Sequel: Friends or Family?

You can't break a heart that's already broken.


I felt like a weight was lifted from my shoulders. I got out of bed with a small spring in my step. I changed and showered in record time. My outfit was just faded gray jeans(That were once black.), my worn out, plain black sneakers and a *gasp* Avenged Sevenfold shirt. I skipped down the steps two at a time. My hand stole a pancake from Jimmy and a piece of toast from Brian. Jimmy stared at me like he was trying to make me give the pancake back with mind control. Brian just put more toast in the toaster.I happily skipped to Matt's car with the stolen treasure in hand.
I jumped in the car and buckled my seat belt. Matt came at his own snail like place. He got into the car and made a single word.
"Oh, shit!" I screamed out.
I guess I was a bit bi-polar today. I ran into the house and up to my room in a huff to grab my bag. I made a mental note to never do it again. Why? Running up and then down three flights of stairs is not fun!
Getting out of the car when we were finally at the school was also not fun.
I was jumped by a big black blob.
"You said you would call me! You liar!" Some girl said. He face rang a bell.
"Remember? I gave you me number? Were going to hang out after school?"
"Oh yeah! Now I remember!" I just don't remember your damn name!
"You don't remember, do you?" She guessed/noticed.
"Nope." I popped the 'P'.
"It's me, Roxy."
"Um." I racked my brain to remember.
"Come on! I even told you my name!" She got angry easily I guess.
I turned around just in time to see the pink poodle come forward, more like charge into me. I landed on the ground with a small 'oomph''. Pixie sat on my back as if she was on her 'high horse'. She didn't seem to plan to get off anytime soon.
"Off. Now. Can't. Breathe." I informed her.
"You.Me.After school. Don't forget."
"Hey! She's mine today! I claimed her yesterday!" Roxy let her know her.
What am I a piece of meat?
"Get off me now!" I screamed, well as best I could.
The bell rang at that moment.
"Please!" I begged.
"N-" Pixie was caught off by Oliver pulling her off my back. I scrambled up as quick as a fish out of water.
"I couldn't be more in debt to you right now." I pledged to Oliver. With that I raced to class.
I took my seat in my first period math, yuck. I did notice that Maria (I think? I'm not good with names.) sat right in front of me. I tried to talk to her but she shushed me. All I could think of was that she was such a Goody-goody-two-shoes. The period droned on. Science was no different because Roxy wasn't there. She was probably in trouble or skipping.
Lunch I sat alone again. Pixie, Roxy and Maria(?)all invited me to sit with them but I didn't want to have to choose between them so I decided just to sit alone.
"Hey, where are we meeting tonight?" Roxy asked, before lunch was over.
"How about the ice cream shop on plain street?" I suggested. I remember passing it when I ran away.
"Sure, so four O'clock?"
"OK, meet you there."
"OK, don't forget!" With that said, she walked off just as the bell rang.
Music class gave me a headache. Pixie talked on and on like a teacher but she stayed far away from talking about school. I liked pixie but one person could only take so much energy.
Art kinda pissed me off. I couldn't get the waves in my ocean picture right. The more I tried to fix them, the worse they became before I gave up and drew a random stone washed up in the sand. I pretended to be in deep thought every time the teacher would walk by. Oliver still wouldn't allow me to see his picture.
Matt picked me up today and I was in a sour mood. Maybe it was the fact that the world sped by no matter how hard I tried to slow it down. Maybe it was the fact that I saw how perfect everyone else was around me, the breathe taking blonds and the mind-blowing jocks. It was all so unfair. Something stuck me inside. I am just so angry all the time.
The twenty minute car ride was kept in deep silence while I thought. A steady, light rain had picked up against the window.
Once home I ran to right past all the guys....and girls, and went to my room. I was out of breathe by the time I got there. I opened my window and allowed the cool air in.
The rain didn't dare to enter my room. Well at least that is what I liked to think.
I stayed locked inside my room. The guys pounded on my door and told me dinner was ready. I didn't feel hungry. My back stayed against the wall staring at all the sea glass I refused to pick up. The picture of me and Jimmy was safe under my pillow.

I forgot all about meeting Roxy.
♠ ♠ ♠
Don't worry there is a reason for her unhappyness (semi explained in the ending)
I hate to admit I was kinda sad I didn't get any comments but w/e.
I have internet and my hands are healed!
Updates will be much more often!