You Plus Me Equals Memories

Chapter 2: Caleb

“Caleb, you said you would cut my hair before the show.”

I sighed. Sebastian always asked me to cut that mop he calls hair. I get up and walk into the living room. Seb, Nick, and Ritchie were sitting on the couch talking about the other nights show. And Jeff was on the floor, painting his nails black. What are we, 13 year old girls?

“Seb, how do you want your hair this time?” I guess we are 13 year old girls.

“Just shorter.”

I grabbed a pair of scissors and started to take off some of the split ends on his ear length hair.

“Tho what are the planth? Are we helping the Earth People thet up, or are our thingth gonna be there ready for uth?” Jeff asked. I couldn’t help but laugh at his lisp. It’s just so…gay! Not that I have anything against gays. Jeff is actually gay. His boyfriend owns this house, actually. Four rooms equipped with balconies, two bathrooms, a giant living room, spiral staircase, kitchen, dining room, laundry room, and wrap around porch. The whole works! “Thut up Caleb!”

“Sorry Jeff, maybe you shouldn’t have gone to that show and you wouldn’t have gotten hit in the mouth.”

Snip, snip here. Snip, snip there. Suddenly, the song from Wizard of Oz popped into my head and I started to hum. It’s amazing that people don’t think that I’m gay for doing this sort of thing.

Maybe you are gay…

Sometimes I just want to hit myself so I can shut the voices up. I’m not crazy, but everyone has that voice inside of their heads that always tell them random shit. And my voice sounds like the guy you hear in commercials.

“Caleb, shut up!” Nick yelled. Wow, touchy.

I finish up with Seb’s hair and I head upstairs to start getting ready. I log onto my lap top, hoping to see if she’s online, but she’s not. I wanted to tell her that we were playing at the park today to raise money for recycling. I leave my computer on and walk into my personal bathroom. Wow, I could really go for another lip ring right about now. This one is so old. I look at myself in different angles in the mirror, trying to get different…well, I really don’t know why I do it, and I just do.

The force is strong in this mirror.

WTF?! What’s that suppose to mean? Talk about some random shit. Aren’t they suppose to help give advice?

“Caleb, hurry up! We’re all ready and we’re waiting for you!”

“I’m coming, I’m coming.” I guess I’ll just send her a message. Maybe she’ll finally want to meet me.
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