Status: Complete. Check out the sequel!!

The Summer Scene


I’ve been having a bad day; Jess has been annoying and ignoring me after our little brawl last night. I need to get out of the house, and I wanted to spend my time alone with John, but he had already made other plans for the two of us, which I knew he was really looking forward too.

We entered the party at none other than Sir Max’s house, and ended up of course chatting with some friends right from the bat with no food or beverages around to satisfy myself while John intermingled by my side.

John was catching up with Vito, Max, and Rex while I just stood by him quietly. I was irritated, a downer, and just didn’t want to deal with other people tonight. I just wanted to forget about everything that happened in the past twenty-four hours.

They were talking about some boring boy things when something inside of me snapped. “Oh my god, can we all just get wasted already.” I blurted out, causing each of them to stare at me.

“What?” the four men looked at me with utter confusion and a hint of pride in their eyes, the latter only evident though Max and Vito’s faces.

“Since when do you like drinking?” Vito questioned, with a chuckle.

“I hang out with you, remember.” I retorted.


With that John pulled me into him, knowing that something was wrong with me today. I never, ever want to drink more than one beer. Max, Vito, and Rex left us some privacy, knowing this fact.

“What’s with you?” John whispered in my ear.

“Bad day, I just; I need to drink.” I shook it off like it was nothing.

“You want to talk about it?”

I shook my head, no.

“Just be careful.” I could see through his green orbs that he was worried about me, and
wanted me to talk to him about my problems; but I can’t because I don’t truly know about them myself.

“No worries.” I sauntered off towards the kitchen to grab a beer for John and myself.

Skipping back to John’s side, I handed him the beer, joining in on the conversation with Tim now that I had my alcohol and everything will be alright; for the moment anyway.

After my second beer I joined on Halvo’s team for beer pong against Vito and Nick. We lost, of course, but I didn’t care. The alcohol felt good on its way down, my anger and rage towards Jess was subsiding with every gulp.

After the game I slowly made my way over to the couches where my beautiful boyfriend was sitting along with his usual go-to guys, another bottle of beer in my hand.

“Hey, baay-beee.” I greeted him in my drunken state with a kiss on the cheek after I plopped down next to him on the larger couch.

“Alright kid, I think you had a little too much.” Vito came over and ripped the beer right out of my grip.

“No!” I protested. “Gimme it back.” I rose and tried to make my way over to Vito, who was five feet away. I couldn’t make it; I was too disoriented from the bittersweet poison.

“Alright babe, time to go home.” John rose from his seat, helping me up as well.

“Nooooo.” I argued trying to stand myself up properly, rejecting John’s help, but swaying a little without his extra support.

John grabbed my arm again before I fell over once more. “Yes.” He said.

“No. I don’t want to go home to that cunt who calls herself my cousin.” I slurred out, falling into his chest.

“What happened with Jess?” Kennedy asked in wonderment laced with a hint of concern.

“I’m sorry; I do not know anyone named Jess.” I barked back, just thinking about all the things that happened between the two of them, and also last night.

“John, you want me to take her?” Rach asked him, rising off of Garrett’s lap to start getting her stuff together so she could take me home with her.

“I’m not leaving.” I protested, pushing myself away from John; but he wouldn’t have it.

“Yes you are.” He said sternly to me, placing his hands on my forearms, staring intently into my eyes. I refused to look at his enchanting orbs. He sighed at my stubbornness. “Come on.” He resorted to throwing me over his shoulder.

“Johnnn.” I whined; this position was not helping my full stomach at all.

“Stop whining, kid.” Max said to me.

“Shut the fuck up.” I retorted coldly, taking my eyes off of John’s ass, which was in front of my face, to glare at him.

Tim was the next to speak and I could tell he was disapproving. “And this is why we don’t give her alcohol.” At the end of his statement I could hear him stifling a chuckle.

“At least she’s holding it down this time.” Pat pointed out, and I wanted to lash out and strangle him for bringing that mistake up again.

“John put me down!” I started to kick, resulting in him smacking my butt to get me to stop.
“Ow!” It worked.

“Sh. Stop complaining.” He said as we walked through the gate and towards his car.

He placed me in the truck’s passenger seat. I could feel my body becoming weak instantly, all the blood draining from my head and back to its original places. I rested my head against the glass of the window, and quietly rested my eyes as John drove me home.

We came to a complete stop, and my eyes shot open. “No. I don’t want to go in.” I groggily argued. “I’ll get in trouble.”

“You won’t get in trouble.” He said with great confidence.

“Yes I will.”

“No you won’t.” he continued to argue.

“Ilene is going to flip a shit.” I told him truthfully, as he started to get out of the car.

“No she’s not.” He was now at my side, the door fully open. He unbuckled my seatbelt for me and pulled me out of the car, carrying me bridal style into the house.

“Don’t do it.” I advised him as we reached the front door, though I was perfectly comfy in my current position.

He chuckled. “You want to sleep outside?”

“No. I don’t want to get in trouble.” I said weakly, feeling the sleep start to overwhelm me.

He brought his face closer to mine, and whispered, “We’re at my house.”

“Oh.” This totally changed everything.

“See you we’re complaining for nothing.” Though my eyes were closed I could tell he was smiling his enchanting smile.

“I guess so.”

Once in his room, John placed me in a seated position on the end of his bed. I fell back and closed my eyes tight; a headache coming on, along with a great need for sleep. I felt John pull me up towards the pillows and tuck me in under his covers, him following in next to me. Knowing he was there by my side, but too far away for my liking, I cuddled in as close to him as I could get. He obliged, turning on his side and wrapping his arms around me; while I was cuddled into his now bare chest. This is the way I’d love to fall asleep for the rest of my life; John’s arms wrapped around me, knowing that I’m loved and in love with someone that is completely worth it.


I woke up to an empty bed, and my heart dropped. I sighed loudly and closed my eyes again, hoping this was just a dream. It wasn’t.

I opened my eyes back up. “Morning, sweetheart.” John welcomed me into the light time as he towel dried his beautiful long brown hair. He must have just gotten out of the shower and only threw on a clean pair of boxers, probably hoping I was still asleep so he could get dressed.

“Mmm morning.” I answered back, rubbing the hanging sleep from my eyes, as he climbed onto the bed.

“How’d you sleep?” he whispered, now hovering over me; our eyes on the same level.

“Good.” I replied. “And then I woke up and you were gone.” I said sadly.

“I’m sorry.” John sincerely apologized, placing a small peck on the tip of my nose.

“It’s okay.”

“Since its okay, do you mind telling me why you poisoned yourself with so much alcohol last night?” As much as I didn’t want to, I had to. His green eyes were hypnotizing me into telling him every last detail of my fight with Jessica.

I rolled my eyes. “Jess and I got into a fight.”

“Okay.” He didn’t see a problem with that since he has two brothers and must get into meaningless fights often.

“She won’t tell me what’s going on with the band. And when I asked her, she flipped a shit on me.” I told him. “She called you guy’s herpe-filled backstabbers.”

“Oh.” That caught him off guard, and he moved to a seated position at my side, back against the wall.

I followed suit. “Yeah.” he didn’t respond, and I felt obligated to elaborate. “I know she really meant that towards Kenny, but it hurt that she said that stuff about all of you guys. You guys are the closest things to my heart, and what she said just really pissed me off.”

“I sense that something big is going on.” He noted.

“Ya think?”

He nodded.

I slouched down so that I was kind of lying down again. What could possibly be happening with Jess and them?


“You getting up anytime soon?” John asked me as he walked into the room with two plates of egg sandwiches and a side of bacon.

“Maybe.” I stopped staring at the ceiling, thinking over the events that could lead to a pissed off Jessica, and sat up to receive my plate.

“As much as I’d love to keep you in my bed every waking moment of your life,” he tapped my nose with his now free index finger. “You’re going to have to leave eventually.”

“Nah, I’m good.” I replied causing him to laugh.

“You’re impossible.” He shook his head, still smiling from laughing.

“You love me.”

“I do.”

I love him too.

We ate in silence in John’s room and then relocated to sitting around the pool with Ross. John in his fresh clothes from this morning, and I still in the same old ones from the night before.

“Hey, Rossie boy.” John saluted his brother who was already in his suit, feet dangling in the water.

He turned around, taking notice to John and I. “Hey, guys.”

I took a seat on the ledge next to Ross, John then stealing the open spot on my other side.
“How’ve you been?” I asked him.

“I’ve been good.” He responded to my question. “And no I haven’t seen her in a few days.” I knew he was talking about Kendall and I was internally happy that he hadn’t. Hopefully things in TSS-land will start to slowly get better now.

“That’s nice.” Was my only response, but he knew me better than that.

“How long have you been here? I didn’t hear any cars pull up.” Ross changed the subject.

I started to blush, knowing that he wouldn’t approve. “Since last night.” I lowered my voice because I was ashamed of his thoughts towards my suspected actions that were most likely racing around in his mind.

“Yeah, she actually got herself wasted.” John added in to make those assumptions all the better.

“You must be so proud.” Ross shook his head side to side.

“That I am.” John draped his arm over my shoulder, squeezing it tight, and a smile on his face the whole time. I don’t understand what’s with these older guys and always getting wasted.


Hours later, John and I found comfort in the cold air conditioned kitchen, sitting around the island and talking some more about everything and anything random.

He got off of the stool he was seated on. “Come.” He said to me.

“What?” I asked confused.

“Just come on.” He grabbed my hand, pulling me off of my stool.

“Where are we-“ I tried to ask him, but he wouldn’t have it.

“Shhh.” He silenced me as we both climbed into the truck.

Looking out the window, I noticed that we were on our way into 8123. There must be another gathering going on. But why wouldn’t he tell me if there was?

“Close your eyes.” He ordered me as he put the car in park in the midst of the dark upper lot.


He was out of the driver’s seat and at my side. “I have to do everything.” He huffed, covering my eyes with both of his hands.

“Oh shush, you’re lucky I actually got in the car with you.”

I closed my eyes tight, letting him remove his hands, and felt him help me out of the car.
Once I was out he stood behind me again with his large hands covering my eyes to make sure I didn’t once peak. It was dead silent and I wondered what he had up his sleeve. It was either something I’d love or something completely terrible, nothing in between at this point.

“Keep them closed.” He whispered in my ear.

“I’m scared to open them.” I told him in that same whisper.

“Ready,” he asked, then started counting down “one, two, three.”

He removed his hands from across my eyes. “Surprise.” He whispered again as the sight before me took my breath away.

There was a small circular table set up with two place settings clad with dinner and drinks already in place for us, along with a stereo off to the side. I cannot forget to mention the candles he had scattered around, which made it all the more romantic.

“Oh my god! What’s this for?” I breathed out, still in awe.

“Your sixteenth birthday.” He told me with a shrug, like this was nothing major.

I looked at him with my big brown eyes, covered in awe towards him. “I’m seventeen.”

“I know, but you never had a party, and I wanted to throw you one when you came back, but…” he started to explain his reasoning for doing this wonderful thing.

“But Nathan.” I finished his sentence for him, feeling my heart drop at the notion of how badly I screwed the beginning of this summer up for us.

“Yeah.” he agreed with me.

“Well I love it.” I turned my full body around to face him, bringing our two frames so close together that there was no space in between them. “It’s just you and me.” he did not hesitate one second before crashing his sweet, tender lips to my own waiting ones.

We sat at the small table and ate the delicious food that was prepared for us by none other than John’s mother herself; the setting put together with thanks to Rach, Gabi, and the rest of the guys for doing it for John so he could keep me occupied. He had this planned for weeks on end, my staying over last night made it easier for them to set it up without my knowing.

“Come.” John got up, holding a hand out to me.

“What now.” I took his hand, letting him pull me up out of my chair. I trust him and will follow him anywhere.

He turned the stereo on; Back at One by Brian McKnight came on.

I chuckled. “So corny.”

“Sh, just live in the moment.” He said, pulling me close to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck, while his were braced around my waist; I rested my head on his chest, counting and listening to the beats of his erratic heart, while he rested his head upon my own. The two of us, now as one, swaying to the beat.

I heard voices suddenly talking in a loud whisper around us.

“Natalie’s so cute.”

“John’s really lucky.”

“You think they’re gonna last?”

“They have too.”

I didn’t dare to look to see who the people were that were ruining my moment. I was here with John and that’s all the truly matters in my life.

When the song ended, cheers erupted from the noisy bystanders, other known as our closest friends. Embarrassed with the attention, I buried my face into John’s toned chest.

“Happy birthday, Nattie.” Tim walked over to congratulate me, wanting a hug; but I stayed glued to John.

“Thanks, but I know the only reason you went along with this was to have a party.” I joked.

“But we love you Nattie” I heard Pat say behind him, obviously not hearing the sarcasm in my previous statement.

“Yeah, yeah I know.” I smiled. They are my family, and I truly do love each and every one of them with my entire heart.

The party was wonderful and beautiful, and everything I could want as my first birthday party. Presents weren’t necessary, but they insisted that this be my graduation party as well, though I knew all too well that they’d throw me one next summer anyway. I was given cards with cash, some CDs of music I “must listen to,” a bunch of merch shirts from various bands I like, as well as work with when I’m here.


When I was in my room getting ready for bed, Jess came in uninvited.

“Look, I’m sorry okay.” She apologized, but followed it with an excuse. “It’s just; the band is filled with drama right now.”

“Hmm, I wouldn’t know.” My back was turned to her as I pretended to set up my bed.

“Do you really want to be a part of this?” she asked, but knowing damn well that I only want the truth from her.

“Yes, you’re my cousin and I want to know what’s going on and if there’s anything I can do to help.” I answered. “I love you, Jess.”

“I love you too, kiddo. But,”

“But what?”

“There’s so much that happened.” She sighed.

“Then let’s pop a squat and you can tell me.” I sat on my bed, patting the spot next to me for her to join. “Let’s start with Brian.” I advised.

“He’s being such a baby about it.” She groaned. “Chelsea got an acting part on some Jonas Brother’s show and dumped him, claiming that it wouldn’t have worked because she’s moving to LA and he’s going to be on the road with the band, and also that they are just two totally different people with two totally different interests.” She rolled her eyes at Chelsea’s excuse.

“She’s a bitch, I never liked her.” I confessed harshly, thought I didn’t really know the girl all too well anyway.

“Neither did we.”

“What about John?” I instructed as the next topic.

Her composure moved to that of a more somber one. “We think Kendall broke up with him, but we’re not sure. He’s been moping around, and quieter than usual, just sitting in his room reading. He hasn’t touched his guitar in weeks.”

He was the baby of the band, and I was upset for him, knowing that his so called girlfriend was spending a good portion of her time with Ross, leaving him upset and alone. “Poor thing.”

“Yeah, they were so cute together and he’s devastated, we can only hope he’ll get over this soon so we can start practicing again.”

“How’s Stephen handling him at home?” I asked, starting to shyly direct the conversation towards the subject of her and Stephen.

“He’s scared for his brother, and the band. He doesn’t want us to break up just because of some girl troubles.” She told me honestly.

“Jobe?” I added for good measures, naming everyone in the band.

“Josh is Josh, what can I say, he’s really trying not to get involved.”

“Now you?” she was the last person who’s feelings we haven’t talked about.

“I’m, I’m with Stephen.” She stuttered out. “We both think the same way when it comes down to it, and we’re able to pick each other’s mood up no matter how shitty we feel.”

“That’s nice. You two are great friends.”



I opted to spend the next few days with Jess, trying to repair our friendship, along with picking up her mood. I would talk to John on the phone every so often, but he knew that our girl time was extremely important right now.

“Natalie, John’s out front.” Jess called up the stairs while I was getting ready in the bathroom.

“What. Why?” I asked rhetorically. “I told him that I was spending the rest of the week with you and the guys.

“Maybe he’s having withdrawals.” She joked. “It’s been three days.”

“Oh you’re hilarious.”

“I know.” She smirked as I passed by her and skipped out the front door to my boyfriend.

“What’s up, baby?” I asked him when we were in close proximity. I noticed that his composure showed that of utter sadness, which I knew he was trying to mask up from me; but failing miserably.

He didn’t hesitate to tell me. “We’re going to LA for a few days to record some new stuff.”

That took me by surprise. “Oh.” My heart dropped knowing that I won’t be with him for a while.

“I wanted to wait until after you left,” he started to explain. “But we have the tour and this is the only time we could get the studio.” The words were rushing out of his mouth.

“No, no it’s fine.” I reassured him. “This is your job.”

He rested his forehead to my own. With a sigh, he closed his eyes, leaving me to look at his guilty face. “I wish you could come, babe.” He whispered with his eyes still closed.

“It’s okay.” I placed my right hand upon his cheek, reassuringly. He then opened his beautiful eyes. “You’re living your dream and I support you every step of the way.” I told him.

He brought his lips tenderly to mine. “I knew you’d understand.”

I put on a smile, knowing that this next week would be friendless, but most importantly John-less; and also in comparison to a lesser hell.
♠ ♠ ♠
Longest. Chapter. Ever.
I hope you loved it.

One to go.

Love you all,

PS: I started this tonight Baby Green Eyes. It's another John O story btw.