Daelyn's Diary


Hey! Nice to meet you all. I'm Daelyn Vale, you can call me Dey. I'm 14 years old, and I live in Seattle. I'm on of the member of this dancing group named The Jaguars', currently I'm living with the other members in our dorm.

Meet the other members!

Aiden Clark, our best leader. The silly brothers, Chase Rivera and Tyler Anderson, they're not biological brothers, but they're really close, just like brothers! Mr. Clean aka Dylan King, he hates seeing something messy, he always clean things up. Our talented chef, Adele White, she cooks really well! And Ms. Bright aka Anne Davis, she's a mood lighter!

Don't forget our manager, Mr. Shin. He's Japanese, his body is really big. And he could speak 6 different languages! Its, Chinese, English, Korean, Japanese, France, and Thai. No wonder Mr. Lee our dancing school's president hired him.

Our dancing school had many talented dance groups but they've graduated already. The Jaguars' are one of those dance groups that my dancing school formed. We haven't graduate, yet. This year is our second year! Next year is our last year together T_T because we'll graduate from the dancing school. AAAA! No I don't want to separate from you guysss!


Did I mentioned that I'm madly in love with U-Kiss? No? Not yet? Okay, I've mentioned it now anyway.

Anyways! I'll read my diary for you. My 2009 summer diary. Hey! It was my first year! Oh, and I was 13 at that time.

The story starts here.........

12 June, 2009.

It was a really hot summer, and I was walking home. When I passed by the park I saw Nara, my best friend. She sat on one of the bench on the park, while eating her ice cream. Then, she noticed me.

"Dey!" she said while waving her hands.

"Hey!" I said, I came to her and I sat next to her.

"It's a really hot day, right?" she said.


"I heard from Kelli that you're joining an audition."

"Yeah. My dancing school has this kind of audition, and all of the students must join. The judges which is our trainers will pick 7 students. And they'll form a new dancing group." I said.

"Oh, when's the audition?"

"Next week. Wish me luck!" I said.

"I'll always support you!" she said, then she looked at her watch, "oh I must go now! Bye~"


Then she left, because I saw Nara eating ice cream. It made me want some of the ice cream too! So, I decided to buy a dark chocolate ice cream. Hmmm, my favorite. And then I went home. There's no practice for this week, cause the trainers are giving us time to practice.

Oh! I just received a text from mom!

Daelyn ^^ good luck for your audition tomorrow~
I'm sorry I can't come to the audition to support you.
We're really busy, I'm so sorry.. Dad says sorry too..
I hope you'll make it through and meet U-Kiss in person~
I love you ^^ ♥

Eli, I love you! ♥_♥

19 June, 2009.

I went to the audition today. And I made it through! I woke up at 8 am today, and I took a shower, brushed my teeth, put on my clothes, and then I ate my breakfast, alone. Mom and dad said to me that they're really busy with their work. I haven't met them yet, since last week. Ah, I miss my parents already T^T come home soon mom, dad~!

Oh anyway, I got chills when the judge called my name. It was because the other 5 students that auditioned didn't succeeded. I kept thinking what if I didn't make it? But something popped up on my mind, and it was Eli! Eli gives me more confident~

I danced free-style version of Conti' U-Kiss' Intro. Oh and I brought my cousin's fake gun with me, just to match with the song. Thank God, the judges loved it! Their favorite part was the gun short part on 'You better back of' ➪ it's Eli's part ♥.

"Congratulations, Daelyn! You're the first member of the group!" said one of the judge.

I'm in the group! Because I had to went directly home, I totally forgot about the other six members. The dancing school is just 10 minutes away from my house, and when I came home I saw my grandma.

"Grandma!" I hugged her.

"Hi, Daelyn. How are you, dear?" she asked

"I'm good. What about you, grandma?"

"I'm good also. Oh and, I heard from your parents that you're having an audition today."

"Yeah. I just came home from the audition."

"Oh. Hows the audition?"

"I made it! I'm in the dancing group now~!"

"Your parents haven't know about this, right?"

"Nope, not yet."

"Then go call them! Tell them that you made it through."

"They're busy. I think they're not going to answer my phone call.."

"Aww, cheer up, Daelyn. Text them, they'll read it." said Grandma.

So, I texted my parents

Mom, dad! I made it through the audition!
But I haven't meet the other members, I went directly home.

After I sent the message to my parents, I called Nara.

"I made it through the audition!" I screamed.

"WHAT?!" she was really shocked, "OH MY GOD!! ARE YOU SERIOUS?!"

"I AM~!!!"

"WOW CONGRATS~! I KNEW YOU'LL MADE IT THROUGH~! I'm sorry but I'm having a guest here in my house, it'll be really strange if they see me screaming on the phone! HAHA"

"Okay~ Bye! See you soon!"

"Don't forget to introduce me to the other members as soon as possible, and if you get famous please give me U-Kiss's autograph! HEHE! Bye~"

Then she closed the phone.
I'll meet the other members tomorrow! And grandma's here! Ah, what a good day :) I love this day~ love love love ♥ ♥ ♥

26 June, 2009

I've met the other members last week, Nara went crazy because I told her that Aiden Clark, Chase Rivera, Tyler Anderson, and Dylan King are in The Jaguars (the name of our new dance group.) Nara is really obsessed with those guys, she said they're really cute, she likes our leader, Aiden the most. Because she thinks that his image is really mysterious and cold, just like a vampire. Pft. Vampire? You have to see him when he's playing with the other boys, he's really funny yet silly. But, Chase and Tyler are the clowns of The Jaguars, love them ♥ well as my brothers, duh.

We were having our hard times this week. All we did was exercise exercise and exercise, it was tiring! Yesterday, we studied about leg splits...........oh no, that was horrible! E.T (his real name is Ethan, but people usually call him E.T. He's the boy's trainer) and Kimi (the girl's trainer) asked us to do leg splits. Tyler and Dylan didn't have any hard times, because they are an ex member of a karate club. Aiden and Chase had their hard times, their body were so stiff! They can't even do any of those elastics moves. We, the girls. Uh, Adele used to joined ballet classes when she was still in the elementary school. She still remember how to do splits. Me and Anne didn't take any ballet or karate lessons. We were dying! I don't want to remember that day again, EVER!

"The memory that made me cry whenever I thought about it is now a memory i can laugh about." - Eli♡ -> Someday I can laugh about this week's memory! SOMEDAY!!

Me, Anne, Aiden, and Chase actually succeeded when the trainer pushed us down. It hurts so bad, but that okay. I'm used to it now. Now I can do leg splits! Yay :D.

My mom and dad are away for 2 weeks, they have a job in Europe. My grandma is looking after me, but since she's sick I'm alone now. Next week I'll move to the dorm :) I already tell my parents about this, and they said yes. But I have to promise I'll come home on every weekend if I have a time. Oh, and Nara. She really want to meet the other members, Anne and Adele met her already. But, Nara haven't meet the boys, she said she really want to meet Aiden Clark.

When I was reading a book, my phone rang. And it was from Nara.

"Dey!" she said.

"Hey! Why are you calling?"

"Nothing, I want to ask you when will you move to the dorm."

"Um, next week."


"The apartment/dorm is near our school. So if summer has ended you can come over. Oh, and you can come next week to our house warming party. Aiden and the other boys are going to be there! So make sure you'll come~."

"Ah, I can't wait!" she said. I bet she really want to meet Aiden, her idol. I think? Well no, her idol is Kibum from U-Kiss. But I think she has a little crush on Aiden.

"Okay, see you next week! Bye~"

"Bye bye~"

And then I closed the phone. After that I received a text from my dad.

Daelyn, your grandma is sick. And no one
there in her house, now. Why don't you come over
and look for her there? Maybe you can stay a night over there too.

I replied....

I'll come to her house today, dad. I'll use your card that you
left me, okay? And I can't stay over a night there, cause her
house is 30 minutes away from the dancing school. And
there's practice tomorrow.

My parents barely called me, it was because they're too busy.
So today I visited my grandma in her house. I went there with a bus, my grandma had a high fever. Thank God, she's okay now. My grandma said that Ayumi, my cousin from Japan came will come sometimes today. Whoa, I miss Ayumi soo much! She and her family came on 2 pm and we played together. She asked me to dance, and I danced to her favorite Japanese boyband Hey! Say! JUMP!

We had soo much fun♥ I hope I can stay one night there, but I can't. Since there'll be practice tomorrow TT.TT

And on 5 pm I went back home with a taxi.

note note note note ➪ I can't wait for next week! It might be awesome~♪

2 June, 2009

I've done packing, I bring my iPhone and MacBook Pro 13 Inch. with me~ cause Kimi said there's wifi there in our dorm! Ah, I wonder how many money did the dancing school spent just for our dorm.......

3 June, 2009.

I woke up at 8 am today, woohoo I'm really excited! I ate my breakfast by myself then I went outside, carrying my suitcase. It was pretty heavy =_=. I gave the my house and gate key to Mrs. Brown, my neighbor. And after I gave it to her I texted my mom.

I'll be going to the dorm today, mom ^^
I gave the house and the gate key to Mrs. Brown
oh and I left dad's card on the living room's table..
Take care ^^
I'll visit you every weekend~
Byebye (^ ௰ ^)

After I sent the text I called the taxi and the driver helped me with the suitcase. It was really heavy, I can't carry it to the luggage T^T but, Thank God the driver can do it :D

I sat on the back sit and I gave him the address. 30 minutes in the taxi~ finally I arrived. The building is really big............

"Thank you." I said to the driver, he was taking out my suitcase from the luggage. After he took out my suitcase I gave him $20, "keep the change."

"Thank you." the driver said.

I went in the building and I sat on a sofa in the lobby. I put my suitcase beside me then I made a phone call to Anne.

"Hey! Where are you? I'm in the dorm." said Anne.

"Sorry! This apartment is 30 minutes away from my house." I said.

"Ooh, by the way. Where are you now?"

"I'm in the lobby."

"Okay, stay there. I'll come there. Bye."

Then she closed the phone. After 2 minutes of waiting (if I'm not mistaken) she came out from the lift, and then she helped me with the suitcase. Our dorm is on the 9th floor. Anne said our dorm is a penthouse WOW! No wonder, cause it has 3 floors, hahaha. -_-.

"The boys except Dylan has already arrived." said Anne.

"Really? What about Adele?"

"Their house is 1 hour away. I think they might be late."

"Are they neighbor or something?"

"Yeah, their house is really near to each other."

"Ah, I see.."

"Oh here we are." said Anne. When the lift door opened, there's no other rooms except for that big door. Then I found out that big door is our dorm's door.

"This door is really big, huh?" said Anne.

"Yeah, I wonder how big it is inside."

"Well, its a penthouse. So its REALLY BIG! Oh and we're going to be in the same room with Adele. We're room mates~! Yay!"


Anne opened the door, she was right. The apartment is REALLY big! Whoa, its really really big. The style of the apartment is minimalist, its really full of glasses and mirrors. The floor is from woods. Ah, I'm loving this life♡

Anne asked me to meet our new manager. And I met him, he was watching Japanese tv show in his room. I think its Ninja Warrior or something. I used to watch that show EVERYDAY. But I don't have a time to watch that show again T_T

His name is Mr. Shin, he's from Japan. And he could speak 6 different languages, I was really surprised when I heard that. Is he a bilingual? I don't know hehehe, cause he doesn't know it either.

I came to visit the boy's room........and it was really messy, it was because Dylan wasn't there yet. He'll be mad if he saw this mess.

"uliui magnaega igos~" said Anne.

"Oh, hi Dey!" said Aiden.

"Oh! Magnae~~!!" said Tyler, Chase

"Stop calling me magnae!!" I protested.

"Call me." said Tyler, "and me" said Chase. "Oppa first, then we'll stop calling you magnae." they said it together, it was hilarious! They were really funny when they said that.

"No!" I said.

"Okay, then...." said Tyler looking at Chase. And Chase looked back at Tyler

"Magnae magnae lalalala magnae~♪♪" sang Chase and Tyler.

Oh my God, they're making a song with 'magnae' in it -_- it was really annoying! Aiden and Anne laughed, I laughed too. But its kinda annoying.

"Okay!" I said. And then Tyler and Chase stop singing. "Oppa~?♥" I said imitating Girls Generation's Sooyoung when she said 'Oppa' with a REALLY CUTE version in Invincible Youth.

"WAHAHAHAHAHA!" Tyler and Chase laughed, they fell on the carpet. See! the 'oppa' cute version is the bomb!

Aiden and Anne just laughed.

"WHERE DID YOU LEARN THAT?! HAHAHA" said Aiden while laughing.


"Oh my God, that 'oppa' thing almost killed me!" said Chase.

"I almost fainted! That was Sooyoung's aegyo attack!" said Tyler. "I never thought that Dey's version is so much more aegyo~!"

"EXACTLY!" said Tyler.

"Omg, you guys know SNSD?" I asked Tyler and Chase.

"YES!!" said them both, "we are obsessed with them." said Tyler.

"Gee gee gee gee baby baby baby." said Chase while doing the crab-leg dance, Aiden and Tyler joined him too.

Oh my God, boys -_-

15 minutes later Dylan and Adele arrived.

Adele opened the door and she said, "Hey guys!"

Dylan froze in front of the door, Adele saw him froze. And then she said "CLOSE YOUR EARS!!!" Adele ran away from Dylan the other members too including me! I covered my ears with my hand Tyler and Chase were hiding under the bed, and Aiden ran away to the corner of the room and covered his ears also.

"CLEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN THIS UPPPPPPP!!" screamed Dylan, whoa, my ear hurts when I heard him screaming.

Me and the others cleaned the room immediately, I joined them also. First tip, don't make the room messy when Dylan's there, because he'll be really MAD!

First day in the dorm was really fun♥
Oh and tomorrow is the house warming party~!
Can't hardly wait for it~
♠ ♠ ♠
So here it is, the first chapter! I hope you guys like it~

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