Status: School and dance is finally over! I'm so sorry that I haven't updated, but I was very busy with school and just didn't have the time to write. This story is officially active again!! :)

Things Happen

Chapter Five

"Ughhhh," Hermione woke up the next morning tried and aggravated. Hermione had left her dormotory last night so she would be able to clear her thoughts and of course she ran into the person who had been clouding them in the first place! What was he doing up anyway? When she had gotten back last night she hadn't been able to fall back to sleep for hours. At that point she had had too much on her mind. In fact she had more on her mind when she got back than she did when she had left! And the fact that Malfoy had basically started to interrogate in the middle of the corridor didn't help either. Hermione looked down at her wrist watch. It was 9:30.She almost went into a panik wondering why no one had bothered to wake her up but then realized that it was Saturday.Thank God. I need the break. Hermione hadn't slept this late in God knows how long. In fact she was usually the first one up. In a way it felt good to just sleep in for once.

"Hermione? Did you just get up? Since wen do you sleep in?" asked a famliar voice. Hermione turned to see Ginny looking slightly shocked to see Hermione. She had been so busy with her own thouhts, that Hermione never even noticed Ginny was still asleep.
"Oh! Good morning Ginny!" said Hermione

"Why were you asleep so long?" asked Ginny curiously.

For a split second Hermione considered lying but instead told Ginny all about what had happened to her last night.

"So, you had the dream again?" asked Ginny


"And then saw Malfoy around the corridors? Wow, you had a really rough night."

"Tell me about it," said Hermione, now starting to get dressed.

When they were both ready, Hermione and Ginny headed down to the Great Hall for breakfast .As they were about to walk in though, Hermione spotted Blaise talking to a group of his Slytherin friends- including Malfoy. At first Hermione was almost positive that she'd be able to get past without Malfoy noticing her, but then Blaise saw her and flagged her down. Hermione could have just kept walking and pretended like she didn't hear him call her name but at that point Malfoy had already noticed her and she did really want to talk to Blaise.

"Hey, Hermione!" say Blaise cheerfully.

"Hi, Blaise," said Hermione back.

"You don't seem like the type to sleep in," said Blaise curiously.

"Um, well, I'm typically not actually. I just had a hard time sleeping last night," said Hermione. It was the best excuse she could think for the fact that Hermione was almost positive that Malfoy hadn't told anybody about what had happened last night. And it was partially true.

"Oh. Are you felling okay?" asked Blaise looking slightly concerned.

"Oh yeah I'm fine. Just need to rest a little. It's been a stressful first week back," said Hermione. Which was very true. More true then anyone besides Ginny and herself knew.

"Yeah make sure you rest up a bit. I may not know you all that well but I do know you over work yourself. And I need my potions partner on Monday."

At this Hermione had to laugh. "Yeah I guess I do over work myself a lot. School has always been extremly important to me. But at the moment food is extremly important to me. I gonna go get something to eat. See you later Blaise."

Blaise smiled. "Bye, Hermione!"

As Hermioe walked into the Great Hall, she noticed Ginny smirking beside her.

"What?!" asked Hermione

"Oh nothing. Just thinking about how much your new boyfriend seem to like you."

"Shut up, Ginny," Hermione said. But she couldn't seem to keep a straight face.

"Oh come on Hermione. You obviously like him."

"Okay. Maybe a little."

"Hermione likes a Slytherin," Ginny said in a sing-song voice.

Hermione just laughed. She actually couldn't seem to keep the smile off her face. A week ago the thought of Hermione Granger liking a Slytherin seemed revolting and impossible. Now seemed amazing. There was only one problem: The fact that she could feel someone watching her. And it defienlty wasn't Blaise
♠ ♠ ♠
Disclaimer: I do not own any characters or places from the Harry Potter book series. They belong to J.K. Rowling. I do own the plot of this story though plus the dialouge and title name. I also own the charcters Violet Morgan, James Dotry, and Lizzie Macison.