grown over the past two years and now hung down in a mass of fiery red ringlets about her waist. She had thinned out quite a bit and lost most of the baby fat she had when he saw her last. She’d grown into her curves and although still a petite little thing, she had a figure that could drive a man wild. She blushed a little bit causing her milk white cheeks to turn a pale pink color while he eyed her up and down. After pushing off the sink he slowly walked over to her. He knelt down brushing her ear with his lips.

“Is it?” he asked just as he shoved past her and walked out the door.

Allegra stood there ashamed looking down at her hands when she felt the hand of another on her shoulder. Turning around she came face to face with her father-in-law. “My husband hates me,” she told him in a voice hardly above a whisper.

“How can he hate you, my dear Allegra? He doesn’t know you.” Jon was calm and warm. Over the past two years, he and his wife had accepted Allegra into the Majesty family and now treat her like she is their own child. Their son was stubborn and hard headed, not willing to accept his fate, but now that he was home, his father would guide him and show him what his true destiny is. “Don’t give up on him without putting up a fight first; he will respect you for that.” Jon encouraged her to make her marriage work, but she didn’t see how it was possible. Who knew how long her husband would be in town before he would leave again.

“Are you alright?” Allegra asked him knowing that today was a hard one for everyone.

“I’m well enough,” he replied. “I appreciate your concern. Why don’t you go join the ladies in the library?” He suggested.

“Ok,” She said and walked past him to exit the kitchen.

Jon and wife Rosalie had two children. Matthew, his first born son, and Simone, a daughter born eleven years after Matthew. Simone was away at boarding school and her not being male, wasn’t required to leave school to return home for the funeral of her grandfather. The female sex was of far less importance than the male sex. That was one thing that would never change.
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You know how I roll ;) The first five chapters are all the character intro chapters. They will be longer and much more descriptive once the intro chapters are done. Also, the summary has changed. I did have a chapter featuring Jimmy and Peter posted as the summary and also posted that it would change from the summary after the first chapter was posted. Be patient and after the first five the story will pick up and get really graphic and drama full.

Also note that some of you may not like the way the females in this story are being treated and that is fine, but keep in mind that the era in which this story was written. Females were treated like they were less than servants back then, so if you cant handle it, read no further, because as i said, it will get graphic. It will get dirty, abusive, mysterious, dramatic, emotional and all that stuff, so if you cant take it, read no further.