Status: Active

I Only Had Eyes For You

Chapter 6

May 2, 2010

It was only a few days after meeting Angela’s brothers that Amber told me some bad news. She was moving. Not just into a different house, but back to her hometown.

In moving, Amber was giving up her babysitting job. Even though I had a job already, Amber couldn’t think of anyone else who might be interested in doing it. I agreed to do it since I would be able to get done babysitting and get back to town before I had to be at my other job. You see, she babysat in another town. One that was about thirty minutes away.
I wouldn’t be starting the job for a few weeks, but that also meant Amber was leaving in that short period of time.

A few days after Amber left, there was going to be another party. Since it was the night before I would start the babysitting job, she came back for the night. We went and had a good time at the party.

We each only got about three hours of sleep before we had to get up to go babysit. Let me tell you, it was a long day.

The boys we babysat were cute. One was two the other was three. Riley was two and his brother, Sam, was three. They had a sister who was five, Molly. She had already started school, so we didn’t have to watch her.

When we got there, Jen had made breakfast. Jen was the boys’ mom. She stayed at home while we babysat and slept in her room. Amber and I wondered why she would hire a babysitter if she was at home, but we didn’t think too much into it, since we were getting paid to be there.

Jen really wanted us to eat breakfast there. She had made too much. Obviously, we were not feeling too well yet, and breakfast food doesn’t help you feel much better, either. We politely declined.

We made the boys lunch around noon and a few hours after that, Jen woke up and went to pick up Molly from school. As soon as Jen got back, we were free to leave.

On the car ride back to my house, I gave Amber money for the concert we were planning to see later that month.

The next couple days were torture. Without Amber, the boys were much rowdier. I couldn’t wait until it was four o’clock and I was able to leave.

The day of the concert finally came. I got off work at about the time Amber was getting into town. I changed and we printed out directions to the venue and were on our way.

We listened to one of the bands that had cancelled this stop on the tour for most of the ride. The other part was spent by listening to the head lining band, Hollywood Undead.

We stopped at the Mall of America before the show started. I bought two band tees and a belt. I also bought bows for my hair. I was tired of my bangs falling in my face all the time.

The concert was as fun as we hoped it would be.

I spent the majority of the time checking out this really cute guy that was about twenty feet away from us. I wanted to go talk to him, but Amber wouldn’t let me. We were in a big city after all. Not everyone was nice and friendly here.

After the concert was over, I drove us to my house. Amber slept so she would be able to drive herself the hour and a half home. I went straight to bed after walking in the door.
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Comment and stuff. It would make a great birthday present. (It was the 27th, which was least where I am in the world.)