Status: In progress. But some feedback would be nice :))

It's the Truth.


I DO want a boyfriend. There's no doubt about that. But what I really just want is -

*I just want someone to warm my hands when they're cold. Which is constantly. I mean, not really in the summertime- but I still wouldn't mind holding hands. I'm talking about come fall and winter- I'd rather have someone's hands holding mine than a pair of mittens.

* I want to lay my head on his shoulder and watch a movie. Preferably something Disney. I'm still waiting for someone to have a Disney movie marathon with...

* I want someone who will laugh at my lame attempts to tell jokes and stories.

*I want someone who can make me blush.

*I want someone who knows Pokemon. I never watched it as a kid and I really want someone to watch it with me and tell me everything I need to know.

*I want to look into his eyes. That's all. Because you can tell a lot about a person through their eyes. Also hands. I really really like hands.
- But don't worry. I won't judge if you don't have eyes or hands. We can work around that. I believe you're beautiful no matter what.

*I want that sense of knowing exactly when they walk into a room, even if I can't see them.

That's what I want. I want to be in love. It may take forever. I may never find that person. But, God, Fairy Godmother, Universe, Anyone...? Can you just please help me find someone? I'm not looking for perfection. I just want someone who I can smile with.