Status: Complete. Check out the sequel!!

The Summer Scene

The Start of Something More

Aunt Ilene had work all day, and Jess went out somewhere with Stephen early this morning, leaving me home alone to fend for myself. It didn’t bother me, I love my quiet time; I rarely have any when I come down here.

I changed from pajamas and into a navy blue cami and denim shorts to help me withstand the scorching Arizona heat. I then slipped on my navy blue flip flops, grabbed my black Ray Ban’s, my phone, and my copy of The Crucible, which I need to read against my will because it’s due the third day of school, and trekked my way out the front door. I lounged on the bench out on the porch and had about ten minutes of my valuable quiet time, before I heard a familiar voice yelling my way.

“Hey, babe.” I detached my eyes from my book, noticing Rach was the one who called to me from the passenger side of Gabi’s Toyota. I waved. “We’re going to 8123, you in?” she asked, not bothering to get out of the car.

“Well, I haven’t seen John in forever,” I started to verbally rationalize my reasons to stop reading this torturing novel. It was true, I haven’t seen John in two days straight, due to the fact that I haven’t been feeling well; I’m always tired lately. “nor the rest of the guys, so…”

“Stop thinking and get your ass in the car.” She yelled at me.

“Alright, alright.” I shoved my phone and what little cash I already had in my jeans pocket further down, and climbed into the backseat. It was only the three of us girls in the car, which was unusual. The boys must already be there, then.

Pulling up into the infamous parking lot, I noticed that only Max, Tim, Peter, Rex, Pat, Jared, Eric, and Justin were the only ones here.

As the three of us exited the car, Rach was the first to ask what was on all of our minds. “Where’s my man?”

“They’re carpooling in the van.” Tim answered our question. “They should be here soon.” He said, knowing that that would be our next question.

Rach, Gabi, and I climbed onto the hood of the Toyota and chatted amongst ourselves, while the boys started their own antics. I was placed in the middle with Gabi on my right and Rach on my left hand side.

“How’ve you been, Nattie?” Gabi asked me.

“I’m okay, but I think I’m getting sick.” I told her.

“Did John knock you up the last time you saw him?” Rach joked.

“Ha ha you’re funny.” I rolled my eyes.

“Speaking of the dirty.” Gabi quietly whispered, looking straight ahead, watching the boys to avoid our stares. Once she had our full attention, she continued. “Kennedy and I had sex for the first time two nights ago.”

My mouth, along with Rach’s, dropped wide open, silence washing over the three of us; Gabi still looking away from our intent glares.

Rach, of course was the one to break the silence. “No. Way.”

Gabi finally looked at us. She nodded her head, “Yeah.” As she said that a wide, beautiful smile spread across her face.

I was at a loss for words; I had no clue what to say to the girl. Are you supposed to congratulate your best friend when she tells you she finally had sex? This is where I fail at being a best girl friend, considering I’ve never had any other girl friends beside them.

Luckily Rach couldn’t keep her mouth shut. “How was it?”

“Wonderful.” She responded, closing her eyes and throwing her head back, most likely remembering the highlights of the night. “He’s the one.” She opened her eyes back up, and looked at us with eyes showing sincere adoration towards her boyfriend, along with unending love. “I love him.”

“Aw, Gab.” I gushed, it was so sweet.

Her smile only got wider.

We were so caught up with Gabi’s confession, that we didn’t notice the rest of the guy’s arrival.

“Hey, stop hogging Nattie!” John called from his stance next to the group of boys in the parking lot.

“She’s your girlfriend fucker, you can have her anytime you want!” Rach yelled back, not wanting this juicy conversation to end. As much as she loves the fact that John and I are together, she likes our girl time so much more.

“Well I want her right now.” He used her words against her.

“I’m not a piece of meat, sheesh.” I butted in. “I do whatever the fudge I want.” I concluded. Sliding off of the hood of the van and making my way over to John, who was waiting with open arms.

“Looks like I win.” He stuck his tongue out at her.

“Oh whatever.” She rolled her eyes. Garrett proceeded to walk over to her now that our conversation has halted, and pulled her slightly off the hood towards him so he could give her a cheer-up kiss.

I turned my attention back to the foreign arms that I was finally reunited with. I hugged John tight before rising on the top of my toes waiting for a kiss, which he happily agreed to.

He looked down at me once we parted lips. “I missed you.”

“Likewise.” I replied, cuddling into his chest.

“Do you feel better?” he asked, stroking my hair.

I nodded into him. “Now that I’m with you.”

He chuckled at my corny line.

“Will you two stop that.” I picked my head up and looked over at Eric who said that with a disgusted tone. “Go home if you’re gonna be all lovey dovey.” I could feel my cheeks blush, and John could tell they were heating up.

“Man, you’re just pissed you can’t snag a chick.” John pulled me in closer to him as he told Halvo off.

“Snag a chick?” I mimicked with wide eyes, questioning him.

“Sorry, babe.” He kissed my cheek.

“You’re forgiven.”

“Disgusting.” Eric rolled his eyes, and I stuck my tongue at him.


The majority of the afternoon was spent talking and hanging out around the lot, John and I attached at the hip the entire time.

At around four o’clock John took me off to the side by the ledge of the lot for some alone time.

I looked out at the scene of the city in front of me, John wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his head on the top of my shoulder, placing a sweet kiss against my neck. I in return leaned myself back into him. I had two of my favorite things at the moment, well I guess you could say three; a beautiful landscape, the love of my life, and sweet silence. But, seconds later the silence was executed.

“There’s a show tonight, are you coming?” John asked me, as I turned myself around in his arms.

“I was gonna go watch TSS perform.” I told him with a serious expression. He looked at me with hurt in his eyes. He can’t tell when I’m joking yet, but he will learn. “Yes, of course I’m coming.” I placed one of my hands on his cheek, rising up on my tiptoes to kiss him for the first uninterrupted time tonight.

“Good.” He smiled as we pulled away. “You don’t have to do merch tonight, Vito’s got it.”


I watched my boys of A Rocket To The Moon and The Maine do their thing on the stage as I stood with Rach, Gabi, and Lauren. It amazed me how at ease the boys looked up there; it’s where they truly belong. Performing is a huge part of them.

Us girls were outside by the van waiting for the boys to come out and finish signing autographs for fans.

Behind me I heard series of footsteps, but didn’t have time to turn around before the pair of strong arms that I loved wrapped around me. “What’d you think?” John asked me, pulling me towards him by tightening his arms around my torso and then kissing my cheek.

“I think you guys need to practice more.” I told him. “You’re a little flat.” I smiled after saying that to let him know that I was only joking.

“What do you know.” He stated, unwrapping his arms entirely from my body, allowing me to turn around and face him. I knew he was playing along with my joking.

“I know that you’re my boyfriend and you love me.”

“This is true.” He kissed my smiling lips before we all packed into the van.


Walking up my porch at eleven o’clock in the evening, I passed Stephen walking down it.

He gave me a half-hearted wave and smile. “Hey, Natalie.”

“Bye, Stephen.” I replied as I continued walking.

What’s going on?

Jess was seated in the living room on the couch, the television off and only the small lamp as her source of light.

I plopped down next to her. “Can you tell me now!” I begged, referring to our conversation from a few days ago, along with wanting to know why Stephen and she looked so depressed.

“Natalie why do you want to know?” she asked harshly. “They’re my band mates.” She added coldly.

“Cause they’re my friends too.” I said obviously. My whole body was facing her, ready for this fight that is soon to come by the way our voices are placed; while she was looking down at her feet, trying to avoid my prying.

“You don’t even like hanging out with us most of the time.” She shot back at me, picking her head up, but still not looking at me.

“That doesn’t mean I don’t care!” I couldn’t say that I don’t like hanging out with them, because I do. I just like hanging out with The Maine better; for obvious reasons.

“Just stick with your herpe-filled, backstabbing crew.” I froze in my seat. How could she say those things about the people dearest to me? She can’t stereotype them all just on Kennedy’s mistake. But didn’t she already say she was over him a while back? They all aren’t backstabbers, and they certainly don’t have herpes.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short because it's a filler chapter, sorry.
I also believe there will only be 1-2 more chapters until this part of the tale is over.

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