Status: School and dance is finally over! I'm so sorry that I haven't updated, but I was very busy with school and just didn't have the time to write. This story is officially active again!! :)

Things Happen

Chapter Twenty Three

Draco left the Hospital Wing shortly after Ron's outburst. He knew that Hermione, Ginny, and Harry were going to need time to talk about all of this and he respected that. Plus, he had some of his own business to take care of.

Draco stormed into the packed Slytherin common room to see Pansy sitting on the couch talking to her friends. Draco was surprised that she even had friends, seeing as how much most people hated her on spot. Without saying a word he grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her up the stairs to his room. Hoots and hollers followed them, but Draco ignored the noise. He was concentrated on something else. They were now in his room, door slammed shut. Draco stood in silence, staring out the window, gathering his thoughts.

"Well isn't this sexy," said Pansy, coming up behind Draco and rubbing his shoulders. "I see you changed your mind about that silly girl. I knew you would. Now we can do whatever we want."

Pansy had her arms wrapped around Draco's torso and was now trying to unbutton his pants. Draco turned around and pushed her off.

"You disgust me."

Pansy somehow seemed to take that as a compliment because she just smiled to herself, but her smile faded into a grimace before she spoke again.

"Well I guess you figured out I tricked you. Draco, you don't belong with her. Forget about Hermione."

"Don't you dare say her name," he shouted, his anger boiling over, "Despite your plan, we are together and you will accept that. I'm going to let you go tonight, but I just thought I should warn you: I'm not afraid to protect her. And if I ever find out that you hurt her again, I will not hesitate to reciprocate."

"And who says that I was the one who stunned her? Who says I was the one who pulled out that spell on here? I may like you Draco, but I'm not that pathetic."

"I never said anything about a spell, did I?"

Pansy stared at him, apparently not sure what to say. With that, Draco left the room feeling satisfied he had proved his point.
♠ ♠ ♠
Feel free to chew me out for not writing in close to a year. I know, I know. I've been very busy, but this story is active again and I will be updating. I'm going to put up another chapter tonight actually.

Comments would be appreciated :)