Vegas Vacation

The One At The Miracle Mile : Part 1

Roxie’s POV

Slushie Stealer had to pass Keri and I in order to get to his seat. The flight attendant eventually caved and let him store his guitar case up in the front with her. If I was in her position, I would have thrown it out the door before we took off. But then again, that’s just because he took the last strawberry slushie from me this morning. Flight attendants probably have more important things to do than get slushies for themselves in the morning.

So as S.S. was passing us, I sent him the coldest look I could. He attempted to smile at me, but I just glared at him some more. He quickly made his way back to his seat and I looked over at Keri, who was frowning.

“You should cut him some slack. I mean, I’m sure he didn’t wake up today and say ‘Hmm, how can I ruin some girl’s day today?’” She said.

She’s got a point.

I turned around in my chair and scanned all the seats behind me, only to find that S.S. was looking right back at me. How awkward is that? I turned back around in my chair and slouched, “True…but still…”

But I didn’t get to finish my sentence because the flight attendant started doing her spiel about exits and how to put on our seat belt and stuff.

The flight was an hour and a half long, but it seemed to fly by.

Get it? Fly by? I’m on a plane?

Oh forget it. I thought it was clever.

During the plane ride, Keri and I learned we had a lot in common, such as (obviously) Paramore, the musical RENT, and a love for the TV show FRIENDS. We were quoting the show back and forth for who knows how long, and when Keri did her Janice impression, I almost sprayed the Coke that I was drinking all over the seat in front of me.

Mark Salling kept looking over at us – well more like kept looking at Keri – and was trying to hide his smile behind the magazine he was reading because we were being dorks. God, why doesn’t he just come over and make a move on her already? Which (as if reading my mind) is exactly what he did, as soon as the pilot turned off the seat belt sign.

Keri played it cool and crossed her legs, acting as if it was no big deal that one of the stars from the most popular TV show in the universe wasn’t walking up to her.

“Excuse me,” Mark said, bending so he was eye level with Keri.

Keri, being super smooth, slowly turned her head and smiled, “Yes?”

“I was just wondering, did it hurt?” He asked her.

“Did what hurt?” She blinked.

“Did it hurt… when you fell from Heaven?” He delivered the pick up line and ended it with a charismatic smile.

Now see, if a guy had said that to me, I would have snorted. But Keri let out the tiniest chuckle and then titled her head, “Jeez, is that the best you’ve got?” she asked him. Mark looked sort of surprised – no, not sort of, he looked really surprised – that she didn’t giggle her face off.

Apparently that’s the reaction he was used to. So when Keri had replied with something other than a hysterical laughter fit and a ‘OMGZ UR SO FUNNY’ , he looked taken aback.

“Ummm…” was all he said.

Keri : 1 ; Mark : 0

Keri rolled her eyes and pulled a pen out of her pocket. With pen in right hand and her left hand holding Mark’s arm still, she scribbled her cell phone number and name on his arm.

“Call me when you actually have something witty to say.” She told him, putting the pen back in her pocket. She said it like she was bored though – like there were plenty of other guys better than Mark who she could hang out with. It was pretty impressive, I got to admit.

After Mark had agreed to call her later and went back to his seat, she turned her attention back to me to find that I was gaping at her.

“Dude, that was so freakin’ cool! He was totally gaga over you and you were all ‘Call me when you’re witty’!” I squealed, but keeping my voice low enough so Mark couldn’t hear us.

Keri shrugged and smirked, “Eh, that was nothing. You should have seen when Zac Efron came up to me, but I was all ‘Dude, you’re dating that Vanessa Hudgens girl,’ like I had to remind him he had a girlfriend!”

“Eww, what a pig.”

“I know, right?”

We found out we were both staying at the Hard Rock Hotel when we landed, and so we agreed to meet down in the lobby and walk to the Miracle Mile mall later after we had finished unpacking.

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Teddy’s POV

Welllll, that figures. The girl that went totally psycho on me about my slushie ends up on the same plane ride as me and is going to Vegas too. Yeah, that figures. Just my luck. I tried to smile at her on the way to my seat but she looked like she was about to shoot laser beams out of her eyes and kill me.

Of course, when I tried to smile at her again when we got off the plane and into the airport in Vegas, she ignored me and kept talking to the girl who sat next to her on the plane.

“TEDDYYYY!” I heard someone scream. I looked around and saw my family waiting at the baggage claim for me. My younger ten year old sister was the one who screamed my name – and who kept screaming – as she ran up to me and wrapped her arms around my middle.

“Hey sis,” I ruffled her hair and hugged her back.

“When are you coming home?” She looked up at me, “AJ and I miss you. And Mom and Dad keep fighting. It’s scary. I think that’s why we’re here, so they can…can…AJ, what was it again?” Still holding on to me, she turned around and looked at my fifteen year old brother AJ who was slowly making his way up to us.

“’Rekindle the flame they once had’.” AJ finished for her, “Or at least, that’s what Dad said. Though I doubt it. Ever since you left for L.A., Mom’s been flipping out a lot and taking it out on Dad.”

“Awesome. Way to not guilt trip me, man.” I glared at him.

AJ just shrugged.

With my sister Rachel holding on to me on my right side and AJ walking beside me on my left, we three got my luggage and approached my parents. After hugs and small talk, we drove to the Hard Rock Hotel and got settled into our rooms. My parents and my sister stayed in one room while AJ and I shared another.

Half an hour later though, I got bored.

“I’m going to the Miracle Mile. Wanna come?”

“No.” AJ replied. He was upside down on his bed, flipping through channels before finally settling on some reality TV show that greatly resembled Fear Factor.

“Okay. Tell Mom and Dad I’ll be back in a couple hours.”

“Right.” He said, even though I doubt he heard a word I said. So I sent a quick text to Dad telling him that I was going to go walk around for awhile . He told me that was fine, as long as I was back by 6 because he bought tickets for a Beatles tribute band show tonight.

Oh the Beatles. What geniuses they were. Rest in peace John and George.

At the Miracle Mile, I didn’t have to worry about being noticed. I haven’t come out with any new music in a while and everyone’s forgotten about me. It’s like I was popular, and then the Jonas Brothers were popular, and now Justin Beiber is popular. The music world is a lot like the fashion world. Like Heidi Klum says – one day you’re in and the next day you’re out. So true.

Anyway, I didn’t have to be on the lookout for crazy teenage girls; except I DID have to be on the lookout for one crazy teenage girl. The one who yelled at me earlier today about taking her slushie. I mean, hello, it’s not like her name was on it or anything. Did I know that it was the last strawberry slushie? Of course not. But she flipped out and started screaming at me about how her boyfriend broke up with her and it was too early in the morning and it was all over a stupid SLUSHIE.

Oh, speak of the devil, there she is now.