Status: Complete. Check out the sequel!!

The Summer Scene

How is he not drinking?

Weeks went by and I grew closer with the guys of The Maine. Every day I would be picked up by Kennedy and then we would head over to John’s for practice. According to Jared, “the band needs me to watch them because it makes it seem like they have an audience, and John needs to learn not to be nervous in front of fans.” I don’t buy the first part of the excuse, but it gives me a reason to hang out with them and not my cousin all the time.

Normally, we would eat lunch and they would run through a few more songs, and when the sun started to set, we would all go out into the backyard to unwind or stay in the den to play video games, depending on who got to chose.

Tonight, John’s family went out to dinner and a movie. This meant that we were all alone, and being the senior guys that most of them were, they wanted to play beer pong. I wasn’t into the game, mainly because I wasn’t good with beer, so I sat on the wooden love-seat swing and watched the sun fade into the pink sky on the horizon.

I didn’t here footsteps coming from behind me, when I heard a soft husky voice ask,
“Whatcha doing?” I jumped.

“Holy crap! You freaking scared me.”

“Language missy.” John scolded me with a smile.

“Very funny.”

John and I have kind of become friends over the past few weeks, ever since he taught me all the secrets of Halo and I can now kick Garrett’s butt at it. And as payment for my lesson, I had to call John “John Almighty” for the rest of the week. Also, since I am “supposedly” the only girl that he can sing in front of without getting nervous or messing up, I had to get along with him, for the sake of the band of course.

“So, what are you doing?” He asked taking the open seat beside me.

“Watching the sunset.”I looked out into the distance at the beautiful scenery in front of me.
“It’s nice out here.”

“Yeah, I like it.”

“I wish it was warm back home.”

“Where are you from in New York?” he asked.

“Long Island, right on the shore.” I replied, still fazed by the landscape in front of me.

“Sounds cold.”

“Duh.”I rolled my eyes.

“Which place do you like better?” he asked.

“I guess home. ‘Cause I grew up there, ya know. But I like Arizona too; its warm and I met some great people this summer, so if I had to live here I could.” I confessed.

“Well that’s nice.” He mocked.

“Shut up.”

“Hey, watch your language.” He scolded me.

I stuck my tongue out at him.

“That’s not nice young lady.” He chuckled.

“Bite me.” I stared him down.

“Are you sure about that?” He said leaning in. My eyes grew wide, shocked that he would actually consider biting me.

“Ew no!” I stopped him by putting my palm on his forehead, pushing his head back.

“You have small hands.” He noticed, looking up at my hand with crossed eyes.

“Thanks…” I replied to that totally random observation, removing my hand from his head to inspect it.

“No seriously.”

He put his hand up as a gesture for us to measure hands.

“Ok, you’re just gigantic.” I declared.

“No, you just haven’t grown yet.”

“Yeah, ha ha, I’m done growing. I’ll be 5’10” forever.”

“Nothing wrong with being short.” He said looking directly at me with a serious face.

“That’s the first time someone’s ever said that too me.” I looked away from him and back out into the distance.

“First time for everything.” He replied, looking at the horizon too.

“That’s what they say.”

We both stared into the distance. Darkness was slowing creeping upon the horizon.

“So, when are you leaving?” He asked.

“Two weeks.”

“So soon.” He said with a mock said face.

“Yep. I spent most of the summer here; I got to get back to my friends.”

“Well, I see we aren’t enough for you.”

“Oh shut up, you know you’ll miss me.” I nudged him.

“True that. Who am I gonna make fun of.”

“Pat.” I answered. “Your brothers.” I added.

“But you’re more fun.” He confessed.

“Thanks.” I said with a confused face.

“It’s only because you fight back.”

“And that’s supposed to be better?” I asked with a chuckle.

“Yes it is. You’re cute when you fight back.” He replied, tapping my nose with his extremely long index finger.

“You’re wacked.” I laughed.

“Now, now.”

“Hey, what are you two doing over here?” Eric called from a few feet away.

“Nothing.” We both replied.

“John, I think Kenny already has dibs on her, so don’t try anything.” He teased

“That’s a total lie.” I jumped in while standing up. “No one gets me.”

“Uh huh. Sure.” Eric winked.

“You’re such an ass.” John said also getting up on his feet.

“Alrighty then. Keep doing what you’re doing, but we’re starting to head home.” Eric turned to walk away.

“Come on, I’ll bring you back to Jess’s.” John said.


The next two weeks were hard. Jess got a little mad that I was spending most of my “family” visit with The Maine, and not her and The Summer Set, or Aunt Ilene. Feeling bad for my aunt, I asked her to set up a spa day, so us three girls could spend time together. She agreed that it was a wonderful idea. To make a long story short, I had fun, but I also suffered from boy withdrawal, if that’s possible.

For my last night in Tempe, my Maine boys threw me a little Going Away Party in John’s backyard. For most of the night, the guys were set on staying sober because they wanted to remember my last night with them. But, that pact didn’t last long, two hours maximum. They played their beer pong and I decided to watch and cheer on Eric and John against Max and Tim. Eric and John lost, and Tim said that the losers need to drink the rest. He looked over at me while he said this.

“No. I am not drinking that.” I sternly said.

“Come on. Don’t be a sore loser.” Tim waved the cup.

“I’m not drinking it.” I defended.

“Stop being a baby. Take one sip.” He coaxed.

“I’ve never drank before.” I confessed, hopefully that he would understand and give in.

“All the more reason to now. You’re with your friends, we’ll clean you up if you puke.” Max winked.

I looked over at John and Eric, still on their side of the table fiddling with the cups in front of them, neither of them looking my way.

“Fine.” I gave in.

I met Tim half way and grabbed the plastic party cup out of his hand. I brought the cup to my lips, trying not to smell the beer because then I for sure would lose it, then I took a chug.
There wasn’t much in the cup anyway to make my end a little better. I slammed the cup onto the game table when all the beer was gone.

“Happy?” I asked after swallowing the vile stuff.

“Ecstatic.” Tim replied. “You’re keeping it down.” He smiled.

“Now it wasn’t so bad, was it?” Kennedy asked from his lawn chair.

“No. But I prefer never to have that shit again.”

“You say that now.” He laughed.

“Whatever.” I said, walking in the direction of the wooden swing that I spent almost every night on.

“Where are you going?” Pat called.

“She’s going to watch the sunset. She does that every night. Haven’t you noticed?” Kennedy replied.

I made it over to the swing and sat down. I am really going to miss it here. This really feels more like a home then New York does. Will I be able to come back next summer? This year needs to go by fast, I need to come back here ASAP.

In the midst of my mind-rambling, John’s slender body took its seat next to mine.

“Are you happy to go back?” He asked in a low voice.

“No. Well kinda.” I confessed in a whisper.

“Do you have a boyfriend back home that you’re dying to see?” John asked with a little bit of a tone, trying to lighten the mood, but failing.

“Nope. And it looks like you don’t have a girlfriend either.” I said, not looking at him still.

“How do you know, she could be away.”

“All summer? I highly doubt that. You also haven’t mentioned her once?”

“You’re here for the whole summer.” He pointed out.

“Well, I can tell.” I smiled to myself. I’m really going to miss these random question and
answer conversations with him.

“And what’s that supposed to mean?” He asked a little offended.

“I can read you like a book.” I turned to look at him.

“That needs to change.”

“Fine. Well do you?” I asked staring him in his beautiful green eyes.

“Do I what?” He asked looking away from my glare.

“Have a girlfriend?” I clarified.

“Nope.” He popped the p.

“I knew it.”

“Shut up. Stop being such a smart ass.” He looked back at me again.

“Language, mister.” I nudged him.

“Oh, you’re funny.” He nudged me back.

“I know.” I smiled. “You’re gonna miss me.”

“I probably will.” He confessed.

Our conversation ended there as we both just watched the pink and orange sky fade to a mysterious black with twinkling stars.

John took me home around eleven, because he was the only one who was sober enough to drive. I wonder why that is? Everyone else has no problem scarfing down liquor, why is John any different?