Status: School and dance is finally over! I'm so sorry that I haven't updated, but I was very busy with school and just didn't have the time to write. This story is officially active again!! :)

Things Happen

Chapter Ten

When Draco walked down to dinner that night he was still slightly fuming. He couldn't believe that Blaise would do something like that. Blaise was still upstairs, writing a letter to Violet telling her that they had to break up. As Draco walked into the Great Hall he saw Hermione. She looked so happy and he couldn't help but be pained by that. Truthfully, it really wasn't that he didn't want her to be happy, because he did, but it was the fact that she was happy with someone else. And from what Draco knew, she still couldn't stand him. He had apologized, but Draco was pretty sure that all that did was scare her away. Draco had some how ended up drifting to his table and sitting down still in a trance.

"Hey Malfoy? Malfoy? You there?" asked a girl's voice from behind him. Draco turned around, still slightly dazed, to see Hermione.

"Um...sorry, yeah, what do you want?" he asked. His tone must have been a little more sharp than he wanted, for she gave him an angry look before continuing.

"Where's Blaise?" she asked.

Draco had no clue what to say to that. He couldn't tell her 'Well, he's upstairs writing to his girlfriend who he was gonna cheat on you with but then I almost killed him for it, so he decided to break up with her'. "Uh...he's upstairs," he said lamely.

"Doing what? He sad he would meet me down here tonight."


"Listen mudblood," said Pansy Parkinson from across the table," It's bad enough that a pureblood, Slytherin likes filth like you. And you're not making it any better for yourself coming over here. And you have no business asking Draco anything. So if you know what's good for you you'll leave."

Hermione gave Draco a pleading, look as if expecting him to stand up for her. Maybe that apology did work...

Hermione finally seemed to have given up on him. She looked away said "Fine" and walked back to her table in a huff. 'Shit. I messed that one up.' he thought to himself. She definitely hated him now. Just then Blaise sat down next to Draco. "So what'd I miss?"
♠ ♠ ♠
This is kind of a filler chapter guys! Sorry that it's boring. I needed to have that chapter happen so I could write the next one which will be better. Pinky promise.