Status: Complete. Check out the sequel!!

The Summer Scene

Getting Back to Normal

I pulled up with Jess to the Gomez household. We both exited the car and started walking up the pathway. Shelbie was just exiting through the doorway as the two of us were ascending the porch steps; neither of us wanting to acknowledge the others presence.

I was going to ask her what she was doing here, but thought against it; there’s so much drama now, there’s no need for more. Especially with me initiating it.

“Where’s John?” I asked Stephen once he greeted us on the other side of the opened door.

“In the same place he’s been for the past few weeks.” He told me. He wasn’t happy, his brother was keeping himself hidden away from the world and breaking the band apart with the drama, along with his girlfriend storming out not to long ago. Poor Stephen. Life’s a bitch.

“Thanks, that’s so helpful.” I said sarcastically, pushing passed him and up the stairs to John’s room.

I didn’t bother knocking on the door, the knob was unlocked.

“John?” I asked, looking around the dim lighted room. “John.” I spotted him, blending in with his red comforter on top on his bed, with a book in hand. “Hey.” I smiled; he looked alright on the surface from far away.

He looked up at me, acknowledging my presence.

“How long have you been cooped up in here for?” I asked, going over to sit on the edge of his bed next to him. “I haven’t seen you all summer, and it’s breaking my heart.” I faked sadness clad with tears.

“I’m sorry Natalie.” He apologized sincerely. He finally spoke. I got him to speak. I smile was widely spread across my face from that fact.

“It’s okay.” I reassured him. “But what have I missed,” Like he would know, he’s been in here forever. “What’s going on with you?” I pushed the conversation in the direction I wanted it to take.

He looked me into the eyes, both our brown orbs meeting. His told his story; he was sad, broken, and confused. “Kendall left me.”

“Is that why you’re hiding?” I already knew the answer all too well, but I wanted him to admit it himself.

“I guess you could say that.” His voiced was still laced with depression.

I couldn’t stand him breaking over her anymore. If she didn’t see how great and wonderful John is, then she certainly does not deserve him. “Listen;” I started my verbal rant. “If she is the right one for you, then fate will bring her back, so live your life to the fullest cause if it’s meant to be it will be.” I told him.

He looked up from the book, now closed in his lap, and at me with bewilderment.

I started to explain the reason for my little speech, “John and I are finally together.” I smiled, saying this will never cease to cause my face to fill with happiness. “It took two years, and two significant others to make that happen, but it did.” I told him. “Fate wouldn’t have brought me to Tempe, if this wasn’t where my life would be.”

He agreed with me, “I guess you’re right.”

“I know I’m-“ I started to say, but was cut off by the creaking of John’s door opening. We both turned to stare at who was entering the confined room.

“John, can I talk to you for a moment?” A small, weak voice asked. It was Kendall. What the fuck was she doing here after all this time?

I rose from John’s bed, pushing past her in the doorway, and back downstairs to where Jess and Stephen were sitting down on the couch together.

“What’s she doing here?” I said in disgust as I took my place on the recliner across from them.

“I guess we’ll find out sooner or later.” Stephen shrugged, his arm laid on the back of the couch behind where Jess was placed. We all then turned our attention towards the television for the time being. I couldn’t focus; I wanted to know what for and why both Shelbie and Kendall here. My mind was racing with all the probable possibilities.


When John finally descended the staircase, in I don’t know how many days, his hand was laced with Kendall’s. He saw me eyeing their intertwined fingers and opened his mouth to start to explain, but Kendall beat him to the punch. “Shelbie called me,” she started to give details as to why she was here. “Well, showed up at my house and gave me this threatening lecture to finally bring me to my senses.” She looked up at John with adoration and thanks in her eyes. I could tell she knew she didn’t deserve him after what she did, but she was grateful that he took her back.

“And then she came over here to cheer me up,” John was the next to finish the explanation. “But it didn’t work.” I looked at him confused as did Stephen and Jess, how could it not have worked if Shelbie told you she spoke to Kendall? “Nattie helped me.” Oh, well I guess my speech did come out comprehendible after all. “And like she said, fate brought us back together; but in the form of Shelbie.” He chuckled at the latter. I saw him give Kendall a reassuring squeeze to her hand still placed in his.

“That’s great, bro.” Stephen told him, completely happy that his brother was back. “Does that mean we can start practicing again?” He asked.

“Yup.” He smiled his cute Baby Gomez smile.

“Good.” Jess too smiled, leaning into Stephen, who then wrapped his arm around her proceeding to kiss her head. She then leaned up to peck his lips back.

“Woah you two are together!?!” I asked, totally mind-fucked.

John chuckled, “Even I knew that.”

“Yeah, what’d you think I meant by ‘I’m with Stephen’?” Jess asked me, thinking back to our conversation to patch things up many, many days before.

“That you agreed with him, not dating him!” I was still in shock; I would have never guessed that they would ever be a couple. Never in a million years.

“You got a problem?” Stephen raised his eyebrows, challenging me if I did.

“No, I’m happy for you,” I told them truthfully. “But, fuck, you couldn’t have just told me this in the first place?”

“We wanted to keep it low key.” Jess defended.

“Not even our fans know,” Stephen said. “Which is the way we want it.”

“Good luck with that.” I said. A couple in the same band is going to be so hard, especially keeping it from their fans.


Kendall and John left, John deciding that he seriously needed to see what the world has now come too after hiding in his room. Stephen, Jess, and I were sitting in the backyard on the lawn chairs.

“How’d you and Shelbie end?” I asked out of curiosity.

“With all the shit that happened, Jess was the only one who understood what was going on so I started spending more and more time with her and not Shelbie.” He told me. “And we just died out from there.” He shrugged and then wrapped his arm around Jess’s shoulder, pulling her in close to him.

“Then why-“ I started to ask, since it wasn’t making any sense.

He knew exactly what I was going to say. “She was here because she wanted to fix everything, knowing that none of us knew what to do, and she actually had the guts to confront Kendall and tell her all the shit she put everyone through from hurting John.” He clarified that aspect for me.

“Oh.” Was all I said in response.

We all stared into the dark, starry night in silence. Stephen and Jess had each other, and now John has his Kendall back. Just four more days.

I woke up early this morning and decided to walk to Brian’s house for The Summer Set’s band practice. By leaving this early I was sure to be at practice on time.

“Hey, Nattie.” Josh greeted me as I entered the basement a half an hour later.

“Hey, Jobe.” I greeted him with a smile and a wave; he was the only one from the band down here at the moment.

“Hi, Natalie.” I heard that familiar annoyance say from behind me on the couch.

“Connor.” I stated, turning to him with a smile; I wasn’t in the mood for his constant flirting. I turned back around to face Josh.

“So you’re back in our neck of the woods, huh?” he asked as he was setting up his guitar.

“Yeah.” I sighed.

“Where’s your boys?”

“Recording.” I replied.


I sighed again, “Three more days.”

He looked at me like I was crazy. “You’re counting?” he asked with a smirk on enjoyment.

“Yes.” I replied plainly. “They we’re supposed to be home two days ago.” I told him.

Connor jumped into our conversation, “Why didn’t you call me?” he asked a little hurt. “I’d be your replacement until they got back.”

“I’ve been spending ‘girl time’ with Jess.” I used that fact as my excuse.

Josh raised his eyebrows repeatedly. “Sexy.”

“No, not really.” I countered. “We sit outside and tan, or shop. No music or anything to do with men and bands allowed.”

“Why didn’t you two just take a trip back home for a few days?” Josh asked jokingly. He knew that I hate being back home, but his logic isn’t that bad either.

“Ha ha you’re funny.”

“It comes naturally.” He smiled.

I rolled my eyes. “I bet it does.”

Brian was the next to enter the practice space.

“Hey, Bri.” I was the first to greet him happily.

“Hi Nattie,” he greeted me back. “How’ve you been?” he asked me sincerely.

“Great.” I said enthusiastically. “And then six days ago happened.” I added, my giddiness fading away.

“Oh, man, what happened?” he asked concerned as to why I was unhappy.

“The guys left for the studio.” I reworded my answer to Josh’s question previously.

“You must feel so lonely.” He stated, going over to turn on his microphone and make sure everything he needs is working properly.

“I offered to keep her company, but she didn’t want it.” Connor, again, piped in.

I disregarded Connor’s comment and answered Brian’s statement. “No, Jess has been keeping me on a tight leash.”

“She would.” He smiled his toothy smile, as he went to raise the stand up a little bit.

We heard the door open and watched John walk through happily.

“Hey, guys.” He greeted the males in the room. “Natalie.” He gave me a head jerk and a smile.

“Hey, John.” We all simultaneously greeted him back.

Josh was the first to say something other than a greeting. “Where’s Jess and Steph?”

John walked over to his couch in the corner, not bothering to get set up until the missing members of the band decided to show up. “When I left Stephen was just getting out of bed and Jess was harassing him for it.” He smirked crookedly at the memory, and we all chuckled at the thought.

“They slept together?” of course Connor asked that.

“Not that I know of.” He told us.

I made my way over to his couch and plopped down next to him. “Yeah, Jess came home with me last night.” I added in my two cents.

Practice went well, once Stephen and Jess decided to show up. After their hard work, Stephen informed us that there was a get together at Justin Godsey’s house later that night, and we were all invited. I decided to go, due to the fact that I had nothing better to do, and I haven’t seen or spoken to Godsex if forever.
♠ ♠ ♠
I don't ever want this to end!!

I'm going to prolong this story because there's something that has to be addressed in the prequel before I can go further with it in the sequel. So this isn't the last one.

Be Happy!
If I can get to 62 comments then I'll update immediately.

Oh, and check out this other story I've been working on Livin' Off The Party Scene featuring Justin Godsey, John O'Callaghan, and various members of My Girl Friday, The Season Premiere, The Summer Set, The Maine, A Rocket To The Moon, and This Century.

