Status: Complete. Check out the sequel!!

The Summer Scene

Twenty-Seven Dresses

I entered the foreign, yet familiar and welcoming house of the Godsey family, following in the path of Jess and Stephen, whom I arrived with. I followed them into the kitchen to start off with a drink, and then from there I was left to fend for myself because they went to do God knows what.

As I was pouring myself a drink at the kitchen counter, I heard a fairly familiar voice greet me. “Well, well, we meet again. Natalie is it?”

I turned around and came face to face with that long, curly headed man in that same silly blue plaid shirt as he was in the first time I met him. “You got it, Godsex.” I smiled at the nickname I created for him a while back.

He smiled back. “You remembered.”

“Of course I did.” I replied while tracing the rim of my plastic cup filled with my vodka and cranberry juice cocktail drink.

“Damn you got so fine.” He didn’t hold back.

“Thanks, you don’t look that much like a caveman yourself.” We both chuckled.

“So did you get him?” Justin asked me, randomly wondering.


“John,” he clarified. “Have you had your way with him yet?”

“Oh, yeah.” I answered. “We’re together.” I looked back down at the blue cup in my hands, and Justin took a drink out of his own.

Justin snapped the fingers of his free hand. “Damn, you’re off the market.” He said with a faux sad face.

“‘Fraid so.” I shrugged and took a sip of my drink.

“Oh well, guess I have to live for the friend option.” He sighed. I could tell he was joking, but it was fun to watch and play along with.

“You’ll make it, I promise.” I reassured him. “You’re fucking Godsex!” I emphasized. “There’s sex in your name. Not pure sex, but sex at the least.” I looked up into his eyes and smiled widely to show him that I was messing with him.

He turned the conversation into something more personal than just making fun of each other’s names. “So have you had sex with your beau yet?”

“Nope.” I popped the p, then taking another sip of my drink.

“And why not?”

“I don’t want to.” I told him seriously, removing the plastic rim from my lips.

He shook his head, taking another gulp of his drink. “You’re such a tease.”

“That’s what John calls me.” I smirked, thinking about my boyfriend who’s so far away at the moment.

“Well, look at yourself.” He moved his hand up and down, palm up, surveying my body. “That hair.” My hair was long and wavy brown; I curled the strands around the front of my head to sculpt my face perfectly. “Your eyes.” There was nothing special about them, they’re also brown, and I only wear eyeliner on the top of my eyelids and a little mascara. “Your lips.” Again, nothing special; I’m just wearing a little bit of pink gloss. “That fucking outfit.” I was wearing light blue denim short shorts, the ones where the pockets are a little bit visible through the bottom, a dark navy blue American Eagle halter top, and my traditional converse. “You can drive a man crazy in that thing.”

“Well I’d rather be in it.” I chuckled with a smirk, only imagining that he was undressing me with his eyes as he explained the perks of my body.

“And we want you out of it.” I knew that was coming.

“We?” I challenged, surely there cannot be many people who want me out of my clothes.

“The male population.” He stated. Uh huh, sure.

“Well, I can’t upset the male population.” I played along. “But I’m no whore.” I shook my head, taking another sip. “I have my man and my body’s for his eyes only.” I told him with a smile. Godsey can really get me to keep a permanent smile on my face. I wonder why…

“Speaking of said man, where is he this fine evening?” he asked, pertaining to John.

“LA.” I finished the rest of my cups contents.


“Recording.” I said as I turned around to refill my cup, Justin doing the same with his own.

“So that means you’re free as of right now.” He winked at me.

“In a sense, yes.” I replied leaning my back against the counter once my cup was filled.

“Then live a little.” He said with a wide smirk as he took a gulp of his now filled party cup.

“I don’t think-“ I started to argue, but Justin grabbed me by my wrist, pulling me along behind him and out of the kitchen.

“Come on.” Was all he said as an explanation as he pulled me behind him.

We ended up plowing though a bunch of people, just for Justin to bring us to the dining room, where, of course there were more bottles of alcohol set up. He took an empty cup and started filling it with random contents as I scanned the scene for any sign of my cousin or the other men of The Summer Set.

“Drink it!” he pulled me out of my reeve, handing me the cup he just filled up.

“What is it?” I asked a little scared to consume the contents of the cup.

“Drink it!” he responded automatically. “A mystery drink.” He then answered my question.

“I see, but,” I started to argue to get out of having to consume the, what I assume to be vial, thing.

“Natalie, just drink the damn thing.”

I gave in because I trusted Justin. “Fine.”

He smiled then patted the top of my head. “Good girl.”

“You’re more annoying than Moose.” I shook my head as I brought the concoction up to my lips.

“I’ll take that as a compliment.” He smirked.

I took a sip of the drink that he made me, it wasn’t that bad, but I could taste all the different forms of liquor in it. He noticed me taking small sips of the drink and he scolded me.

“Natalie, this isn’t time for leisure, chug the fucking thing!”

I did what he told me and chugged the rest of the drink in one big gulp. All the while, Justin was standing there with a happy smile spread across his face.

I slammed the now empty plastic holder onto the table, and Justin didn’t hesitate to grab my wrist once again and pull me off to somewhere, following on his trail.

We were now in the backyard. Stephen and Jess were cuddled on a bench, while other’s we seated around the lawn. Justin led us over to an empty picnic table.

“Now get on the table.” The ordered me while pointing to the wood.

I didn’t argue. I got on, him then following right behind me. We stood together on the old wooden table, which I kept thinking was going to collapse underneath us. It shouldn’t be able to hold more than 200 pounds.

“Logan hit number 7.” He yelled to a skinny boy in jean shorts and a tank top from Snakes & Suits with long blonde hair standing next to the stereo.

Betty and the Jetts came on.

“What the- Are we having a 27 Dresses moment here?” I looked up at him questionably.

“Yes we are.” He replied. “Now dance.” He ordered me as he started to sway from side to side. Everyone started to watch us, so I stood where I was; not wanting to move at all. He grabbed my hands, forcing me to sway to the beat with him.

I looked up at Justin’s eyes. They told me that he was having fun, and his attempts to make me enjoy the night as much as he was made me want to give in to him. I smiled and started dancing upon the somehow stable wooden table with him. We even started singing, at this moment I felt like I was living in a movie.

Once the song ended and all the other partygoers went back to what they were doing before Justin and I created an amusing scene, Justin got off the table first, then I following after him, him grabbing my hands to help me down. Once my feet hit the grass I fell into Justin’s chest. I was coming down from the adrenaline high, as well as the buzz from the mystery drink along with the others. That’s a total of three alcoholic beverages with a very, very high proof.

“That was so much fun.” I said out of breath into his chest.

“Well I am the master of partying.” He chuckled while rubbing my back with one of his hands.

“Godsey what are you doing to my cousin?” it was no doubt Jess who was questioning our close proximity.

“Showing her how to live.” Godsex simply told her.

“Not too much fun, she’s taken.” Jess barked back at him, and I removed myself from Justin’s body, remembering that fact.

He took his free hand, the other still on my lower back, and brought it up to his chest. “I would never!”

“Whatever you say, J.” she rolled her eyes as she walked back over to Stephen who came back out from inside the house, obviously getting them drinks since he was carrying two cups.

As the night died down as people started to leave and crash around the house from over intoxication, the night was dark and I was bored, considering all my other friends were passed out.

“You wanna go somewhere?” Justin asked me.

“Sure.” I didn’t question where we would be going. I trusted him.

Godsey took my hand in his, leading us from the backyard, into the house, up the stairs to the second floor, then up a wooden ladder that he pulled down from the second story hallway ceiling. He climbed up first and I didn’t hesitate to follow.

We came out on the roof. Justin sat down a few feet away from the entrance hole, and I beside him on his left. We sat in silence, before I finally spoke.

“This is so pretty.” I mused, looking into the clear, starry night.

“You’re a sucker for landscapes?” It wasn’t a statement, it was a question. Godsey didn’t know that I spent almost every night watching the bright pastel colors which the sun made as it was going to set.

“Yeah, there’s so much light pollution in N.Y.” I told him. “This place is beautiful.” I sighed, resting back on my hands to get a better view of the stars above me.

“I’m glad you like it. “

Time passed, and we were still on the roof, just that now we had beverages. None other than the alcoholic persuasion of course. Justin and I were seated pretzel-style facing one another, the drinks seated far to my right, his left.

“Truth or truth?” he asked me.

“Um, truth.” I answered, since I didn’t have any other choice.

“Where do you see yourself in the future?” he asked as he took a sip out of his cup.

“Um, school.” I answered unsurely.

He looked at me with one eyebrow raised. “No big plans?”

“No.” I replied. “I have no clue what I want to do with my life.” I answered him truthfully. I remembered having this conversation with Ross a few years back, and back then I knew exactly what I wanted. My how time changes.

“Quit school, travel with us.” He made my plans for me.

I had to question him do to the latter, “Us?”

“Yeah, the bands.” He clarified. “Not like, me in general, but us bands as a collective group.” He used his hands to form an imaginary circle which was supposed to be composed of the Tempe/Phoenix bands that I’ve been associated with over the years.

“Oh“ I turned myself to face the landscape in front of me, away from Justin’s glare.

“Though you could travel with me if you’d like.” He whispered, coming to sit next to me.

I whispered back, “And where would you be going?”

“Wherever you want.”

I couldn’t help but smile. “Are you coming on to me, Mr. Godsey?” I didn’t look at him, I kept my eyes fixed on the ground below, and that stupid smile on my face.

“Is it working?” he asked softly.

“No.” I shook my head.

He moved in closer to me, whispering softly in my ear. “How about now?”

I shook my head again, a smirk forming on my lips. “Nah ah.”

“Alright, I give up.” He moved back a little, to sit next to me, throwing his hands down in defeat.

I laughed. “You don’t give up that easily.” I know for a fact he doesn’t.

“No. I don’t.” he agreed with me, staring blankly into the horizon. We were so close together, the sides of our bodies just about touching. I looked over at him, and then diverted my gaze back to the scenery. “I like you, Natalie.” He whispered, and then looked over at me with his big brown eyes, telling me that he truly meant it.

Our eyes meant for a moment, and I didn’t say anything. He looked back at the houses in place in front of us. We were still sitting close together; I rested my head upon his shoulder while he just sat there like a stone. “I like you too, Justin.” I whispered almost inaudibly.

He heard me though. He wrapped his arm that was closest to me around my waist, pulling me in closer and comforting the both of us. Simultaneously, and unplanned we both let out a sigh, but for two different reasons.

I spent the next three days of my Maine cleansing with Justin. He’s such a cool, down to earth, funny, caring guy. He never fails to get and keep a smile plastered on my face.
After a day of hanging around in Justin’s room watching movies, because both my cousin and his best friend were spending the day together and that meant that it was going to be a disgusting and sickening sight if we stuck around, Justin dropped me off at my summer house.

“What are you doing tomorrow?” he asked through the open window after I got out of his car.

A smile came across my face because finally that long awaited day was here. “John comes home.” I told him bluntly.

His composure fell a little from the happiness that was evident on his face just moments ago. “Oh, right.”

“Yeah, I’m sorry.” I told him sincerely.

“What time?”

“No clue.” I replied. “I’m going to go hang with Ross, though. I’m sorry.” I told him and then apologized with the latter.

“No, it’s okay.” He shook it off like it was nothing, but I could tell something was really bugging him. “I’ve had you the past few days. I guess I have to learn to share.” He added in.

I turned on my heels, waving behind me, “Bye, Godsex.”

“See ya, Nattie. Keep in touch after you leave!”

“Will do.” I turned back around to face him. He was almost hanging out the passenger side window, his seatbelt from the driver’s side still on. I pointed my finger at him and narrowed my eyes, “You better reply to your twitter replies, mister.”

“I’ll try.”

“That’s all I ask for.” I smiled back at him before stepping onto the porch and entering the house.
♠ ♠ ♠
Justin "Godsex" Godsey

Well, I really just wanted to get this out. Even though I only got one comment on the last one...

There's seriously only one chapter left, so I better get a lot of comment's on this one, or else I will not update.

I mean, I know. But there's almost 100 of you. So if even less than half of you comment I'll be ecstatic!!
