Status: Complete. Check out the sequel!!

The Summer Scene

Sixteenth Summer

Next summer

“Returning home?” The taxi driver asked me once we were on the main highway heading into the Tempe area.

“No. I’m spending the summer here.” I replied. “But I guess you could call this home.” The taxi driver was a short and pudgy man. His black hair was balding, leaving the top part of his head covered in shinny skin; most of the hair looked like it was collecting in his bushy mustache. His voice was not that deep for a middle aged man. He is also very friendly. I guess you’d have to be for this job.

“Well that’s nice.” He said. “Do you have family or a boyfriend you’re staying with?” He pried to keep a conversation going.

“My aunt and cousin, actually.” Was my response.

“It’s nice to have family that is willing to take you in when you want to get away from home.”
He answered back with a small smile.

“Tell me about it.” I sighed, looking out the window and into the dark that was the all too familiar Arizona night.

“How old are you anyway?” He asked.

“I just turned 16.” I answered, still gazing out my backseat window.

“Oh we have a new driver here.” He said. “You could have driven yourself.” He joked.

I chuckled. It seems like everyone here has a sense of humor. While in New York, we’re a bunch of pretentious pricks.

“Did you have a big party like you girls tend to have?” He wondered.

“No.” I replied.

“That’s unfortunate.” He said like he felt bad for me.

“I really didn’t want one.” I defended myself.

He laughed. “I wish my kids were like that. I have twins, Jamal and Tiffani. They’re turning 16 in almost a year and all Tiffani can think about is this big extravagant party.” He rambled.

“Typical girl.” I replied.

I made my way up the walkway and to the door. From the looks of it neither Aunt Ilene nor Jess was home. I fumbled with my key, but once it was in I waved to the sweet driver to tell him I was fine. I walked over to the side table and put my bag down. Just as I was reaching for the light switch, all the downstairs lights turned on at once.

“Surprise!” A bunch of voices screamed simultaneously.

As I was standing there shocked, Jess came running up to hug me.

“Omg thank you! You didn’t have to throw me a party.” I whisper-yelled into her ear. I was not expecting this.

“But we wanted to. We haven’t seen you in a year!” She squealed.

“Yeah, and so much happened that you missed.” Stephen added, coming up behind Jess.

“We need to catch you up.” Josh joined.

“And there are a bunch of people you need to meet.” Brian added to our little group, pushing past Stephen and Jess to hug me.

“Hey, kiddo.” Kenny was the next to greet me, walking up behind me with a girl at his hip. I could tell Jess was uncomfortable with him here, but she did it for me. God Bless Her.

“Hey Kenny.” I replied, unlatching Brian and going in to hug him.

“Natalie, this is my girlfriend Gabi.” He introduced once we broke away.

“Hey.” I greeted. She was very pretty. She had long brown hair that went just past her shoulders. Her big eyes were also a shade of light brown. She was just a tad shorter than
Kenny. They also kind of look alike which seems cute.

“Hi, it’s so good to finally meet you.” She said. “They’ve been talking about you nonstop since they found out you were coming back.” She confessed.

“Really?” I asked in disbelief.

“Yeah they love you.” Gabi raved.

“Yo, shortie.” I heard Tim’s voice yell towards me from somewhere behind my back.

“What?” I turned around and yelled back towards the circle of couches.

“Come and meet some more of your future friends.” He yelled back, waving an arm to signal me over.

“Sorry, excuse me.” I dismissed myself and pushed past Stephen, Josh, Brian, and Jess to get over to Tim, who was sitting on the brown couch with a deep brunette girl on his lap.

“Natalie, this is my girlfriend Ashley.” He introduced the girl once I was close enough where he didn’t need to scream.

“Hi.” She waved with a huge toothy white grin. She reminds me of a beaver. But it works on her. Dare I say she’s a cute beaver, if they even exist.

“Hi.” I replied with a small wave.

Tim tapped her thigh, signaling for her to get up.

“Alright, let’s introduce you to everyone else.” He bellowed. “This is Joel,” he pointed to a guy with longish blonde hair. “He sings for This Century. That’s Justin he’s from Brighten and A Rocket to the Moon.” Another blonde, but he had sparkling blue eyes and is kind of short. Next he pointed to a red head and a tall brunette with a beard growing in. “That’s Nick Santino and Andrew Cook. Singer and drummer for A Rocket.”

“What, no greeting?” Eric interrupted from the corner chair next to the fireplace in a hurt tone.

“No, Halvo, she’s meeting new people. She has no time for your sorry ass.” Tim replied seriously.

“Aw, poor Eric.” I said, walking over to hug him.

“Well at least someone likes Halvo.” A girl commented.

I broke away from Eric and turned around to see Garrett and a smaller, perky girl standing next to him. She was half Garrett’s height, had long red hair, a nose ring just like Garr, and had a big black rose ring resting on her left ring finger. She looked like Garrett, too. What is with these Arizona couples having similar characteristics?

“Hi, I’m Rachael.” She greeted me. “You can call me Rach. I’m Garr’s girlfriend by the way.” She clarified pointing over to Garrett.

“Oh, hi.” I replied, stunned by her forwardness.

Garrett chuckled at my expense. I shot him a glare, and he smirked. “Glad to have to back kiddo.” He saluted.

I spent most of the night meeting new people and trying to catch up on the important things that I missed, but the moments everyone could remember.

“Hey, wait, where’s John?” I whispered to Rach, who was sitting next to me on the floor.
Everyone in attendance at my “Welcome Back” party were all seated on, in, or between the circle of couches that was formed for some odd reason.

“I don’t know. He might still be at home.” She shrugged.

“Oh.” My mood fell a little. She could tell. I know that Rach will be one of my closest friends here, I could already tell.

“Hey, I live down the road from him, when Garrett brings me home, I guess he could drop you off and pick you back up, so you could say hi.” She offered.

“Really?” I whispered back, hope and happiness coating my mood and tone.

“Yeah. You’ve got these boys wrapped around your pretty little finger.” She smiled and draped her left arm over my shoulders in a one-armed hug.


“I guess I’m picking you up.” Garrett clarified looking at Rachael with a raised eyebrow.

“Yup. Text me when you’re coming, so I know you’re not ditching me.” I said, exiting the back seat.

“I would never.” He smirked.

I chuckled and closed the backseat door to his banana yellow car.

I strolled up the familiar path and knocked on the large mahogany door.

Mrs. O answered. I heard Garrett and Rach pull away.

“Well Hello there stranger.” She greeted.

“Hey, Mrs. O.” I smiled back.

“What brings you here?” She asked sweetly, opening the door wide, inviting me in.

“John didn’t come to my ‘Welcome Home’ party.” I replied sadly with a pout for emphasis.

“Well he’s in the back.” She smiled.

“Ok.” I perked up and started making my way towards the backyard.

On my way, I passed the den and saw Ross playing video games with Shane and one of their friends. “Hey guys.” I greeted.

“Hey, what are you doing here?” Ross asked questioningly, turning his gaze away from the television to look at me.

“Going to yell at your brother.” I replied with a little attitude.

“What’d he do?” He asked.

“He didn’t come to the party Jess threw me.” I said matter-of-factly.

Ross shook his head and smirked. I left our conversation at that and headed out the glass sliding doors and in to the backyard.

I saw John sitting by himself on the wooden swing. So many memories from last summer came flooding back, and I couldn’t keep a smile from forming on my face.

“Hey, why didn’t you come to the party?” I asked creeping up behind him.

He looked up for a second. “Had some things to do.” He replied monotone, looking back down at the dirt and grass beneath his feet.

“Really? I feel loved. Thanks.” I sarcastically said.

“Everyone you know was there.” He stated.

“Not everyone.” I whispered taking the open seat next to him.

“I had things to do.” He retorted.

“Like?” I asked, but no answer. “You aren’t touring and you’re not in school, so there’s not
much you really could have hogging up all your time.”

“And what’s that supposed to mean.” He angrily asked, finally looking at me.

“Why are you being this way? What happened to you?” I snapped back.

“What do you mean, I haven’t changed.” He defended.

“Yes you have.”


“Yes. I can tell.” I yelled back, getting up in his face.

“You’ve known me for a year.” He looked straight ahead, ignoring my stare.

“Yes I spent an entire summer with you, this is not you.” I shot back.

“So you say.” He softened his tone.

“Something’s bothering you, what is it?” I asked nicely, concerned.

“Nothing.” He replied. He obviously didn’t want to talk about it, but I wasn’t giving up that

“Tell me.” I was still looking at him, and he was looking down at his feet.

“My girlfriend.” He whispered.

“Oh.” My heart fell slightly. “So what’s up with her?” I asked, trying not to let the hurt I feel
inside show.

“She’s been a bi-“ He stopped himself.

“Go ahead, say it, I’m not four.” I rolled my eyes.

“She’s been all bitchy. And at times we’re cool but then the next minute she’s yelling at me and going all psycho bitch on my ass.” He explained, looking at me again.

“Is she pregnant?” I joked to try and lighten the mood.

“No.” he said sternly.

“Sorry.” I whispered.

He looked away again. “She’s broken up with me twice and then took me back the next day. I don’t know what’s up with her.” He said. I could tell his heart was breaking. My heart was also breaking for him. He looked so sad and confused. Like us girls are told to never trust a man, men should never trust women. But no one ever listens to that, so what’s the point?
John doesn’t deserve to be hurt, he’s going to amount to something big, huge even, someday.

“That’s not right. You should be with someone who would never let you go.” I said, hugging him. “If she keeps breaking your heart then she’s not worth it.”

“Thanks kiddo.” He hugged me back. I forgot how much I loved being around him.

“No problem.” I broke away from him.

“How’d you get here anyway?” he finally asked.

“Garrett was taking Rachael home, he’ll be back to get me soon.” I replied.

“You know that might be a few hours, right?” he smirked.

“I figured.” I shrugged.

“I’m guessing you don’t care.” He smiled his beautifully enchanting grin.

“Nope.” I popped the p.

“Is Jess gonna be mad?” he questioned.

“She threw me a party. She has her hands full right now.” I stated, referring to the mess she needs to clean up, and the fact that she actually let Kennedy and his girlfriend into our house.

“You wanna go perfect your skills?” he asked.


We both got up and made our way back into the house.