Status: Complete. Check out the sequel!!

The Summer Scene

View From An Airplane

So close that I could touch you. I know it’s wrong, but I can’t stop myself, no I can’t stop myself from making a move. I’m nervous, but I’m telling the truth. It’s all I can do to get to you. I can’t get you out of my mind. - All I Need by View From An Airplane featuring John O'Callaghan

I exited the house and back into the backyard, with Nathan following close behind me. I quickly scanned the scene and noticed that there was nobody around the beer pong table; most of them have scattered to secluded places with their girlfriends and hook ups. John and Joel were chatting with Joel’s band mate Alex a few feet far from the game table, Eric, Max, Nick, and Justin sat on the couches that were strategically placed in a three-sided rectangle with a wooden table placed in the middle, Pat was chasing Garrett, Kenny, and Jared around as Ratboy, and Rach and Gabi where circle-chatting with some of their school friends.

I descended the steps and strolled over to the couches. Halvo sat on the longer couch that would be considered the length of the rectangle, he was seated to the far left with the middle cushion and far cushion to his left unopened and calling my name, while the other three sat in the loveseat couches representing the width.

As I made my way over to the couch I was stopped by a familiar husky voice calling my name. “Natalie!”

I turned to my left and noticed that Ross and a familiar brunette where sitting together on top of a wooden table. The two hopped off where they were seated and started my way, where I was now frozen in my spot.

“Hey.” Ross greeted me, coming in for a hug.

I hugged him back, but my full attention was still on the girl standing beside him because she was all too familiar.

“Hi.” I said back, as I was pulling away.

“What’s up?” he asked to start conversation.

“Nothing much. I’m back!”

“True that.” He smiled his family’s enchanting smile. “Natalie, this is Kendall. Kendall, this is my really good friend Natalie.”

No way. No! No wonder why she looked so fucking familiar! She’s John Gomez’s Kendall. The Kendall that John was in love with, and those feelings were so plainly reflected back through her eyes too. The Kendall who made John complete. What the fuhhh!!!

“We’ve meet before.” She informed him in her very soft voice.

“Really?” he was flabbergasted that we actually knew each other, not well might I add.

“Yeah.” I nodded. “We met during my lockdown last year.”

“Oh.” He replied, wanting to get off this topic that now seemed very awkward.

I turned towards Nathan, “Ross, this is my boyfriend Nathan.” I introduced the two.

“Boyfriend?” Even Ross didn’t believe that.


“Well, congratulations.” He smirked.

“Thanks, we’ll catch you later.” I took Nathan’s hand and proceeded back on our way to the couches.

I flopped down on the middle cushion. “Hey boys.” Nathan took the seat left open on my left gently and quietly. “How’s it goin?” I asked them

I got a few mummers of “Fine.” And “Alright.” Out of them.

“Well you guys sound like you hate life.” I chuckled at their lack of enthusiasm.

“Nah, the alcohol just hasn’t set in yet for us to really be enthusiastic.” Nick joked, in a
serious tone with a smile indicating the joke present.

“I see.” I nodded my head.

“How’ve you been?” Justin asked me.

“Yeah we haven’t seen you in fo-ev-ahh” Halvo exaggerated “forever,” trying to make his
point clear.

“I saw you last week.” I retorted, receiving and unamused look from Eric. “I’ve been okay.
Nathan and I have been hanging out with Jess and them.”

“Oh really.” Max questioned me, raising one of his eyebrows and squinting the eye on the opposite side.

I nodded.

“Is there a reason why?” Eric pried, obviously knowing something that I Nathan should never hear of.

“Not that I can think of right now.” I gave him the death glare to drop it.

Luckily, Rach and Gabi ambushed me, yanking me from my seat on the couch before anything else could escape Halvo’s big, breathing mouth.

“Come on, let’s dance.” Was their reason for moving my body.

“Okay, okay.” I gave in, gesturing for them to release my arms due to the fact that they already got their wish.

“Wanna dance?” I turned to ask Nathan.

“No love, I’m okay. I’ll just watch you.” he said sweetly.

“Suit yourself.” I shrugged and followed my two best friends into an empty patch of grass near the stereo not far from the couches and the stairs into the house.

“We’re doing this again?” I chuckled as the three of us stood in a triangular formation, just like last time.

“Why not?” Rach shrugged and smiled.

We danced like we did last year; my head was cleared of all thought and worries, I let the music take me, letting me have fun.

Soon enough Garrett and Kennedy took their places behind their girlfriends and I again was sandwiched in the middle; but this time no one came over to save me.
I saw him standing over behind the couches with a group of his friends; a beer can in hand; watching us. I squeezed myself out without disrupting their dancing and jogged over to him, passing the couches where all the boys that I left behind had their eyes on me.

“Come. Dance.” I coaxed, grabbing and pulling on his free hand.

“I d-“ he started to protest but I kept tugging. He handed his beer off to Rex on his left, letting himself be led by my movements. As we passed by the couches, my hand laced around his own, I noticed Eric softly saying some things into Nathan’s ear. I just might have to kill Halvo later.

We danced that same way, in that same circle as the year before. Our bodies pressed against each other’s tightly; my back glued to his chest and his hands to my hips. Nothing mattered right now except the fact that I was with John. Occasionally my arms would wrap around his neck and my hands would fist themselves in his hair, forcing him to bring his face closer to mine; he wouldn’t say anything when our faces were this close, I only heard his heavy, labored breathing.

Towards the end of the song I turned myself around in his arms which were now secured together with his hands interlocking on my stomach. My hands were now rested on the tops of John’s shoulders, his were locked together around my lower back, keeping me hostage; our bodies pressed very close together. I looked up into those enchanting green orbs as they looked back down at me. I could feel my heart beating out of my chest, and all I wanted to do was rise on my toes and kiss him; kiss him with the force of erratic feelings that have been bottled up and hidden away for the past two years that are now starting to bubble over. The only thing stopping me was my realization, from looking over John’s shoulder, that Nathan, sweet, loving Nathan, was sitting there, watching us the whole time.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short but the ending is pretty intense, in my opinion.


xoxo love, dom