Status: active



When mom fell asleep I went to Flemmings.
I climbed out the window and walked for about two hours.
I tried thinking about what to say to dad.
I wondered if yelling was the right way to go about things.
When I reached the restaurant they were walking to dad's car.
He helped her into the passengers seat the way he used to do mom.
He smiled the way he used to when he was happier.
He held onto her hand a little longer than necessary.
I was cold and shivering and crying and so angry that I could have screamed.
But I didn't because well, I couldn't.
My voice wasn't working.
The lady, her, that woman.... I recognized her from dad's job.
Sandra something or other.Maybe it was Stacey, or Susan
or Daphne.
Her name didn't really matter. Cheating is cheating.
I watched them pull out of the parking lot from behind a tall bush.
Then I started to walk home because I didn't know what else to do.
I wandered the neighborhood for a while and ran into a guy from school.
He was driving a car with two kids I didn't recognize.
One of them looked sick.
"Are you alright?" He asked.
He seemed concerned, but I wasn't sure.
"Yeah," I said. "I'm fine."
Then he looked at me for what felt like forever.
And I stood there looking lost and confused, and scared, and probably sad.
For a moment, I forgot where I was.
Then out of nowhere he opened his mouth and said
"Okay then. Goodnight."
He said it in a nice way, like he really wanted to help me out.
But I just waved goodbye and watched him start the car.
He drove off and I stood there like an idiot wishing
that I had gone with him.
♠ ♠ ♠
This one feels long, but I know it isn't.