Status: Complete. Check out the sequel!!

The Summer Scene

What We've Been Waiting For

The morning for Nathan to return home has finally arrived. The time was two thirty in the afternoon. I was dressed in jean shorts, a loose fitting Rolling Stones tee that showed my black bra straps through the collar due to the fact that it was very big on me, traditional converse, and my hair was up in a messy ponytail. As Nathan and I were loading his luggage into my car I received a text from Max.

Stop by on your way to the airport. It won’t take long.

What could he possibly want?

Nathan looked at me confused when I pulled up at Max’s house. “I’ll be quick, I promise.” I reassured him, jumping out of the driver’s seat and jogging into the house.

Max, John, Eric, and Tim were sitting in the kitchen, while Pat was at the stove preparing something. “Hey, I stopped by.” I obviously pointed out. “What do you guys want?” I stood in front of them all with a hand on my hip waiting and demanding an answer.

“Just to tell you we’re having a get together tonight.” Max smiled, knowing that this was something he could have just texted me, or even called, but no, he had to be difficult.

“Ok. That’s tonight. Not now.” I pointed out, rolling my eyes at him. “Was it really necessary to make me come all the way over here to tell me that?” I asked rhetorically. “I have to take Nathan to the airport.” I added even though they knew that all too well.

“One, we wanted to see you.” Tim started to say, but was cut off.

“And just make sure you’re here tonight.” Eric winked, causing John to chuckle at some unknown joke between the two of them.

“I don’t know what you guys are up to, but I’ll be there.” I told them, turning on my heels and walking out the door and back to my car where I saw Nathan staring out the passenger side window watching me come back. How long was he staring at the doorway for?

“Hey, sorry.” I apologized, buckling up. “They needed to talk to me.” I said while putting the car in drive.

“They?” he questioned, as I pulled away from the curb.

“Yeah, Max, Tim, Eric, Pat, and John.” I clarified who was there.

“Oh, what’d they want?” he wondered innocently.

“They’re having a ‘get together’ tonight.” I put air quotes around “get together,” making
Nathan almost have a mini heart attack because I took my hands off the wheel for a mere second.

“Of course.” He replied, I could tell that he was disgusted by their constant party habits.

“They like to party.” I shrugged, thinking back to The Maine’s pre-show ritual and how I miss being with those boys every waking moment of my free time.


I stayed at the terminal gate with Nathan, waiting for his gate number to be called. When it was, we looked at each other for a moment. I closed the distance between us, gently wrapping my arms around his neck; in turn he wrapped his around my waist.

“I’m really going to miss you.” he whispered into my ear.

“No you’re not.” I disagreed, pulling away from him just enough to see his face. “You’re going to be on a cruise around Europe with tons of things to keep you occupied.” I argued.

“Nothing could keep my mind off of you.” he sweetly told me. “I love you, Natalie.” He confessed. My arms dropped from around him, and I slowly took a step back, my eyes searching his for any sign of doubt.

“Nathan, I,” I started to say, looking at the airport floor.

He cut me off “It’s him.” He stated, already knowing. I looked up at him. “It’s John.” He said his name; I nodded my head slowly in response. “I knew it. I saw the way you two were around each other, and I knew you weren’t mine. I was just your replacement while you two were away from one another.” He unveiled his observations.

“Nathan don’t talk like that.” I shook my head, trying to get him to hold on even though I know I’ve lost him.

“No, no, I’m not saying it’s a bad thing.” He started to explain, “The past year we were together was wonderful and I enjoyed every minute of it; getting to know you, especially here, this is where you truly belong.” I looked at him, not believing that a break up could be this easy; no jealousy, no fights, nor arguments and grudges.

“So, we’re done.” I made it sound like a question, though it was really an ending statement.
“I guess we are.” He confirmed, starting to pick up his bags. “Bye, Natalie.”

“Bye, Nathan.” We both turned our backs on the other, and started towards our respective exits.

“Natalie,” he called after me, causing me to turn back to face him. “I really do love you.”

I smiled, knowing that he truly meant it. “That means a lot to me, Nathan.”

Again we both made our way through our exits. Nathan’s leading him back to New York, with his preppy, planned out lifestyle, and mine leading me back into the five o’clock Arizona heat, where my life consists of music, partying, venues, long time friends, and living life by the mile; everything I’ve ever wanted.

I jogged to where I parked my car, buckled up, and sped my way over to Max’s. I made it there in less than thirty minutes, instead of the typical fifty to sixty.

Upon entering the party I walked right to the backyard through the side gate. The first person I took notice to was Rex. “Where’s John?” I hastily asked him.

“In the kitchen, probably making a drink.” He was confused as to why I was rushing him for an answer.

I quickly made my way up the porch and through the familiar back door, ignoring everyone who greeted me on my way into the kitchen, where he was in fact standing at the counter making himself a drink.

“Whatcha doing?” I asked, smiling when I saw him jump from me scaring him, causing me to chuckle a bit.

“Nothing.” He replied plainly, composing himself while still pouring his drink.

“Doesn’t look like nothing.” He was giving me some sort of the cold shoulder. I pushed in front of him and started making myself a drink, my back pressed up against him the whole time.

“What are you doing here?” he asked with a hint of an attitude. “Shouldn’t you be making sure you’re boyfriend made it home safe?” Why was he being such a dick?

“He’s a big boy.” I turned around so that we were both facing one another. “He doesn’t need me.” I smirked, bringing my party cup up to my lips to take a sip.

“That’s what you think.” He was mad about something, I just couldn’t think of any probable reason as to why.

I removed my cup from my mouth. “No really, he doesn’t need me.” I plainly said, like everything was fine.

John caught on. “He didn’t.” he was shocked and a little upset that Nathan could have broken up with m, aside from the happiness that I knew was erupting inside of him.

“No.” I told him, removing the hint of happiness that was in his eyes from the thought of me being single once again. “I did.” Hope now was evident throughout those beautiful green orbs, and a smiled was starting to break its way through; but being a sweet boy, he tried to suppress it. “I realized that being with him wasn’t right.” I started to explain the evidence that I picked up on once I let Nathan into my world. “He didn’t drink, he didn’t party, and I noticed that after the first night here that it wouldn’t have worked because he didn’t fit in with this scene.” John moved in a little closer towards me in the already cramped space, pressing my back up against the counter. “And anyway, I like older guys.” I whispered. His body was now lightly pressed against mine. “Particularly musicians.” His hands were on my hips. His face millimeters from mine, my plain eyes locked with his emerald orbs. “Lead singers, really.” I seductively whispered. He wasted no more time, crashing his lips to mine. I could have sworn it was the Fourth of July, I could hear fireworks going off, and it was amazing.

We broke away for a short moment, so John could move the shit that was on the counter behind me; making room for him to lift me up onto the counter, that way he wouldn’t need to
bed down to reach my lips. I pushed his beautiful hair out of his gorgeous eyes that hypnotized me, admiring what was now mine before he captured my lips once again. I could kiss him forever. We’ve been waiting forever.

Our moment was short-lived, thanks to the cheers coming from all around us. Apparently, everyone snuck their way in for our little show.

Some were yelling, “Finally!”

While others were cheering, “Took you long enough!”

I hopped off the counter and buried my face into John’s chest, hiding from embarrassment, though he was probably more embarrassed than I.
♠ ♠ ♠
Because I hate finishing a chapter and not posting it.
I also know it's really short, but it is what you've been waiting for.

Comment & Review

Love, Dominique