Sequel: Friends or Family?

You can't break a heart that's already broken.


"Time for school!" Some one yelled from the floor under me. I groaned and gave a great huff before getting out of bed. I took a quick shower and changed into black skinny jeans and and avenged hoodie. All I had under the hoodie was a red tank top. I really didn't bother to show off today. My eyes wore only eye liner and nothing else.
Matt offered me waffles when I came down to the table. I ate one at a rather fast pace and checked the time.
It was just seven but school started at 7:30. We needed to get there early.
Matt decided to take me for what ever reason. We climbed into his car (which I can not name) but I have no idea what kind. I think it was some kind of Range Rover. We drove the fifiteen minutes to the high school and parked. I followed Matt like a lost puppy into the school. He seemed to know what he was doing.
Kids hung out around the school having a smoke or just talking with friends.
"How can I help you?" The secreatary asked when we reached the office. I grew silent
"She's knew." Matt stated.
"Molly Sanders." Matt stated with confidence.
It wasn't until now that I noticed kids looking at us. I almost forgot my father was 'famous'. The secretary typed my name in and gave me my schedule.
"If you would like we can find an assistent student to helpl her find her classes?"
Matt stared at me and I just shook my head no.
" See you later." Matt said in an ackward way. he gave me a small side hug and walked out of the office."Oh, and I'll pick you up at the front of the school." He shouted at me. I gave him a small nod and walked the other way.
I noticed that my classes were the same as before. Math, science, music and art. I am in tenth grade. I seemed I almost forgot. The order of the actual classes were didfferent.
First was Math.
It was room 17 so it had to be on the first floor. I looked around for awhile until I suddenly ran into a girl. She looked at my oddly for a few seconds then kind of rushed off. I turned to look back at her but she was already lost in the crowd. From what I noticed she had light pink hair cut and a soft face. I really didn't know what to think of her. I decided just to keep walking.
Right before the bell rang I found the class. I looked at the teacher and right away she noticed I was a new student. All the kids filed in and she made me stand there like an idiot. When everyone was there and silent the teacher anounced that I was a new student with a little to much happiness. Atleast she let me pick where I wanted to sit, after she handed me a six-hundred page book for math. Of course I didn't have a back pack to put it in.
I sat in the very right corner of the room. No one sat next to me but some girl sat infront of me. I just listened to the teacher go on and on about the very first computers and what they were used for.
I jumped out of my seat the second the bell rang. You could say I was happy to be out of that class.
I rushed to room 25, I think for science. A few daring kids tried to say hi to me but I ignored them and walked away.
Science had only one extra seat. The teacher didn't introduce me infront of the class (luckily) but of course everyone stared at me when they said my last name. I wanted to run and hide. This was only second period.
Do you really know Zacy vengance?
It was writted on a peice of notebook paper that was thrown on my desk. I looked over to the girl sitting to my right. She had long brown hair and bangs that cut over her eyes. She peaked at me under her hair. I decided I had nothing better to do then write back.
Who wants to know? I passed over the note.
I do. She replied.
Who is you? She have me an odd look but answered me anyway.
They call me Roxy.Who are they?
None of your business.
Ok then.
I stopped passing her notes. I was smart enough to distract her from her original question.
The teacher dragged on about human evolution, it was stuff I already learned about. My mind wandered everywhere but the class room. It was so boring.
The bell rang and I tried to shoot out of my chair but I something caught my arm. I looked over and saw Roxy.
" Do you ummm, want to hang out? I could show you all the main hang out spots and ...stuff." She just bearly whispered to me. I searched her eyes to see if she was lying.
"Sure." I replied. I might as well try to make a friend.
Then I just walked off to lunch.
I was planning to just sit in a tree and let the lunch period pass but fate had other plans.
"Hey you! New girl, come over here!" I looked over to see the pick haired girl I saw that stared at me earlier that day. "Hey." She stated when I got closer.
"hey." I replied back blankly.
"My name is Maria what's yours?" This girl is to happy!
"Want to hang out with me and the gang for lunch?"
"No thanks." I simply stated.
I walked off to find a good tree. She seemed shocked but I just brushed the guilty feeling off.
I walked over to my next period class. Music it was.
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Sorry it got cut off!
Sorry I ment to do the whole school day but a small emergance came up so i must go!
Sorry it is NOT spell checked but I will reread it tomarrow, but for now I must bid you goodbye
P.S It's not too late for character suggestions