Sequel: Four Years
Status: Completed. Read the sequel "Four Years" :)

My Saving Grace

Can't Stand It

"Jack, go home. I'm going out with Alex tonight and I need to get ready," I said, crawling out from under the blankets.

"I don't wanna!" He whined, burying his head deeper into my pillows.

"You've gotta! You can't just stay here," I said, climbing back onto the bed. I sat on him and he turned over to face me.

"Can't I just stay here and wait for you to come back?" He smiled sweetly at me.

I rolled my eyes and stood up on the bed, starting to jump. I had hoped that he would, like roll out of my bed or something and leave.

He just grabbed my legs and pulled me down. I screamed and slammed on top of him, laughing hysterically. He let out a loud groan, "You're heavy."

Offended, I crawled up so that I was sitting on him, "I'm what?"

"Heavy," He coughed out. "You're sitting on my tummy! Get off!"

"You're so weak. I mean, look at you. You're this thin," I said, holding up my two index fingers only an inch apart.

"Hey, I'm thinner than you," He retorted.

My smile fell, "I hate you."

"Rae, c'mon!"

I slid off of him and stood up. I walked over to my closet, completely ignoring him. I can't believe he did that. Even if it was meant as a joke, it still hurt. My weight was such an issue with me. It always has been. I run and eat as little as possible just to stay 100 lbs. I guess you could call me borderline anorexic.

I suddenly felt Jack's arms wrap around my waist. He rested his chin on my shoulder, "Rae, you know I love you."

I sighed, "I know that. And you know I love you, too. You also know how self-conscience I am."

"I'm sorry!" He planted a sloppy kiss on my cheek and unwrapped his arms. Walking over to my mirror, he lifted up his shirt and stared at his reflection. "You know, I'm self-conscience too. I mean, look at me! I'm fucking huge!" He laughed.

I rolled my eyes and turned my attention back to finding the perfect outfit for tonight. I scanned over the clothes hanging neatly in the closet. I groaned in frustration. I had no idea what to wear. All Alex had told me was 'it's a surprise!'. Yeah, that's so helpful.

I turned around to face Jack, "Bro, can you hand me my phone?"

He walked over to my bed and grabbed it. He fell onto the bed as he threw it. I caught it and started dialing Alex's number.

I walked over to the bed, waiting for Alex to pick up. I watched as Jack dug around under the pillows, looking for the remote to turn on the TV.

He found it and pulled it out, pressing the red power button. The SpongeBob theme song started blaring.

"Turn it down, dude!" I yelled.

"Rachel?" Alex's voice rang through the phone.

"Oh, hey, Alex," I laughed nervously. "I need to know what to wear for tonight."

"Oh, um, well, wear something formal, yet casual," He chuckled. "Be ready in two hours."

I smiled, "Okay, I will. Thanks boo, I love you." Oops. Jack didn't know about what had happened last night. Oh, well, he would have to deal.

"I love you too, Rae," He said. I could hear the smile in his voice. Adorable.

I pressed the end button and threw the phone down onto the bed. I got up and walked over to my closet. I had the perfect outfit to wear tonight.

I pulled the outfit out my closet and walked back over to my bed, laying the clothes down next to Jack.

I glanced at him. He was just sitting there, slightly glaring at me.

"What?" I asked, giving him a look. "Did I say something?"

"I love you more than he does. I can guarantee it," He said, shaking his head and still glaring at me.

"Right, okay. He takes me out and shows me he loves me. He's not afraid to show his emotions towards me. What did you do, Jack?"

"Well, I - "

"You use me, that's right. You take advantage of the fact that I will do anything for you. And when we sleep together, I get to thinking 'Hey, maybe, just maybe, he's gonna ask me out and we're gonna be a couple!'. And then what do you do? You turn around and ask another fucking girl out and completely fucking ignore me. You do not love me more than he does, Jack!" I yelled, getting up in his face.

"Oh, and then you go and pull the 'I didn't want to ruin our friendship!' card. Fucking ridiculous. If you really did love me, then you would've taken that risk, dude!"

Jack just sat there, looking down at the remote in his hands. He popped the back off and then popped it back on. He felt guilty. I could just tell by the way he was acting. He always had something to say, and when he didn't, he knew he was wrong.

I rolled my eyes and walked to the bathroom attached to my room, slamming the door.

I sunk down to the floor and just sat there thinking about what I just did. It felt really good to get all of that out. But...I still felt bad.

I brought my knees up to my chest and crossed my arms, resting them on top of my knees. I laid my head down on my arms, "I'm sorry, Jack." I whispered to myself.

"I'm sorry, Rachel," I could hear Jack say softly. I heard footsteps walk away from the door.

I stood up quickly and opened the door. I saw Jack with one foot already out the window.

"Jack, wait," I sighed.

His head snapped up and his eyes met mine, "What?"

"Don't go."

He smiled slightly and climbed right back in. He rushed over to me, stopping only an inch away. He cupped my face in his hands, "I fucking love you. I'm so sorry."

I smiled as he leaned down to kiss me. He pulled away and looked at me, "So, can I stay?"

I nodded, "You can stay. And when I get back, we'll have some fun."

"Yes," He laughed lightly, running to jump on the bed. He landed and curled up into a ball with a grin on his face. He turned up the TV as I walked into the bathroom again to shower and get ready.

Alex would be here in about an hour and a half to pick me up and go out. Jack would be here, waiting patiently for me to come back.

I hated myself for doing this.
♠ ♠ ♠
title credit:// can't stand it - nevershoutnever!

hale yuuuuuus. :D

read her stuff, yeah? :D


mmmmmmmmmm. <3

so, thoughts? i'll give you cookies and jack if you give me feeeeeedback. :D
